MovieChat Forums > The 100 (2014) Discussion > This show is so underrated. Just finishe...

This show is so underrated. Just finished the seasons. Small Review.

While season one was great in getting everything set up. Season two and three really hit it home with it's writing and acting as well as deep storylines. Every action had a consequence which shows usually don't do. In shows like Pretty liars and Vampire Diaries. We rarely see somebody having to deal with the consequence of there actions because there the hero. Elena for example on vampire diaries. She gets out of it because she is the hero. This show isn't afraid to push those boundaries and I applause the writers for that. Finn did something in season two and he had to pay for it. Clarke made some mistakes as a leader and she has to pay for it. I can't say enough about this show. I can't wait for season four and I hope it's not a disappointment. I would put this show up there with Lost and Game of Thrones as my favorite of all time. Even if the rest of the seasons go downhill. Season two and three are up there as the best in my opinion.


I think it's so underrated too. I think a lot of people dismiss it for the first few teeny episodes or because it airs on the CW but it gets so good in season 2 and 3. Have you seen the trailer for season 4? I thought it looked even better than the others :)


Nah I don't want spoilers or trailers. I want to be freshed and go into it blind. It makes the surprise more fun.


You're spot on. It's underrated.


Season was good, Season 3 was great.
But Season 3 was a joke.


I disagree season threes was amazing


I'm happy for you. If you can disregard all the inconsistencies and was fascinated by ALIE's storyline, it's great. Have fun


Why do you have to sound like a jerk? If I liked the season what's it to you?


Never mind. He/she always shows up when there is the slightest opportunity to bash the show.

"Who we are, and who we need to be to survive are very different things."


Or he/she could be a lexa fan and still pissed about what happened lol. I found everything to be great to be honest.


That's one of the reasons, yes.

I have to admit, S3 wasn't my favorite (that's S2), but a close second, at least 3B, where all the separate storylines merged into one and everything fell into place.

All in all you're right, this show is criminally underrated. I hope S4 will do well.

"Who we are, and who we need to be to survive are very different things."


I hope so too.


Go figure.😀
It's just that your reply to my comment was pretty much useless : you only said that you loved season 3, but not why.


What? I never said I only loved season three. Go back to my review I loved all the seasons lol. You said that you hated season three. I said I disagree I liked it. That didn't mean I only liked season three. Where did you get that from?


Nope, I did not said that. It's just weird that you loved season 3 too, since this specific season pretty much destroyed all the good things they were trying to build in s1&s2. The world building for the grounders, the moral dilemna they had in season 2 they pretty much deleted it and made it as a non issue ; legitimating the free mass murder of 300 grounders (defending them against Ice nation) by letting Pike&Bellamy off the hook.
As if it's ok if you kill grounders but if you kill just one Arkadia, that's evil.....


How about Grounders selling their allies out in MW to be slaughtered? Does that have a pass?


Way different yeah :
- Lexa left around 30-4O people to SAVE hundreds of grounders, and ensure the survival of thousands of grounders (including 300 Mountain men); yeah of course, you seem to forgot that many grounders already died before the door was opened (pinned down by MM machine guns, and more than 30-40) but you don't really care about them, do you ?

yeah, sorry but the live of 1 of the sky people DO NOT EQUAL 10 of the others.
It might be difficult for you to grasp this.

On the contrary, Pike&Bellamy's action slaughtered innocent people (who were risking their lives for them btw), and was used to break peace and START A *beep* war; Btw Bellamy realized than he tag along with Pike, mostly to get revenge. He slaughtered TriKru to get revenge on Ice Nation...good guy, really peaceful guy with good values, awesome. Starting a war with no other purpose than to kick thousands of grounders who lived there for decades, wayd before his poor ass was even born.

Yeah, nice.


You truly need to get your butt out of the grounders' butts. You know who started the war in s3? Not the Sky people, it was Queen Nia and the Ice Nation. Them blowing up MT Weather started the war. Echo even told the Queen "You got your war". It wasn't the Sky People killing that army. Even if Pike hadn't ordered for that army to be killed the war would have still been happening because Ice Nation and the other ambassadors wanted to get rid of Lexa since they found her a weak leader.

You are missing the theme of the show. No-one is innocent. Not the grounders, not the Sky People, not the peeps in MT Weather. They all did terrible things for the sake of saving their own.

Also miss me with that poor excuse for Lexa leaving her allies behind to save lives of grounders. She promised her people to get revenge for what the mountain did to their people and then she makes a deal with their enemy instead.

I also bet you have great excuses for grounders attacking Jasper at the end of the pilot because he was holding a sign. And them killing unarmed (at first they were unarmed) kids in season 1. How the commander wanted to get rid of all of them but then they got their own asses toasted in 113.

But I have the feeling you are too blinded by love for grounders to see it all objectively enough.


You're contradicting yourself in your comment. kinda funny. (You said no one is innocents, but still you seem to forgive about all the grounders slaughtering as if their lives has less value than arkadians).

And sorry for you but you clearly did miss everything about the world building in s3, the grounders civilization and the power play. That happens with people who rather make decisions with assumptions instead of facts.
Yeah Queen Nia did blew up Mount Weather, a place synonym of death for thousand of grounders, a place where the stupid farm station people decided to colonize, and invested ready to make the missiles work again. But Nia's intention WAS political ! She did not intend to start a war between the grounders and the Arkadians, simply because Nia has not *beep* authority to do so, Nia leads only one clan : Lexa's the Commander of the 12 clans. Nia's move was to use the Arkadians's potential threat to the grounders, into light, in order to prove everyone that Lexa was weak to think of a truce between Arkadians and the grounders. Nia's intent was to make the grounders doubt about Lexa's ability to protect her people. And unfortunately, she was kinda right when stupid Pike did not listen to Kane, and allow people back to MW and Pike&Bellamy barged into Polis, during a ceremony, fully armed; Nia's aim was to weaken Lexa's position as Commander, proving that Ice Nation was doing what's right for the grounders. Nia's plan was to overthrown Lexa to rule over all the grounders clans and as a bonus, wiping out Arkadia. Then Lexa's coalition was the one protecting them against ANY further threat from the grounders. That's why she get rid of Nia, along with showing her people that she was strong as the Commander.

The war started when Pike slaughtered 300 grounders, cowardly and left the message that the gorunders should leave or die : Pike said "this is our lands now" so sorry but they started it. They broke peace.
But the stupid Pike&Bellamy failed to distinguish Nia's intent and the whole grounders. Lexa was able to remain, until the stupid slaughtering moves from Pike, just kept proving that Arkadians were a threat. The stupid farm station people just took over, thanks to stupid B, and have fascist Pike as a stupid leader who thought that it was a good idea for them to break peace, and start a war agaisnt thousands of grounders.

I guess you still can't see the difference ?


I agree with everyone of your points!

"But I have the feeling you are too blinded by love for grounders to see it all objectively enough."

Yes he/she is. And I also have the feeling he/she is going to bring back all his/her theories about how good and innocent are Grounders and how evil are Pike/Bellamy.


LOL, for sure. No matter what grounders do their actions are somehow justified but not the actions of anyone else. Poor grounders just want peace. It's not like "blood must have blood" is their motto and has been for years and years. *rolls eyes*


Sure Lexa made calculations to figure out how many Grounders she could save because she cares so much about lives... like those of the Grounders who died at TonDC. oh well, those were expendable! Or was it to save Bellamy's life? After all, they were allies and there was a plan to follow and the plan was worth the Grounders' lives, right? What a pity she wasn't honorable enough as to remember those lost lives at TonDC who also deserved justice.

It's not about the number of lives that could be spared, it's not about Grounders or Arkadians, it's the fact that Lexa betrayed an alliance, sold her main ally out and left her people without justice or revenge. Betrayals should never be justified, should never have a pass because they will eventually backfire...


What you fully did not grasp at all, is that the deal made the sacrifices worthwhile since it set up a truce preventing any further need for MM to go her people. Stopping a war by stopping what was feeding the need to go after the grounders blood. Stopping further bloodshed, sparing lives instead of going for revenge. (revenge never ends)

yet you justify pretty quickly than Clarke&Bellamy made the exact same choice when they choose to save 30/40 of their people, at the expanse of 300 of MM; = chose their people at the price of others.

yet you justify a pure blind slaughter of 300 grounders, cowardly killed from behind, when they were shielding them from Ice Nation.

yet you justify revengeful act

yet you justify Pike's will to eradicate a village just that they could plant seeds ?

And yes, it's about number of lives too for god sake : would you accept thousands of people dying for the sake of a few ?? what kind of people are you ?


All of your first point you're grasping at, is pure speculation because at the end of the day Clarke and her people proved to be stronger than what Lexa thought, so all of these things you've imagined since it's never mentioned in the show are totally pointless.

I'm not justifying any of these points simply because I haven't commented on them, as you can check, and all of them are as reprehensible as Lexa's betrayal that you so justify with your speculative points.

I'm not justifying revengeful acts, I'm saying revenge is important for Grounders, Blood must have blood is what encouraged them to fight at MW.

I'm the sort of people who fulfills her commitments.


All of your first point you're grasping at, is pure speculation because at the end of the day Clarke and her people proved to be stronger than what Lexa thought, so all of these things you've imagined since it's never mentionned in the show are totally pointless.

what are you talking about ?? I've stated FACTS !! Nia's strategy and will to overtrown Lexa, she said all of that : just listen to the dialogues instead of just listening to what Pike&Bellamy thought they knew about the situation. AT LEAST KANE is smart and open-minded enough to understand where the grounders come from, and is working with Indra and the grounders to find COMMON ground, which Pike&B failed to do, since they were to busy thinking they knew how thousands of grounders may think. Speculations are exactly what drove blind Pike wanted to think that ALL grounders wanted them killed while in the meantime grounders were just outside PROTECTING them.
If Pike was smart, he would grasp that the grounders would have ALREADY wiped them out, starting with Arkadia (during these 3 months where the Arkadians were still at the beginning of rebuild) : it's basic logic.
But yeah some people are just ignorant, stupid and choose to be blind.


Nia said what? Please enlighten me. It seems you've watched and re-watched S3 a few times,..I just did once, so I don't remember with much detail.


I don't have time for that. Just check episode 3&4. And listen also to what Titus and Lexa said about Nia, and to Nia.
One of her line said pretty much everything : "Soon, my son will be free, and Lexa would be dead", also "I've my own Nightblida".

Lexa to titus : "Let her make her move". "This is a coup".
To Nia : "we know what you want Nia, issue the challenge and let get on with it"....
Objective : challenge Lexa's leadership, wanted Lexa to get killed in the duel vs Roan, then put her puppet nightblida so that Ice Nation could lead the whole Coalition.


And what has all of that have to do with this?

"What you fully did not grasp at all, is that the deal made the sacrifices worthwhile since it set up a truce preventing any further need for MM to go her people. Stopping a war by stopping what was feeding the need to go after the grounders blood. Stopping further bloodshed, sparing lives instead of going for revenge. "

Nia saw the opportunity to overthrow Lexa because Heda, at MW, chose a miserable betrayal over fight & revenge and the great Wanheda with a bunch of teens did all the job that Lexa failed to do, hence Wanheda became powerful and everybody wanted her power.. while Lexa became weak and not just at Nia's eyes but at the eyes of most of the ambassadors in Polis, so Nia saw her chance to end Lexa.


You do understand that's all Lexa had to do to prove she was not weak, was to kill Wanheda and/or to decimate the Arkadians? Nia used Lexa's will for peace and humanity to protect the Arkadians too with the Coalition, against her. Nia'sur arguments to overthrow Lexa were that the Arkadians were a threat and should be wiped out. But Lexa stand still against Nia and risk her own life INSTEAD of just killing the Arkadians. And she was willing to even accept the other Arkadians if they had given Pike, instead of going for revenge and eradicated Arkad. Ohhh she must be evil...


Love is Weakness...

S2 Lexa felt like a genuine Grounder leader, S3 Lexa felit like a walking contradiction but she had to be in order to flesh out romantic Clexa in such a short time. She gave up her convictions to protect Clarke but Clarke wanted her people protected as well, so... you know how the story ends.

It doesn't make Lexa a saint, not even a good leader since she didn't work towards changing the violent ways of her society, she just gave in to her lover's pleas and Lexa became the living example of her own philosophy "Love is weakness".


It doesn't make Lexa a saint, not even a good leader since she didn't work towards changing the violent ways of her society, she just gave in to her lover's pleas and Lexa became the living example of her own philosophy "Love is weakness".

She EXACTLY DID that in season. She decided to stop the cycle of violence by NOT going to war against Arkadians, and switch the whole Blood Must have blood principe by blood must NOT have blood (s03e05). She said clearly that she did not want her people to live anymore with the shadow of death (s03e06)

God dammit, LISTEN to DIALOGUES from time to time.

And if you had listened carefully, you would have noticed that "love's weakness" was Titus philosophy : Titus reminded her that in 3.07 to what Lexa reply "I won't hear this again" = meaning she did not share that philosophy anymore.

Listen to OTHER (not only Bellamy) characters's DIALOGUES

I'm done anyway.


I haven't learnt the dialogues by heart, I already told you I only watched the show once, almost a year ago, yes?

Does it make any difference whether it was Lexa's or Titus' philosophy? She decided not to follow it anymore and since that moment... you already know how the story ended.

Problem with Lexa is that everything was or White or Black and a good leader has to learn to play with all the colors, she needed to learn to tug and pull to keep things in Balance and neither betray her ally, nor agree to any plea her ally could make.

Yeah I'm done too.


There you have it. ;)

"Who we are, and who we need to be to survive are very different things."


I totally agree with you. I just discovered and watched all 3 seasons over the last month or so. It reminds me of Game of Thrones meets The Walking Dead meets The Terminator or something, albeit targeted at a younger audience I suppose. Sure, some things don't make total sense, but the themes of war, peace, revenge, forgiveness, and survival are strong. It's so interesting how enemies can become friends and friends become enemies so quickly. Honestly, I just wish they could all get along! But, I guess everlasting peace doesn't make for good TV drama.


I am binge watching it as well, almost done with season 2. I remember seeing it at comic con when the show was about to debut, I thought it was interesting. I just had too many other shows, but it was always on my mind to watch.


It's not underrated. The plot holes, the ridiculous actions of the "heroes", the crazy grounder culture that sprang up in 97 years, the lack of any scientific understanding and so on. In fact this show is overrated and really deserves to be a 6.

That said, I do enjoy the show for the mindless entertainment it provides.


Oh, please.

Hate-watching says more about the viewer than it does about the show.
