Like you, I don't think Bellamy will have to prove himself to his people. He already admitted to his mistake and the reason was him wanting to protect his people. He thought he was doing the right thing for his people by protecting them against a threat outside their gates, not to mention they weren't doing great. His people was slowly starving and people was growing more paranoid, which is why they elected Pike because he came with a solution to what they thought of as a real problem.
Bellamy handed over Pike to the grounders, like they had demanded, and then proceeded to lead the defense (non-violence approach) against the chipped people so that Clarke could take down ALIE and CoL. The delinquents followed him. Clarke obviously trusted him to protect them, like he always has. She wasn't questioning him and his reasons, nor judging him, because she more than anyone else knows how easy it is to make mistakes, to fall, to be lost. She tried to re-connect with him and offered comfort instead.
The grounders however, might take a bit of work to regain their trust, or at least, truce, enough to work together.
Like Clarke, Bellamy carries every death with him. He blames himself for each and every one of them, whether it's his fault, or by his hands, or not.