Best actor/actress on the show?
This show is quite interesting, because sometimes I find myself cringing at the acting (early s1, some of the grounder/polis stuff in s3) and other times I find myself in awe of how great the acting can be (Lindsey Morgan in 3x11, for instance).
Favorite characters aside, who do you think are the best actors and best actresses on the show?
For the actresses it's;
1. Lindsey/Raven
2. Adina/Indra (she is very captivating imo!)
3. Erica/ALIE
(Honorable mention to Eliza/Clarke. She can be really great sometimes - but other times, she can give weaker performances)
And for the actors it's;
1. Bob/Bellamy
2. Richard/Murphy
3. Henry Ian Cusick/Kane
(Honorable mention to Jasper/Devon. Jasper might have annoyed a lot of people in s3, but Devon's performance was pretty good nevertheless).