Feel really sorry for Noah
He lost 3 years of his Life and he didn't even do the crime
Yeah the guy is a cheat but he doesn't deserve all this pain and hurt
He lost 3 years of his Life and he didn't even do the crime
Yeah the guy is a cheat but he doesn't deserve all this pain and hurt
... and I wonder why Allison wants nothing to do with him. She pushed Scotty! Noah did the honorable for both women!!
Dude from last season as correct when he said that Allison is a sociopath. There is a spectrum and she is somewhere on the spectrum. I don't see her as being able to have a true connection with any human being.
Conservatives, I hear your complaints. What are your solutions?
Allison didn't intentionally push Scotty into the path of an oncoming car, though. They were arguing and she pushed him. He was acting in kind of a threatening manner too. Then Helen was driving drunk and hit him. It was just a confluence of circumstances. If you ask me what Helen did was worse. Allison shouldn't have pushed someone when near a road, but driving drunk is inherently unsafe.
shareI agree. I think he realized Allison was a huge mistake in his life. I don't think he ever really loved her; I think he just felt obligated to her...
As Bill Burr put it, it's why we get paid a buck more an hour. ;-)
My Chimp DNA seems to have lost its password temporarily. Sluggr-2
It looks as if there is a lot of politicizing of Noah's decision on this thread. It's laughable. Noah is not a "men's rights" or a "white men's rights" symbol. He someone at the center of a complicated web of relationships, of lies and truths, fact and fiction. He is a damaged person who took the fall because he felt guilty about how badly he screwed his family and is in despair because of all the repercussions lining up. I think we are meant to see that original attraction between Noah and Allison at the diner as a tragedy in the making, not a plot leading to a lesson about men's victimization.
There are no uninteresting things, only uninterested people. – G.K. Chesterton
Yes, just look at how Allison is owning up to her issues. Sounded about as sincere as Bluto's apology in Animal House after smashing the guitar.
My Chimp DNA seems to have lost its password temporarily. Sluggr-2
Awww, poor white straight men. You have it so hard in life... 😴
People need to realize the privilege for any person comes from having money, the rich privilege and even then people have their own issues and burdens. Im so tired of so many people thinking their problems are so much worse and not respect that everyone has issues. Everyone is responsible for their own actions. Blaming does nothing but keep you where you are, positivity and actually doing something will always work better than blaming others.
People need to realize the privilege for any person comes from having money,
Yes, Noah took the blame to make it up to his wife. That meeting at the diner was so fateful for everyone. Just think if Allison hadn't been working that day, or if the family had left earlier or later, missing her shift or they decided not to stop and eat...
shareBut here in America, white men ( and some white blonde women ) do benefit greatly from white privilege.
Noah ( Dominic West ) doesn't look white...he looks like he could be mixed/ethnic. Can easily play a bi-racial, middle eastern or latino..def not wasp. I really like his acting (and body) but odd casting choice to play guilty 'white guy'.
I dont get this entire idea of why Noah went to jail for these women?