A missed opportunity

There are way too many opinions on here from mindless, action movie junkies and pseudo-film intellectuals alike. Essentially the movie was very good for the first two-thirds of its running time but then simply ran out of gas. All of the main characters were nicely developed but many were left forgotten about or wasted by the end...Adam Driver's, Bill Camp's, and Sam Shepherd's characters in particular. I was glad it didn't devolve into a Steven Spielberg melodrama but the end was cold and barren. The very ending, hinting at this as a next step in evolution, was intriguing but came only in the last few frames of the film and wasn't enough to save the sloppy ending. Many of the greatest sci-fi movies (i.e., 2001: A Space Odyssey) certainly don't tie up every loose end (nor should they) but the kind of questions left in the wake of this movie weren't exactly thought provoking either, rather it simply left me with "what was the point of that?". I could have watched E.T. (far from a favorite of mine) and seen a much more interesting film. The topics it did introduce (parenting, religion, privacy, existentialism) were barely hinted at before they were forgotten, hence the missed opportunity. A similar (and better, though not flawless) film I'd recommend is Alex Proyas' Knowing.



What frames were you referring to regarding evolution being hinted at?


Just that at the end, when Michael Shannon is looking at the sky, his eyes start to glow a bit like the kid's eyes did. This could imply that he is a being like the boy (which would explain how he fathered such a being). I took it to mean that the beings are the next step in human evolution...sort of like the Starchild at the end of 2001. This is just a guess but it makes sense. It could mean something else (or just been a reflection of something bright in his eyes) but the way it ended it suddenly (with him smiling) seemed to indicate that he and his son are similar beings. An alternate universe is a possibility but that seems mundane next to the evolution theory...just my 2 cents.


Some movies are just like that man. They left a bunch of *beep* unanswered. It's left up to the audience. I am not saying I like that but it is what it is.

I think the ending, he was left with "the vision" if you will. He could see the other race.


I didn't care for this movie, I was hoping they would have focused more on the cult aspect that the movie started out with and then they just dropped it altogether and instead made a really cheap looking movie with some interesting ideas that don't actually go anywhere. I guess this is supposed to be one of those "artistic" scifi movies, well the artistic types can keep it.

"I wanted to meet interesting and stimulating people of an ancient culture... and kill them."


Yeah, I agree.

Also, think buildings from alternate dimension didn't fit these advanced light beings. They looked like some expensive metal penthouses. Not too creative.

Needed something else in the plot. Like a meteor headed for the earth that the boy saves all from. Else - why was he here? Why? No one asked? Geesh.

Too bad. Acting good.
