So inconsistent and...

What is up with this show?? It had potential to be so good, but it was just a bunch of crap thrown together. It was like they were trying to appeal to stupid people who won't ask questions about what they're seeing. It was so empty. And it's too bad :(


Many would disagree with you. Perhaps if you listed some specific examples of the "crap thrown together", we could discuss.


This show is for imaginative, intelligent people, thats why stupid people label it "empty", and say its just "a bunch of crap thrown together".


The first thing i notice about intelligent people is that they don't call other people stupid.


And they don't use TV shows to feel intelligent.

I just finished seasons 1 and 2. I thought it was pretty amazing. I'm definitely going to grab the novel because I just love this story, and I'm excited for season 3. But anyone can sit down, watch a show, and then say that they like it or that it is brilliant. That is just as easy as criticizing it.

I was eager to lurk this board and see what kind of opinions were being thrown around since the show is so ambiguous, but I was prepared for some relentless jackassery for that same reason. Don't know why some posters seem to be so proud of themselves just for watching TV.


I didn't mean to come off so hostile. It was just that season 1 ended and there were no answers. I saw online that the book is about NOTHING supernatural. Just normal life after people disappear. If that's the case with the show, I wish they would stop teasing. Or give us some sort of explanation for the random things.


I wouldn't say we got "no" answers, we did get a lot. Again, list some specific examples of what you felt didn't get answered.


I wouldn't say we got "no" answers, we did get a lot. Again, list some specific examples of what you felt didn't get answered.

Season 2: Why were Evie and her friends running through the woods naked?

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throw off the scent of dogs looking for them while they hid in the trailer



throw off the scent of dogs looking for them while they hid in the trailer

The scent that dogs follow is on a person, not their clothes. Stripping naked wouldn't do anything to hide their scent. In fact it would ensure that their skin touches more brush, leaving even more of their scent to follow.

A more logical way to throw off the dogs would be to walk in the water as far as possible. Dogs can't track a scent through water.

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Season 2: Why were Evie and her friends running through the woods naked?
Could be an initiation requirement the Guilty Remnant came up with to make sure the girls would do whatever was asked of them.


I'm thinking it was there last time to feel alive and free after that they joined the Remnant..


I personally believe there is nothing random in the show.

I do believe that there does seem to be a "randomness", or perhaps arbitrary is a better term, concerning the Sudden Departure itself. I think the story of the "Leftovers" is people tying to make sense of it and what it means to live after an event such as this.


The characters and their behavior are often unbelievable and random, that's agreed.


Why do you need answers? Can't you appreciate a mystery?

The cold winds are rising. Winter is coming.


It's easy to come up with a mystery. Resolving it is the hard part.

Ex: A turd on the carpet? But he lives alone and doesn't have a dog. Where did it come from?

Normal writer: A pomeranian abandoned by the house's previous owners has been secretly living in his attic.

Damon Lindelof: [sly wink] The journey is more important than the destination.


I disagree with your comment.

It's as easy to come up with a resolution to a mystery as it is to invent the mystery itself.

The difficulty comes in making both satisfying and deserving of each other. It's a marriage that often ends in divorce without thoughtful connection.

The cold winds are rising. Winter is coming.


Why does everything have to be explained. Wouldn't that ruin it? I feel it would.


What is up with this show?? It had potential to be so good, but it was just a bunch of crap thrown together. It was like they were trying to appeal to stupid people who won't ask questions about what they're seeing. It was so empty. And it's too bad :(

Did you watch all of S1 and S2?

“Enduring commercials is the price you pay for free television.”


Season 2 is possible the best season of Television in a long number of years.


Agreed. ??



you must have missed True Detective S1
