MovieChat Forums > The Affair (2014) Discussion > Is this a Hallmark movie now? Lame as ev...

Is this a Hallmark movie now? Lame as ever.

Oh come on, what has happened to this show? Tonight both Vic and Cole just happen to land 2 20 somethings, just like that. Oh wait, one chick was wrapped in a towel, who just happened to be outside while Vic was lugging a trash bin.
Then we have Cole being lame and burning items in a high school ritual with his 20 something year old. Are the writers 15 years old, and have watched The Hills faithfully or something?

Lets not forget Allison who is deathly afraid of water, rewrite history on how her son died, and then goes on a boat with a stranger, only to fall backwards in the ocean? Where are the violins?
I am almost missing the awful french chick from season 3 , and thats not a good thing.


Yes, sloppy and lazy writing this season. The chick in towel is always doing her garbage bins. Do they collect daily? No it’s just an obvious set up.

The California cliches are so cheesy - new age crystal gal next door, the surfboard carver, the artsy surfy community with “the sure thing” artsy girl. I’ve been to Morro Bay. Mostly retirees and mom n pop stores.


I had hopes for the show since they bombed in season 3. The first 2 seasons were excellent. Now I believe this is the last season, and they are doing it this way, all apart from each other, not connected well, with other cast members we dont care about. They totally failed on going out memorably.
