MovieChat Forums > Elsbeth (2024) Discussion > Review, Pilot Episode (Spoilers)

Review, Pilot Episode (Spoilers)

Check it out, Columbo fans! Pilot aired on Leap Day, 2024 and is available On-Demand from CBS. Airing weekly on Thursday nights on CBS and Paramount+, 10pm ET. There is some confusion as to Episode 2 airing on March 7 or April 4th.

I'm always game for a Columbo tribute series. Unlike some others, I welcome and don't get offended at the trademark intrusion. I enjoyed the Pilot episode. It's nowhere near as good as Columbo, but I love inverted detective stories, and I also enjoyed Poker Face. I never watched Monk.

So here is my take:

Diaphragm clue: Good clue, would have been too risqué for Columbo! Though he did dabble with women's underwear in Murder in Malibu.

Teeth Whitener on Suicide Victim: Another good clue and a reminder of Columbo Likes the Nightlife, where the suicide victim had mouthwash-breath and freshly cut toenails

Smart phone timer: Akin to our killer Kay in Make me a Perfect Murder, who used a low-tech audio signal. Also reminds me of Columbo using a stopwatch in Double Shock.

Meds swap: Kind of rushed at 1 hour, without enough time to really describe what was swapped for what.

Single space / double space: Great clue. And I like how suspicion flip-flopped off the TA when he revealed that his syllabus was cut & pasted from Alex's notes!

Catching the murderer planting or removing evidence: Throwback to Columbo Death Lends a Hand contact lens, A Friend in Deed evidence planting, and Columbo Goes to College gun plant. Also catching Johnny Cash removing the parachute in Swan Song.


I didn't see it (fell asleep) but asked my wife who turned it off after five minutes. She was curious as to why they are not plugging this as a spinoff of the Good Wife. Wouldn't that help it out?


I don't think you can judge a show by it's first five minutes! It was a bit silly, her riding a NYC tour bus wearing a stupid foam Statue of Liberty hat... but it gets better! That was just showing that she was new to the city.


Watching it now and enjoying it. At first I was annoyed, "this is just a Columbo show". Then I was happy, "this is a Columbo show!" Cuz i love the Columbo formula.


how do you feel now after 4 episodes? I love watching for the Columbo Connections. Others on Reddit are offended. Whatever!


Very much enjoying it still. Even set the DVR to catch it. But then I learned that it was a spinoff of the Good Wife? Now I don't know what to think. Ick!
