Guest stars from original Matlock series?
Several of the original-Matlock regulars are still acting e.g., Linda Purl (Charlene Matlock), Kene Holiday (Tyler Hudson), and Nancy Stafford (Michelle Thomas). Sooner or later, the show-runners are likely to decide that it'd be a great idea to bring one of them on the new show.
If so, there seem to be three basic categories of character they could play: 1) Their original-Matlock character, or 2) themselves (the original-Matlock actors), or 3) some random characters. I can't imagine any way to make #1 logical or believable -- in the neo-Matlock universe, original-Matlock is a fictitious TV show with fictitious characters.
They could probably have some fun with #2. But #3 could be awkward -- some of the audience would recognize the actors and be distracted, perhaps half-expecting they'll turn out to be their former characters, illogical though that would be.
At least that's how it seems to me. What do y'all think? What am I overlooking? And what, if anything, would you like to see any original-Matlock actors do on the new show?