What's wrong with this picture?
Noah's missing left hand and leg?? It's an odd looking picture...
shareidukart -
How do you keep a turkey in suspense? I'll tell you tomorrow. LOL
So, it's been a month... what is YOUR answer to your own question?
My answer to
What's wrong with this picture?
Noah is holding onto Cole.
shareThere is nothing wrong with the photo.
"There is a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in" --Leonard Cohen
Yep, that's what I think. Who posts an OP like this, then after getting guesses, refuses to answer, and bumps up their own thread two months later, still without giving any answer?
I've lost interest.
They're all out of proportion relative to one another. Allison is the largest, followed by Noah, Cole and Helen. Hardly what we see in the TV show.