MovieChat Forums > The Affair (2014) Discussion > Anyone else think Gunther was kinda hot ...

Anyone else think Gunther was kinda hot as guard?

I dunno why, but I thought Gunther was quite attractive as a guard. I know that he has been revealed as a manifestation of Noah's own self hatred, but I found him really quite sexy. I dunno what it was.

I guess he just comes across as such Very masculine and strong. The bit where he shouts at Noah saying 'you're going in the hole now!' was pretty attractive.

The REAL Gunther wasn't nearly as hot though. He looked older and soft.

My strength is greater than my weakness


Your post is exactly why gangster movies are so successful. Everyone (women especially) is attracted to power, and especially power with no fear of recriminations. It is very seductive, because most people wish they could do whatever they want with impunity. It is also why you-know-who won the presidency. No matter how bad he acts, he skates. You shake your head because you could never get away with that.


You are very very right. Something about strong men is really arresting. But theres a difference between the strength of a guy like Gunther and the so-called strength of the new president - new president isn't sexy, he's just a rich guy who brought his way to the top and alienated a bunch of marginalised people. But anyway, this isn't the thread for this :)

There is something about physical dominance that's really hard to underline. I guess because i'm a woman and I can't muster that kind of physical energy no matter how hard I try I find it sexy?
My strength is greater than my weakness


Your post is exactly why gangster movies are so successful. Everyone (women especially) is attracted to power, and especially power with no fear of recriminations.
Totally right. Look at how James Gandolfini as Tony Sopranos was deemed a sex symbol. If anyone looked like him in real life, they would not think this of him.

Never say never...


I dunno if he was hot but I liked the storyline to the point where I wished at least some of it wasn't hallucination and he remained in the story as a villain that Noah was unable to pin anything on


I never found him hot as the guard but i did find him quite attractive and more like the Brenden Fraser I used to know as the husband and loving dad in this weeks episode.


The bit where he shouts at Noah saying 'you're going in the hole now!' was pretty attractive.

Are you serious? Doesn't seem to me you could be, but who knows, maybe you are.

No, I thought he was creepy and an insane bully.


Are you serious? Doesn't seem to me you could be, but who knows, maybe you are.

No, I thought he was creepy and an insane bully.

Nothing to gain from not being serious. I like dominant real men and i guess the character exudes that dominance, for better or for worse.

Think about it this way - who's sexier? Mr Joe who may be a talented writer but is whimpy and can't fight to save his life or a man (boxer or thai boxer) who is physical strong and unafraid of confrontations? I know which one I prefer..

My strength is greater than my weakness



I know which one I prefer..

Exactly. Which is why Ben & Jerry's/Baskin Robbins (ice cream brands, for you furriners) makes 32 flavors.


Some people find joking and waiting for contrary reactions by other posters to be entertaining. It's not at all uncommon on IMBD (and other) boards.

A man is a man. There is no such thing as a "real" man, any more than there is a "real" woman. If you prefer dominant men, and it turns you on, that's your preference. Just be aware that it comes along with a lot of unpleasant baggage.

I can't see how Imaginary Gunther exudes anything better. He's a psychotic sadist, as presented by Noah in prison.

I can't in a million years imagine myself ever being attracted to someone who's a boxer, Thai or whatever other nationality. I'd take the talented writer (who may or may not have a gun, for times when it's necessary). I prefer intellectual braun over physical, if I have to choose between the two extremes.


Again, I'm not trying to get a reaction of people, just forming a discussion. I felt a bit odd being attracted to Gunther so wondered if I was the only one, thats all.

If you like a certain type of man, that's fine, i'm not judging you, but i just like speaking to like minded people.

My strength is greater than my weakness


Again, I'm not trying to get a reaction of people, just forming a discussion.

Yes, I understand that now. I was just explaining to you why I wasn't sure if you were joking or not.

I felt a bit odd being attracted to Gunther so wondered if I was the only one, thats all.

Okay, I get that.

If you like a certain type of man, that's fine, i'm not judging you, but i just like speaking to like minded people.

I'm not judging you either. You asked which extreme I'd prefer, if I had to choose between the two, and I told you. I am also warning you that if physical and emotional dominance is what attracts you, rather than character, integrity, etc, that's your choice and right, but to also be aware that someone like that will also physically and emotionally dominate you, not only some guy he perceive as a threat. If, knowing this, it's still the kind of man you prefer, then you're going into it with you eyes wide open, and are willing to accept the dark side of it.


Not in the least. Though purely hetero, I can see why women like George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Ryan Gosling, James Marsden, Hugh Jackman etc. Brendan Fraser is, at least presently, no stunner and Hallucination Gunther's personality and treatment of Noah is disgusting. I don't see it. And frankly, I would run full sprint from any woman that found any of hallucination Gunther's behavior toward Noah even in the least bit appealing.

I mean I get the talk dirty to me authoritarian thing, but when someone is diminutive and derisive towards another... No thank you!


Different strokes for different folks.

My strength is greater than my weakness


Yeah. Keep stroking.

"Lettin' the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier 'n puttin' it back in." -- Will Rogers


What does that comment even mean??

My strength is greater than my weakness


Sorry if my comment came off harsh. I just find it virtually impossible to separate a person's appeal or charm from their character and behavior. Someone can be incredibly charming and whimsical, but if they display any cruelty or harshness or brutality, I'm keeping my distance. I'm not going to endeavor to find "the good side" to them.

I'm baffled by the pen pals and letter writing "spouses" who fall for death or lifer inmates, many convicted of horrendous crimes.


Not hot at all. I wouldn't even say attractive.


Look at the OPs history of posts. The majority of them are similar -- superficial trolling posts about what s/he thinks is hot/not. (i.e. Noomie Rapace's ass, etc.)

"Lettin' the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier 'n puttin' it back in." -- Will Rogers


So because I discussed another woman's butt that makes me a troll?? I see you are quick to label. Yes, I like women too, bigot but I also like strong men. Stop stalking me.

My strength is greater than my weakness


I found him much more attractive as the dad/husband. Don't get me wrong, I very much like strong men. But I do not find men who beat up vulnerable people to be strong men. Bullying and violence are the trademarks of a weak-minded person. And that is not at all attractive to me.

Damn right we're snowflakes! Winter is coming!


I didn't find him attractive as the dad AT ALL. He was the exact opposite of why I found Gunther attractive. Don't get me wrong, I understand that Gunther wasn't a nice guy. But lets face many of us women are attracted to 'nice' guys? I think guys who are too nice come across as a little weak imo.

My strength is greater than my weakness


I didn't say I necessarily find Gunther, the family man, attractive. But you were asking which was MORE attractive and I told you, family Gunther gets my vote. Plus, he's not weak, he put Noah in a choke hold just like that, so it seems to me that perhaps you're not attracted to strength, but to violence. Or maybe bullies? Oh, and another thing in his favor, Family Gunther is groomed. Prison Guarde Gunther always looked sweaty and gross. And smarmy.

Damn right we're snowflakes! Winter is coming!


Yeah...preying on the weak or defenseless, ain't sexy no matter how you slice it. As a Guard, Gunther has a lot, arguably all the, power over Noah in that situation. It's easy to wax dominance and confidence and authority in that circumstance.


Yes, that's exactly the problem. There's dominance and then there's dominance. Even when it's a game of submissive & dominant, the submissive person has the choice of saying no. Noah had no choice. He was in fear and walking on egg shells and that's not a mutual arrangement. Nor is it the least bit attractive. That's abuse, pure and simple. And that's what Gunther was (well, the Gunther hallucination was), an abuser.

Damn right we're snowflakes! Winter is coming!


Yes, that's exactly the problem. There's dominance and then there's dominance. Even when it's a game of submissive & dominant, the submissive person has the choice of saying no. Noah had no choice. He was in fear and walking on egg shells and that's not a mutual arrangement. Nor is it the least bit attractive. That's abuse, pure and simple. And that's what Gunther was (well, the Gunther hallucination was), an abuser.

Submissiveness is not attractive. Simple as. Most women, including those who lie to themselves, don't want a submissive man. It's the brutal truth.

My strength is greater than my weakness


Submissiveness is not attractive. Simple as. Most women, including those who lie to themselves, don't want a submissive man. It's the brutal truth.

What I don't understand is why you view this in terms of such extremes -- submissive or dominant. Most people, men or women, don't want to be or feel dominated. It's a violation, and has negative results. If you do, and feel that women who don't agree with you are lying to themselves, that's on you. You said you weren't judging, but obviously you are.

I don't want a partner who's submissive, but nor do I want one who's dominant. These are two extremes.

I agree with Centrd that Noah had no choice. As it is he went off on Gunther -- in his imagination or not -- and the result was Noah ended up in solitary confinement. (If that's actually what happened). Gunther had all the power, Noah had none. Gunther wasn't an alpha male (which in my view isn't a positive anyway), he was a sadistic bully.


Well, you totally missed my point. Which now makes me wonder again if you're just pulling people's legs. When I was talking about submission vs dominance, I was talking about CHOICE. And Noah had no choice, so that's why Gunther's dominance was NOT attractive. Prison Gaurd Gunther (the one Noah saw) was just a violent, abusive, bully.

Damn right we're snowflakes! Winter is coming!


Which now makes me wonder again if you're just pulling people's legs.

"Lettin' the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier 'n puttin' it back in." -- Will Rogers


I'm sorry I missed your point. It's hard sometimes when reading text to accurate interpret what people are saying. I get that Noah had no choice, and yeah, it's not cool. It's just a case where I feel like we all have to agree to disagree.

My strength is greater than my weakness


It's not easy to be dominant in an environment fuelled by masculinity and testosterone, which prison is a paradigm of. The guards are in very compromising situations and it takes a complete alpha male to do that to another prisoner, yes, even one as pliable as Noah.

My strength is greater than my weakness


That IS NOT what an Alpha Male is. Get help, sounds like you're obsessed with strength and weakness and power and exploitation. Nothing about the dynamic btw Noah and Gunther--including those parts which were from Noah's vivid psychosis--is healthy or normal or remotely attractive. It was all exploitation of weakness and defenselessness.

You want macho mano y mano Tombstone. Now those guys are Alpha Males--Wyatt, Doc, Virgil. Morg not so much.


I'm not obsesseed with strength and weakness. I'm a full bloodied woman and I know what I like and what attracts my primal instincts. I'm not saying Gunther was a nice guy. Obviously he wasn't and I don't respect him. But that doesn't mean i'm not attracted to a gun who can handle certain things, you know?

I've not seen Tombstone, but hear get things about it. The western is known for it's alpha males, yes. But it's a fantastical representation of alpha males, I think.

My strength is greater than my weakness


Yes, Gunther was an attractive guard if you could look past his creepy, bullying behavior.
His imposing stature made him even more menacing.

The REAL Gunther wasn't nearly as hot though. He looked older and soft.

And that just proves Mr. Fraser's exceptional talent. He transformed himself, like a completely different person.
