Different stories

How I know which story is right :D This is so confusing and irritating :D This is proberly silly question but some stories are told too differently. Like that bar scene when Helen met Nate to the booktour . It seems Helen cleaned up story and Nate told how that all really went or did he :D I love this show but sometimes stories bluff me.


Do what? If you can't even get the main characters' names right, it doesn't come as a shock that you can't follow the storylines.


wow no need to be so aggressive!

The OP even says it's probably a silly question.

on topic: I guess you can't know who is "right" and maybe there is no "right" at all. Part of the fun for me is trying to find the nips and tucks the characters do to their stories and analyze why they do that.

For example the bar scene: In Helens POV she does not take tha cab but walks back to her hotel, in Noahs she takes the cab. It doesn't matter if she walked or took the cab. It's just alluding to her seeing herself as independant and strong while he rather seems to hang by his role of getting her the cab she needs.


I was asking the same question. Will we find out who's version is real? I'm on ep 5 s1. I think they're both real and it shows how differently ppl view things.


The stories are basically how the people remembered them. They're definitely different and there's different truths in each one. Usually, the truth is probably somewhere in-between.


Exactly. There is no objective truth.


That's the point. For every nasty action we see someone take, we see it from their own POV that they were trying to be nice instead.

It's virtually impossible to figure out who any of these people are, objectively. It's part of what makes the show enjoyable once you realize how subjective things are and how we each do this as well.
