MovieChat Forums > The 100 (2014) Discussion > Will the next season be less Clarke cent...

Will the next season be less Clarke centric?

Just wondering?! Fron what I can tell by the trailer it looks as if they are gonna take more time with everyone and everything else this season.
I hope we wont get as much Octavia is it apears cause I find her annoying as sh!t. I know a lot of people like her but to me to much Octavia could be a deal breaker. She is such a Femi-Nazi SJW type of bullsh!t character.


The only truly Clarke-centric season so far has been season two. If we're lucky, this season will focus on other characters instead of her, since both the actress and her character are the weakest link in this show.


Completely disagree, both Clark and Eliza are responsible for some of the strongest stuff on the show. She's written most consistently, and Eliza's acting is solid too. So I hope there'll be more of her.

See, everything is just the matter of opinion ;)

Mindy: “I will never stop sending nudies. That is my First Amendment right."


Yeah, I never stated my opinion as fact?

95% of the time Clarke looks like she's about to start crying and the only thing there is to her character is "I'll do whatever is necessary for my people" with no other arc so far. That seems to be happening in season four as well, but to each their own.



Yes, I'd rather not have too much Octavia either. Still at least there's one good thing - it won't be Lexa-centric like the first half of season 3.


I hope so! I like Clarke as a character but I think the show is much stronger when she's not the "savior" of the group and everyone works together. In the trailer Murphy told her he was saving her in the finale, and Monty called her out on excusing her actions on "her people" so I do feel the show won't focus as much on her.

I don't know if I like Octavia but I am excited to see her in her dark assassin phase. She looked amazing in the trailer.


Focus more on murphy.


I hope so. Monty too, he's got to be the most underrated character imo.


I kinda like Octavia. Especially ragey warrior Octavia.
As for Clarke - in the last season she was boring AF. Her holier than thou Joan of Arc complex has run its course... Eliza even looks bored in character...


One thing to remember, that just because the trailer is heavy on Octagon's murderous ways is not necessarily a good thing for her character, because s3 trailer was heavy on the Lexa and we all know what happened to her.

Judging from the trailer she's called "skyripper" by Roan and in the trailer she seems focused on killing grounders.

She was fighting (practing her skills?) with a painted Echo in that fighting scene and also, Echo whispering into Roan's ear how he can rule them all.

Is Octagon an assassin for Roan, the Azgeda, now? Because if he wants power, he would try to take Polis and the 'flame' from Kenza, not because he can use it on himself, but because it has significance to the grounders. He would also try to wipe out the Sky People. There was a quick scene with Octagon lying down, possibly injured, on a table or sick bed and she whispered "war is coming".

I'm curious about Kenza. It was such a quick glimpse of her but she definitely had the 'flame' in the trailer and she was doing some sort of ritual. How did she get it? Did the Sky People give it to her, or did she steal it?


Other things Octavia has in common with Lexa, they both trended on Twitter yestersay for longer than the show itself. That's a bit awkward.

Honestly I wouldn't mind if this season was less Clarke centric if only for the fact that it seems like many of her interactions with people will consist of everybody blaming her. Again. As if nobody else has done stuff to *beep* up the situation they're in.

They're probably going to kill off Octavia, but there are some rumors that it might be Raven instead. Either way if JRoth really thinks that they're going to regain viewers without either of those two.....good luck.


The fact that people are still bringing up Lexa is what is wrong with humanity.


Yeah, I don't focus on useless trends that really doesn't change anything.

Octagon will throw her hissy fit by killing mostly grounders judging by the trailer, and then come back to her senses before the season is over because drama. Not sure what potential there really is to her character other than this 'dark' turn, not much depth to her. Can she come back from it? I don't know, maybe.

With Raven, although being one of the best characters, she's also written into a corner - because she's near perfection in comparison with any other character - so where could the writers possibly take her next that will make her character evolve?

I care for Raven and would hate to see her go, especially since Lindsey is one of the better actresses. Octagon however, meh.


This is the only reason why I am slightly "worried" about Raven. Or let's say I would not be completely shocked if she died.

A few weeks ago I thought about each character and where they could go with them, how much the character can grow still, how much conflict potential there is with other characters and the main narrative. All I got for Raven was her super brain saving the day but that doesn't have much to do with who she is as a person. She hasn't made any huge mistakes yet that she might feel like she has to make up for. Like Bellamy for instance. She doesn't have any conflict really with any other character going on like Bellamy with Octavia, Clarke with Monty apparently or Jaha with basically everyone.

So where can Raven go? It doesn't seem like they will be turning her to the dark side like they are doing now with Octavia. I see Octavia as quite safe because of this. She is hopefully finally getting some real character development and not just change her appearance and learns how to fight. Her actual character hasn't evolved much. She is still the same girl who sees things in black and white. Who lets out her frustration on the people she cares about. She takes people for granted.


^agrees with tirpse.


My problem with Octavia is that everything she did after Lincoln's death was out of pure selfish revenge and hate. No other reason why she beat up Bellamy, no other reason why she killed Pike. Nothing about "I do it to protect my people" or something like that. Only hate and vengeance. That's what I'm worried about. Can she come back from this dark path?

"Who we are, and who we need to be to survive are very different things."


It's The 100 and Octavia is a big part of that, she is half of the only siblings dynamic on the show, so I think she can if the writers want her to. Which I think they do. She just has to make up for it depending on how much she is going to hurt her people in the process. I think that will have a bigger effect on how much redemption she needs.

I know a bunch of people still don't think Bellamy has paid a big enough price for his actions but he didn't actually hurt his own people. The Arkers were already in a *beep* position before Pike, the majority of the people voted for Pike, they wanted him in charge.

So how much will Octavia's actions in s4 affect the Arkers?


I was curious about the scene with Octavia lying down as well. She definitely looked injured or maybe like she was giving birth (I know a lot of people were predicting that) but I didn't think they'd spoil that in a trailer. It also seemed strange to me that there weren't any scenes with her and Bellamy.

I'm also really excited about the grounder with the chip! Is it confirmed that it's Kenza? I think the Sky People probably gave her the chip. It belongs to the grounders and they need it for a new Heda. I don't see why Clarke would keep it other than for selfish, fanfic-y reasons based out of tumblr that aren't going to happen lol


I was curious about the scene with Octavia lying down as well. She definitely looked injured or maybe like she was giving birth (I know a lot of people were predicting that) but I didn't think they'd spoil that in a trailer. It also seemed strange to me that there weren't any scenes with her and Bellamy.

But would any sane person talk about "war is here" whilst giving birth?

I think she got injured because of arrogance, possibly challenged the wrong person, and Roan sending warriors to kill her and she barely escaped with her life, seeking help from Nyilah, who take her to Arcadia.

She's injured, but she warns them about the coming war and Roan. Maybe that's her character's turning point for the better?

It's fun speculating.

I'm also really excited about the grounder with the chip! Is it confirmed that it's Kenza? I think the Sky People probably gave her the chip. It belongs to the grounders and they need it for a new Heda. I don't see why Clarke would keep it other than for selfish, fanfic-y reasons based out of tumblr that aren't going to happen lol

Well, it's the same girl who read for the role of Kenza. I watched her casting video, so I just assumed she is Kenza.

As for the chip, I think that once they're done with it, once Raven hacks into it and they have all the info they need for survival, then they would have no more use of it. It would be a smart move to give it back to the grounders, since it belongs to them and that would buy them some time to figure out how to save everyone. Kenza seemed to be doing some sort of ritual with it, pressing it to her forehead, they're big on that stuff. Maybe she's the new flamekeeper, after Clarke quit?


But would any sane person talk about "war is here" whilst giving birth?

Haha good point! So it's probably not that. I think you're right about it being her turning point. Maybe she realized the grounders were planning an attack/betrayal and decided it was too far so she came home. One of the grounders could have attacked her when they realized she wasn't loyal to them anymore.

it's the same girl who read for the role of Kenza. I watched her casting video, so I just assumed she is Kenza.

This is really cool! I didn't see any of the casting videos, do you have a link?

She could be the flamekeeper, that would make sense. I think I saw a frame of a girl in the trailer who looked like her standing in front of the throne so she could be the commander. Here's the pic:

It's fun to make predictions now that we have something to go off of. The trailer gave us so much to speculate from.


This is really cool! I didn't see any of the casting videos, do you have a link?

Her name is Jessica Williams.

Could this be Kenza?


I'm so bad at recognizing faces but it could be her. Her lips look less full to me in the picture on screen but it could be the awkward angle.


It could be her, what do you think?

Dunno, it's hard. But either way, the trailer had a few new faces, this girl (who I believe is Kenza) and another grounder, Ilan (the guy who screamed), and that guy with Octagon. I doubt they would show the new faces unless they are of some importance to the story, but the question is, as what exactly?


I think it could be her too but I'm still not certain. I agree with you that it's Kenza. I think her description was something about being religious so it makes sense that she'd be a commander or the flamekeeper.

I'm really excited to see who Ilian is exactly. I think he's probably a part of the glowing forest clan. I thought it was weird that they showed him screaming like that in the trailer when we barely saw other characters like Miller. Did we see Bryan at all? I heard a rumour that the actor got a new job but I'm not sure. If that happens that'll sure piss off all the people upset with the byg trope (idk maybe they won't care, honestly I think they just cared about Lexa lol)


Bryan is there. Not very well to notice though. In the scene when they approached to the crash landing site in the snow (which I think could be Farm Station), there are Bellamy, Murphy (iIrc), Harper, Monty, and the last one in that row, only the upper half and from behind to see, we have Bryan. You can recognize that he's limping because of his injured leg.

"Who we are, and who we need to be to survive are very different things."


That's definitely not the same person.


Hmm, then it's some other grounder, I guess. According to Hypable Kenza is played by Jessica Williams (from the casting tape), not that they would know more than anyone else about the casting, probably just speculating. Kenza laid down her sword and warrior ways for a peaceful spiritual/religious life, which is why I thought it might be her in that scene, since that person was doing some sort of ritual with the chip, or whatever.


She was fighting (practing her skills?) with a painted Echo in that fighting scene and also, Echo whispering into Roan's ear how he can rule them all. Is Octagon an assassin for Roan, the Azgeda, now?

The thought of Octavia teaming up with the people who brutally killed Bellamy's girlfriend after Octavia held him accountable for Lincoln's death when he wasn't even responsible really irks me. I hope that's not what they're going with, because that's going to make her look like a massive self-absorbed hypocrite.


Bob Morley teased a turn for the Blake siblings at Dragon Con. That they were filming it at the moment. They were about a month into filming at that point so probably episode 3 or so. He said their relationship takes a turn. That Octavia is taking things to the extreme. He said he was surprised by the turn and he thinks we will be too.

Ever since I've been wondering what that turn could be? What would surprise us? The only thing that would surprise me concerning their relationship right now would be Bellamy turning his back on her. She was already violent towards him, she doesn't take his advice, she can still barely look at him.

I would like to see Bellamy turn his back on her for a bit. Especially if she teams up with Ice Nation and Echo. The very people/person who are responsible for Gina's death and others.

Octavia is already a hypocrite, when she told Bellamy that he lashes out, that people get hurt when he is angry the very next episode after she beat him bloody was just "hilarious".

I am curious how Octavia is going to come out of this storyline. I do believe she will be redeemed. I don't think this arc will end with her dying.


^ yep, this.


^ this.


I hope so! The show is called The 100 and even though it is told from Clarke's pov, it's really annoying that she's always the one to make decisions, to take initiatives, to figure out threats and to eventually save the day. I'd like a more democratic allocation of screen time for the regulars and not just a Clarke's centered show.

As for Octavia, didn't she get a lot of scenes in the trailer? I fear it may be her last season in the show.. What I've noticed is that she's more out of control with every new season, either she falls to the bottom to rise like a phoenix from the ashes or she dies.


Femi-Nazi SJW

The only Bullsh!t thing is how folks like you actually harp on about Feminism and these other over-used cliche 'buzzwords' that you clearly don't know the meaning of; far more then any actual pathetic SJW does. It's ironic to say the least.

Seriously, get some new material or at least your own voice and opinions to articulate something, instead of using over-used over-hyped jargon to make yourself seem 'cool' and 'edgy'. Infact you're exactly what you claim to hate. Again, ironic.

Riddle wrapped inside an enigma, wrapped inside a taco.


I hope so. I don;t hate Clarke, but I think the show is stronger when the characters work together as a team instead of forcing a "ultimate savior" arc.
