There is probably more than one reason for the 'darkness'.
The overall feel of the show is pretty dark, so having the majority of scenes done that way emphasizes the mood.
The show is broadcast in high definition, and Bluray sets are available. Keeping scenes darker hides a lot of the "rough edges" in scenery, make-up, costumes, and special effects. That helps keep the cost of the show lower.
There may be an adjustment or two on your viewing 'device' that could help you.
Also, you may be too accustomed to the typical over saturated colors and brightness of a smart phone or tablet. Just like sound level differences occur from different sources (networks, CD sources, movie compression on the audio, etc.), there are similar things that happen with video. If you have a cable TV source, they compress both video and audio content due to technical reasons, affecting both, (allowing more programs through a limited bandwidth source).
Just sayin'
Good luck!