stuff want to see in Trek 4
-set after the 5 year mission. Like the first film showed us the pre 5 years mission origin of the crew (at least the alternate universe version of it), this would show us post 5 year mission ‘Lost Years’ which is also untold onscreen and allowing it to be more a big budget updated version of the original movies (not so much the original series like ST09/STID/STB).
-open with the end of a mission like STID (maybe an TOS ep?)
-Throughout the opening credits (if they do them) or the end credits (instead of the usual CG planets and star fields) images (painted or CG photo or maybe 'Gold Key' style) or a 21 Jump Street thing of clips of the crews various TOS missions (classic scenes from classic eps redone with the new crew)....Arena, City, Doomsday, Amok, Spectre of the Gun, etc
-mushroom space dock with the massive blue lit interior housing all the ships (vaster than ever)
-TOS & movie music nods (Goldsmith & Horner rifts – not anything big – just a musical ‘cameos’ like Amok Time fight music in STID)
-lengthy phaser ‘beams’ not star wars ‘blasts’
-Enterprise A refit so more sleek like TOS movies (esp if set in the TMP era)
-getting more toward foreshadowing the TWOK style uniforms/field jackets/equipment/ship designs (again esp if set good few years later)
-more movie style to the sound FX/visual FX of the beaming/phasers etc (again if set years later)
-Pine sporting the dark curly Admiral Kirk Shatfro
-TMP style transporter malfunctions (with gory aftermath)
-TWOK style nebulas (hiding/battling in)
-more federation starship vs. federation starship carnage
-A Trek III style end fight between Kirk and a villain (klingon?) on an inhospitable Genesis/Avatar/Lost World jungle type planet - maybe one that's about to go boom (Ceti Alpha VI?) Trek III but with todays FX/tech - alien dinos, volcanoes, end of the world destruction, ripped shirts/KirkFu
-maybe change the classic ‘STAR TREK’ font to the movie font for promo stuff? (i always liked the movie font best)
-more Twilight Zone/Outer Limits/early TOS style eeriness/horror
-more references to the prime timeline/alternate future - maybe a 'Days of Futures Past/Yesterdays Ent' type story involving alternate realities, prime timeline links etc (maybe involving TNG and or Shat Kirk). (this might be happening with George Kirk)
-some BTTF2/TerminatorGenisys/Trials and Tribulations/All Good Things style revisiting familiar events somehow (this might be happening)
-the borg? (maybe something to do with them if above.)
-Nero (what happened to him and the remains of the Narada when they went through the black hole - did he end up back in the future? The past? The delta quadrant? - see borg above again. maybe Nero could be like the Ras Al Guld of the Trek movies? - haunting Kirk?)
-various Trek stuff cameoing/referenced/easter egging - e.g. Talosions, Doomsday machine, gorns, cloud killer, Guardian of Forever, corbomite, tholians, wild west, rand, No 1, Nurse Chapel (finally), Terrel, Kruge, Decker, Ilia, Savvik, Sybok, Daystrom, Admiral Archer, Botany Bay/Khan(again), Reliant/Excelsior, Patrick Stewart and the next gen, Vger (somehow linked to the borg? see points above)
-some big name supporting roles? e.g.:
Michael Fassbender as General Chang, Jason Moma as Captain Kruge, Kenneth Branagh as Chancellor Gorkon, Taylor Kitch as Joachim, Chiwetel Ejiofor as Captain Terrell, Bryan Cranston as Decker, Kate Beckinsale as No 1
-some big name cameos??
Arnold Schwarzenegger - Klingon Emperor, Harrison Ford - Head of Starfleet Admiral April, Scott Bakula – Jonathan Archer, Brent Spiner - Dr Soong, Michael Dorn – General Worf, Patrick Stewart - Picards ancestor, Leonard Nimoy – Old Spock (CG enhanced footage), Richardo Montalban - Khan (CG flashback footage) still like him there…if possible. maybe retro footage from some out-takes from previous Trek movies or little seen tv movies/TJ Hooker? or even Shatner as he is now - The lost ST09 Birthday scene? as Kirks grandpop? alternate reality future Kirk? ( fanpleasing end cameo as old Pine Kirk - not Prime Kirk - maybe with old Quinto Spock - something like Cloud Atlas end) or even aged up Pine Kirk Deadly Years style? (maybe the opening could be the end of The Deadly Years re-imagined with Shatner and CGI Nimoy opening the movie fighting off the Romulans before they get de-aged back to Pine/Quinto)
-more redshirt deaths - im talking 'Obsession' levels