whats the point....

3 seasons isnt enough for a good show like this...Im just starting to know the Garveys and like them all in different ways...and then the show is just gonna end?? wtf is my question...a good show like this where you really care about the characters need more seasons and episodes...atleast 5...Im not in it for the big mystery anymore, Im in it for the Garvey characters and their life in the future...was the same with Penny Dreadful show...ended right when you really starting to connect with the characters, that is why I never thought that Lost was to many seasons or walking dead...I wanna hang with the charcaters Ive gotten to know. 3 seasons for this show is a travesty...all my time invested just flushed away...Im starting to wonder whats the point in even following a show anymore when they always end when you starting to feel and care for the characters and then we have crap shows like CSI or N C I S who goes on forever and ever...I dont *beep* get retarded Hollywood and their fixation in shows when they cant *beep* keep em going atleast 5-7 seasons...

~If the realistic details fails, the movie fails~


I totally agree with you. You'll probably get a lot of responses saying how the quality of the show can't be maintained past 3 seasons...which is a bunch of BS. I think the real reason is ratings. I think not enough people knew about the show, which caused subpar ratings, and HBO reluctantly agreed to pay for 1, just 1, more season.


Thank you Paul_Ke, nice to see that there is some more out there who think this fixation in ending great shows just when they start to get interesting...but maybe you are right, maybe this was one that flew under to manys radar and the ratings was to low...just sad to see that the ratings is everything when it comes to quality but when it comes to lame crap shows like those I mentioned above or Law and Order or even Hawaii five-O then they can make millions of episodes...do these shows really have that superior rating and viewers?? If so...its a sad world we are living in....

~If the realistic details fails, the movie fails~


Yeah I agree it's pretty sad, I have pretty high hopes that they will be able to end it on a high and fairly satisfy note, but I have no doubt they could have done at least 4 or 5 great seasons of this show.


I found the show interesting right from the start and I'm always worried about shows going on too long, becoming stale, bored versions of what they once were, so I'm fine with just three seasons.

In general I'm actually really glad that American tv, at least cable and streaming shows, have moved away from 6738 episodes per season and running forever

Quality is always better than quantity.


Agreed- they ran through the book in the entire first season, but season 2 was so well written that I think they could ring out another 3-4 seasons and tell an epic story. But as another already said, it's not a 'sexy' show- hell, it's not even critically acclaimed for the most part.

As an example- I truly felt that Ann O'Dowd deserved an Emmy & Golden Globe nod for season 2, but she wasn't even nominated. I'm telling you what, her performance was completely brilliant and she had me spellbound.

There's no money in it for HBO, who has done a pretty stellar job of pissing their success down their legs. I remember watching Sopranos, SatC, and my personal favorite- Six Feet Under all in the same time period and then they got cocky. Now you've got Game of Thrones ending, and what's left? They really didn't stick any real money into promoting this show, so I don't know how they could reasonably expect to gain much attention for a show that's withering on the vine.

It's too bad, too. I really love the darkness, the character development, the stories and how they intertwine ever so delicately with each other; rooting for characters I never thought I would, crying over the losses, laughing hysterically at the darkest humor, waiting for 7 days to pass to see the next episode.

So much crap on TV, and the shows that actually add to the artistry are gone with no attention paid.


50 episodes would have been great.
