Mysterious bvll$hit

Thats the phrase, that one of the characters utters in the series, that sums up the series. The direction is great, the acting is flawless and electric, the editing, music, originality - all above anything else. Individual scenes are shocking, hearbreaking, powerful. But the screenplay and characters are too unbelievable, there's too much things unexplained, and behaviour of characters is absurd. Because of the departion the world has gone mad? The style of the show is realistic and i don't believe it. It's all very intriguing at first, but ends up complete bvll$hit and is watchable only because of the HBO(in that case WB) masterminds behind it(which no doubt polished the screenplay and produced it flawlessly). No believability in world, characters, their doings and motivations.


so do you like it or not, you seem pretty conflicted


I do not.


Thats the phrase, that one of the characters utters in the series, that sums up the series. The direction is great, the acting is flawless and electric, the editing, music, originality - all above anything else. Individual scenes are shocking, hearbreaking, powerful. But the screenplay and characters are too unbelievable, there's too much things unexplained, and behaviour of characters is absurd. Because of the departion the world has gone mad? The style of the show is realistic and i don't believe it. It's all very intriguing at first, but ends up complete bvll$hit and is watchable only because of the HBO(in that case WB) masterminds behind it(which no doubt polished the screenplay and produced it flawlessly). No believability in world, characters, their doings and motivations.

Did you watch all of the S1 and S2 episodes?

“Enduring commercials is the price you pay for free television.”


Yes, the show is not believable because of absurd behavior of characters and world building, but its very well produced.


Yes, the show is not believable because of absurd behavior of characters and world building, but its very well produced.


One man's bvll$hit is another man's fertilizer.

“Enduring commercials is the price you pay for free television.”


Because of the departion the world has gone mad?

see, that's the part that is the most unbelievable for me too -- but not the way you mean. I mean I can't believe has ONLY gone that bat$h!t lol I think there'd be way more hysteria and cults and end-of-days BS going on in the world. it would be the last days of Rome, insanity!

Someone who disagrees with you is NOT a hater 😉


see, that's the part that is the most unbelievable for me too -- but not the way you mean. I mean I can't believe has ONLY gone that bat$h!t lol I think there'd be way more hysteria and cults and end-of-days BS going on in the world. it would be the last days of Rome, insanity!

The show picks up three years after...maybe for that reason.

People have had time to go batcrap crazy AND THEN return to some semblance of normalcy. No matter how deep the loss or how great the catastrophe…at some point (3 years?)…”sane” people MUST somehow come to grips with whatever happened, start to put it behind them, and move forward with their lives.

“Enduring commercials is the price you pay for free television.”


I am inclined to agree. Building a show around a central mystery and then never addressing that central mystery? That's amateur hour stuff. The show "Lost" comes to mind. Hey, didn't Damon Lindelof also make that show? Ha ha.


Also: "departion"? DEPARTURE, goof.


Also: "departion"? DEPARTURE, goof.
I believe that the poster does not have English as his first language. Hence, "goof" seems inappropriate, since the passage seems fairly well-written for a non-native speaker. Thus, due to this realization, I feel more intelligent and much more full of grace than you... admittedly, a low hurdle.


I am inclined to agree. Building a show around a central mystery and then never addressing that central mystery? That's amateur hour stuff. The show "Lost" comes to mind. Hey, didn't Damon Lindelof also make that show? Ha ha.

Not only "never addressing that central mystery"; but saying straight out that he is NEVER GOING TO do so.

Watching something by Lindelof is like having a conversation with one of your 'blitzed' friends…you have to connect.a.lot.of.dots. Even then, you still can’t be sure that what they are saying AND what you are hearing are one and the same.

I guess viewers will just have to  and make of it what they will....

“Enduring commercials is the price you pay for free television.”


The show is based around a central mystery, but not based around discovering an explanation. It's based around the consequences of said mystery and how people come to terms with it. It exists this way to keep the audience in the dark as much as the characters they're viewing. This forces a connection between the audience and characters and so they become more easily empathized with. It's a pretty genius plot device, I think best described as a MacGuffin in the abstract.

In my opinion, this format is far superior to what is commonly done (giving answers), such as in Lost. It forces the audience to lose sight of the characters and the drama just in order to satisfy a lust for explanations which more often than not in fiction never actually satisfies the audience and in most cases devalues the story.

"Always leave them wanting more."

The cold winds are rising. Winter is coming.




LOST answered pretty much everything, regardless of liking this show or not.

This show is how characters react to something with zero explanation that, even with our modern tools and such, cannot and will not ever be explained. It's really something that hasn't been done, which makes it quite unique and interesting for a show (and, depending on who you are and what you like, incredibly frustrating).


Thanks, that's what I needed to know. Watched two episodes and was thinking this could go both ways, either be an interesting story, or some character drama BS that uses the "mystery" as a plot device.

Lost is what I was thinking about too, so much potential, but turned out writers had no idea what they were actually writing about so it turned to crap. Then the copout ending that answered NOTHING. Please tell me how being dead answers anything in that show? Is being dead a plausible explantion for polar bears, flying monsters and a weird group of people doing secret experiments? All of that stuff was interesting, and the only reason I watched Lost when it was on, them being dead dosen't explain a damn thing, it just a way for the writers to say "we give up".

If the same guy made this then I'm sure that's why he'll NEVER even try to give it an ending this time, because he can't.

I'm so sick of these character dramas posing as sci-fi or mystery, interesting characters are great, but I don't want them to be the actual story, to me that's just lame and to me that suggests a lack of imagination. Anyone can come up with random mystery *beep* it takes a real writer to make it a story.

Now if someone could just tell me why the people in white are being weirdos I'm golden.


LOST is a terrible show, but they explain all of the things you just brought up, and the explanation has nothing to do with the fact that they are dead at the end of the show. You might not LIKE the explanation ( I certainly don't), but the polar bears, smoke monster, experiments etc. are all clearly explained in the show.


"I guess viewers will just have to and make of it what they will.... "

You mean... like... ART?????

What are we going to do without someone spoon-feeding us the conclusions???


Why does Lost come to mind? What central mystery wasn't explained in Lost?

The cold winds are rising. Winter is coming.


It's a Damon Lindorf show, of course it makes no sence, that's his hallmark.


This show wants you to think it is absurd, but it isn't. To your most rational parts it may appear absurd, but once you're in the world, and you witness human behavior, you will know the truth. Think about what you have seen in the news in your life, in your work place, on the roads, sheer idiocy the likes of which is almost impossible to comprehend.

To be fair we each have our moments. In my neighborhood it's amazing how confusing the 4 way stop is to my fellow citizens. And then there's the flashing yellow lights... it's not a trick question people... it's just a light.

If this show depicted people confused at stop signs, people stopping at yellow lights and waiting indefinitely while their brains slowly process that the other people have a red light, you might say it was absurd. But it happens everyday in America.

People do crazy things for crazy reasons. Thats a fact. They make mistakes. They perceive incorrectly. They let emotion and impulse get the best of them.

The shows where everyone does everything just right for just the right reasons, those are the BS shows. Real life is that nothing really makes any goddamn sense.


1.) People are not as predictable as you seem to believe they are.

2.) Why should the writers of this series be expected to tie situations up in easily understood packages that everyone understands with little or no thought? Is that how the reality you live in works for you?


2. Yes


Providing explanations takes the mystery out of it. To be frank, I have no interest in knowing what happened to the departed. The show isn't about that. It's about the events after. It's about people trying to make sense out of tragedy. It's about people connecting. It's about people who are lost.

It's drama at its finest. I think one of the character's speech sums up the events of October 14 perfectly, "Because on October 14, attachment and love became extinct. In an instant, it became cosmically, abundantly clear that you can lose anyone at any time. Our cave collapsed, Kevin. Now, we can spend all our time digging through the rubble looking for signs of life, or we can transform."

And yeah, it's unbelievable. Everything on the screen is, even a man with a red cape that flies around.

"I wish I wasn't afraid all the time, but I am."
-V for Vendetta
