Yes the acting was good but really a day in a life of a scumbag dad hell some of us live that we dont need a stretched out film where nothing ever happens.
If the film was short i would have been less bothered about it dragging on because by the time i realised nothing was going to happen it would have ended instead of slowly going out of my mind waiting. It was about an hour too long.
The story was really dull
as a package i would expect about a 4 but 7?
I thought the acting was great. It was a little bit dragging and I think this movie is not for everyone. To me it looked like a play with excellent acting, so I believe it deserves a good score.
Then you completely misunderstood the story. It was about not just the dad with all of his properties and baggage, but with the entire cast. The family members, extended family, friends, trials and tribulations of african americans at the time. at home and in the job, etc. etc.
The story was a drama, and a 7/10 is a fair score (what I give it).
I really enjoyed this movie too. It makes you think that racism really is an institution that lasted way after it was abolished, and how some were denied the opportunities to live up to their full potential. The main character is a hateful man, sure, but his life has been one of constant repression and its easy to see how he would want to throw all of his distrust on to his sons. Great character study that Washington handled perfectly.
I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance. A review of the movie here
I think the most interesting aspect of the main characters defeatist attitude is that so many of his stances and lessons to his sons (especially Cory) were just wrong, in respect to fighting for rights. The world was changing and of course we know now that it would have been an excellent time for Cory to get into a ball team (especially with an interested scout).
So many things proved Troy wrong, even getting his own promotion to driver wasn't enough.