Season 2 Episode 10.. you've gotta be kidding me - Spoiler Warning -
First you take an alcoholic idiot that quiet apparently can't handle a gun
even if his life depended on it, can't handle a stressed situation without
excrementing his pants and running for the bottle of bourbon.
Then you give him a rifle and he yet again proves that he can't hit the side of
a barndoor by missing a perfectly lined up shot at medium range on a stationary target.
And then you except this idiot to suddenly develope sniperskills and being able
to hit a target in a crowd, from the roof of a skyscraper - did the writers just
run out of LOGICAL IDEAS to further their story and events in the show !?.
Even i could see who would get shot the moment she stepped out of the car after
being the loveinterest of one of the villains in the show, because that would only
grow his hatred..
And what does the alcoholic do?.. gets caught ofc with his friend who's took weak
to cling a fence that a 12year kid could climb in a second. And then he doesn't
take responsibility of the innocent girl he just killed.
This show is going downhill faster then an avalanche in the alps.
And ontop of everything, we have the damn Emo-kid that someone should've shot
a long time ago, or just let him reunite with his mother...