Liv Tylers Character

I just need to get this off my chest. I think Liv Tyler is one of the worst "actresses" out there. I cringe every time she is in a scene. I don't think she bring much of anything to the show; she's now a higher-up in the Guilty Remnant, instituting violence, intimidation and rage among people, which I thought goes against their "beliefs". Her delivery with everything said is painful.

S2 Ep 9 I wish never was made. I completely avoided that episode.


I recently watched that S2 Ep9 for the 2nd time and while it's not one of my favorites, I generally disagree with you. Meg is someone who is, in many scenes, pretending to be normal when she's actually a psychopath. One of the points of the episode was to show that Meg's beliefs are very very different from the beliefs of the "mainstream" G.R., who reject her but, through the force of her personality, she starts a radical movement of recruits from the G.R. willing to do violence in order to get people to "remember." She reminds me in a way of Donald Trump and ditto the supporters of both. I find Liv Tyler to be remarkable the way she portrays the character to go from an attractive likable person to an ugly hateful one in an instant.


I just need to get this off my chest. I think Liv Tyler is one of the worst "actresses" out there. I cringe every time she is in a scene. I don't think she bring much of anything to the show; she's now a higher-up in the Guilty Remnant, instituting violence, intimidation and rage among people, which I thought goes against their "beliefs". Her delivery with everything said is painful.

S2 Ep 9 I wish never was made. I completely avoided that episode.

I like her portrayal!

She gives you the feeling that once, maybe, there was a conscience there; but, now there is NO LIMIT to the depth to which she is willing to sink…and (again) maybe not just to achieve her goal; BUT ALSO, because she can.

If Hitler had been a girl...this is probably how he would have been starting out at this age.

“Enduring commercials is the price you pay for free television.”


Meg is one of the most upsetting things to ever happen to me.

As long as I've "known" her, I have seen Liv Tyler as the embodiment of sweetness. There is just something in her face and voice and eyes that conveys true sweetness, goodness. Honestly, while I've always found her perfectly pleasant and lovely, I've found her a bit limited in range. (Assuming that this wasn't a stretch from Tyler's own personality, maybe.)

To see Meg be just a vicious soulless person who takes pleasure in the suffering of other people has spun my head around. So dark.

Could another actor have done it better? Sure, probably. But Tyler has the distinct advantage of playing against type. Hard. It's working for me.


^ I always thought she had a sweet face too (I thought it was just me).

It's weird to see her playing such a sinister


Season 2 is much broader than Season 1 generally and much more overtly steeped in otherworldliness: almost a battle of good and evil, something ancient. Although I prefer its representation in Season 1 I think it's realistic that the cult would morph into something much more extreme and militant--I think this is the nature of cults, to intensify and emaciate, to spiral toward death. Meg is almost satanic in Season 2, the darkest bodily interpretation of the core belief of The GR: that the world ended the day of The Sudden Departure and nothing beyond this belief matters anymore. That she represents all this with her soft, lulling features and tender voice makes it seem all the more a mockery of those attempting to carry on living as human beings.


i thought the scene in season 2 episode 9 when Meg was walking around the "campsight" while of all people,Olivia Newton Johns song "Magic",i believe thats the name was playing. Meg was just taking it all in as O N J sang 'you have to believe we are magic nothing can get in our way" . i thought that fit so well.
