This movie I feel was a real mess, it had an interesting concept and had you gripped with the mystery of what was going on, but it left huge elements of the story totally unexplained and open ended. It felt like we where watching a sequel to another movie where everything had been explained to some extent. As it is like we are being dragged through the story knowing what they where talking about. They also left huge elements just without any further story telling. They seemed to forget about the ranch and the fate of the ranch men who took Alton was not even touched upon. The story was unnecessarily dragged out and what we got at the end was just a mess.
Overall, I hated this movie and had little I liked about it. It was executed poorly and I would give it a 3/10 because of this.
Because of the ending, I think they set this up to have an actual sequel - But I somewhat doubt it will materialize after this movie.
Really? You need your hand held through every second of a movie? Need it to be spoon-fed to you so carefully that not a single moment challenges you to have to think or wonder?
This movie doesn't feel like a sequel, so please don't use "we" when you mean "I".
This movie tells you everything you need to know but gives you just enough to be left wondering. Awesome.
Who cares how the dude figured out where the kid needed to be. He figured it out and that's that. We don't need to actually see him at the chalkboard giving us a huge effing math lesson.
Firstly, let me say I meant "we". I was with my friends when we saw this and we all agreed that the movie felt like it was set as a sequel.
If you enjoyed the movie, good on you. You found enjoyment where I could not. Too much is left unanswered in my opinion. Although I do like unexplained or mysterious elements to a plot if they are placed in for the right things and at the right time, here it is just a mess of stuff which is either rushed through or simply ignored. It makes watching a movie frustrating as you do not know where it is going and what is the point.
Also, everything shouts out of the movie not being finished, such as the quite abrupt end. The poorly polished and unfinished looking CGI elements towards the end, and the fact that it seems it is just about to lead onto another major development just as the credits begin. Of course, we dont need a *beep* maths lesson. But movies can explain complex elements in creative ways such as the Big short, explaining enough to be sufficient but also keeping the audience engaged. Leaving to much unexplained is honestly lazy, say what you like about it beign "creative" and "making you wonder". But it all boils down to how much money,time and creativity went in to the movie.
Don't be little internet bitches - he's right. This movie was boring, too slow to be a chase movie, and the CGI was laughably bad (when is it not, though?) and actually ruined what would have only been an O K A Y movie anyways. 6/10 MAX
Jesus Christ, just go watch Transformers or something. You clearly missed the entire point of the film if you're calling it "boring" or commenting on the CGI. *beep* you're stupid.
Hahahahahah, your kidding right. The point was literally the kids dad sending his own child of to live with some alien race for the rest of his life while being chased by Westboro Baptist church and the evil government. What is there to miss?
...commenting on the CGI...
Well, I look at everything in a movie, not just the plot and the story but how it is executed. The CGI SUCKED get over it. Unlike some people I don't just see a story and think "wow that's amazing". I look at everything else that makes up the movie and then make a judgement how good it is.
you're stupid.
I didn't like the movie, this is my opinion. Like I said, get over it. reply share
My name is not Jesus Christ, but thanks for the terrible advice. I'd rather watch this *beep* on loop for a month than watch any Trans-movie, but thanks again, kid
well said. It is easy to make a movie without a satisfaction story line or a meaningful end. beautiful images after each other with good actors but nothing more. I feel tricked. want my lost time back !!!!?!
Yeah just another movie with a beginning and some characters that have some conflict to overcome throughout and some shots taking place at various locations edited together w/ lines of dialogue intermittently weaved in to reveal elements of the story gradually, and then it all comes to an eventual conclusion pfffft....typical.
I'll put the next part of the review in a spoiler tag with the warning that the OP may be offended...
"Assuming YOU have a complete set of chromosomes... all of the roos are locked in the north paddock... and you don't need every single plot point explained to you, you'll work it out because you're not a complete freaking idiot."
I changed the channel after hearing that much and saw Midnight Special as soon as I could. I loved it, and I've told all my friends they have to see it... without knowing anything about the plot. I doubt there is any movie that has universal appeal, so it's always interesting to get more viewpoints.
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"You are very smart. It's really rare for a film to use that as it's starting point."
Really? Obviously a lot smarter than the actual characters in the movie:
--Not a single person asked any meaningful questions, not even the "Lead Operations Analyst" who's business is that of asking questions. The first thing a person with half-decent intelligence asks is "How?"How is it possible that the child is here, how is it that he was born of a human, if indeed this is the case? -- Not one person could actually explain what happened when "connecting" with the child. Very vague indeed. As if "feeling" isn't cliched enough. -- City - Not one single person gets in close to explore?? Really, Not one? Even mum who's meters away. No a single person takes photos even? -- The Ranch thing is cute but not really indicative of a high level of intellect.'ll work it out because you're not a complete freaking idiot."
These are just a few points to support my argument that the movie is not smart, it's actually quite lazy, relying on the 'smartness' of the audience to fill in the gaps.
Also there no challenge here. It's pretty one-dimensional. The Sixth Sense it is not. reply share
I like it when internet people watch a relatively big budget studio movie that has a mildly vague plot, then go around patting themselves on the back for how smart they are for understanding such an artistic masterpiece...
OP never said this movie was hard to understand (it wasn't), they said it was full of plot holes and loose ends (it was).
The imagery was beautiful. The performances were great. The story was an absolute mess. It felt like things were happening because the writer thought, "Oooh, wouldn't it be neat if...", without taking into consideration how those things fit into the story. And I'm sorry, the kid's sudden realization of what he was based on seeing the sunrise, and his subsequent explanation? Clumsy, simplistic, and just plain awful.
In general, there was enough to like about this movie that, ultimately, I didn't hate it, but I completely agree that the story was lacking. Apparently there are a lot of Mensa scholars and film auteurs on this message board that are far too enlightened to hold such a plebeian view. Gosh, I hope I can be as smart as them some day!
Look, I love Take Shelter and Mud (the other movies of Jeff Nichols) and especially Take Shelter is letting a lot things unexplained and that's fine with me. But Midnight Special is a differnt case. I think Nichols put too many things in this movie, like this cult for example. We never got a real insight in the characters, many things make no real sense (even if the kid got Kylo Ren on his side, how exactly did they escape?). The strange thing is, that the movie seems to move slow but the story feels rushed. The whole thing didn't feel like a real movie to me, it felt more like the final episode of a TV show. There was no real built up to the story the movie wants to tell.
I left the theatre disappointed *** SPOILERS AHEAD!***. OK Loved Michael Shannon's performance, some cool effects but that's it. Something that bugged me in the beginning of the movie, if they're hiding and running way why would you park your car right in the front of the motel in plain view for people to see? Couldn't just one of them go pick up the car? Why was the broken car in the middle of the road? That made no sense. How did they escape from the interrogation room? What was the purpose of showing the whole city?
I thought it was because they didn't expect the amber alert. They knew the ranch and they thought they'd never report it. The ranch seemed as surprised by the alert too. After that they did make attempts to hide - car in the garage and van around the back. They had only taken just taken Alton if the movie timeline is anything to go by (Lucas tells Sarah that Roy turned up at his door "three nights ago" while they are separated - that would mean the first night was in the motel you see at the start.
As for the "broken" car. I don't think it was broken. Lucas had just turned his lights on, the car was emerging from the intersection as it couldn't see Lucas' car coming. It stopped when the lights came on, stunned. Lucas swerved, car coming the other way had no chance.
I completely agree with the OP that the movie was a complete mess and boring to boot. The ending didn't make any sense. How did Alton get his powers from his normal human parents and why is the ending any better than his situation on the ranch. We are just suppose to assume that x place is better than y place just because the screenwriter say so with provide a shred of evidence. Then Alton powers are completely arbitrary that does whatever the story says so. I would argue that Alton being in danger was a complete red herring as he could use his power to escape anywhere. The only people in danger were his parents who were risking their lives for a very dubious conclusion.
Actually, I think that's why it's interesting. This movie isn't the type of movie that you can just shut your brain and enjoy like every Fast and Furious. There are a lot of open questions that each of us, if we care to think, can just come up with an answer ourselves, and the answers may differ. Nowhere in the movie did they say Alton is in a better place now. I agree that there were a few plot holes in there, but the movie in general is like a Picasso painting. For me Alton ended up in a better place, but for someone else he didn't, something like that. It's what they call an "open ending". Which is my favorite type of ending, actually. Maybe that's why I really enjoy this movie. Alton's power didn't include teleportation, you know. He could make machines stop working, but he wasn't all powerful. I think that, too, was also an important point. Nobody is powerful enough to stay alive alone in this world, we all need someone else to rely, and that's okay. Alton DIDN'T get his powers from his normal human parents. At one point, his mother said "What if he doesn't belong to us?", hinting that from the beginning Alton wasn't a human from Earth. Plus in the end he returned to the world where there were people like him, like he also said at one point. ("Above our world there is another world. There are people there. People like me.") And in another scene he said "I don't belong here. I'm not from this world." So from that we can conclude that Alton, through some kind of fault or something, ended being born to the Tomlins, despite the fact that he belonged to another world. Although, I do wish they explained this. At the Ranch his power was exploited; I thought they made it pretty clear. Because the people at the ranch made him sleep in the morning and used his power at night, telling people that he'd die if he went out in the sun, thus he was weakening due to the lack of sunlight. This was made clear when he watched the sunrise and became healthy again. Anyway, I think this movie is the type that you just have to pay really, really, really close attention to every single detail and then connect the dots yourself to understand it.
I agree with what you said. I would also like to state two things one I have a pretty high IQ and so I would like to believe I am intelligent and well read. I appreciate film but mostly enjoy foreign films because their films tend to rely on the writing and acting. as opposed to high paid stars and loud bands and booms.
I want a film to make me use my mind and my own imagination. This film did just that.Everyone is different I am not going to say my taste in films is better than anyone else. This film worked for me. I have read hundreds of thousands of books and seen a few thousand films and movies. I have varied taste this film will not work for all but for me it was a winner.
But there are so many variables to consider. You don't know how old she is, and you don't know how fast she reads. You don't know when she started reading or how long the books were. I'm not saying I believe she has read hundreds of thousands of books, but I'm not going to pretend it is something anyone can prove either way.
As I already pointed out, there are too many undefined variables. You must have some privileged information that I'm not privy to. Again, I'm not defending her claim, I'm just calling you out on your unsupported assertion. If you're so sure you can prove it mathematically, I'd be very interested in seeing your explanation.
As I've said twice now, it would depend on the length of the books and the speed at which the reader was able to read them. Likely? Not at all. Impossible? Hardly.
Three pages long? Where did you pull that number from? You don't have to tell me, I already know. I want you to know that calling me a "dikhead" really helped support your position... If you appreciated nuance, you'd have realized I actually agree with you on principle, but you're too preoccupied with absolutes.
If you see the Buddha on the road...kill the Buddha.
hundreds of thousand your like reading 10 books a average human only lives around 30,000 days if they are lucky and i doubt your ar in you 70s so i dont see no chance in you reading 10,000 books much les over 100,000.your i.q. must not be to high if you cant do basic math.
Yep say the light. Another boring just because arbitrary writing so stupid movie goers can go ah ha the director is genius. Therefore I would ask why doesn't the father have the same powers and know what is going to happen?
Nobody cares that you have the attention span of a toddler. Didn't like the movie? Good for you. No need to share your disdain without providing reasons. Not liking this movie doesn't make you "cool". Get over yourself.
Funny you should mention caffeine. I actually don't consume caffeine, and I haven't had any for the past two years. I developed a sensitivity to caffeine after I had a series of major panic attacks a few years ago. Caffeine wasn't helping.
The reason I may have seemed "combative" is because I'm sick of people playing "critic" without providing any sort of rationale. "The movie was boring"... Okay, why do you think that? It really isn't hard for people to provide a little feedback. The same goes for people who praise a movie for no reason. I am not playing "Devil's advocate", because the question was "How did the boy have powers?" The movie made it very apparent that Alton's Father had a flicker of light in his eyes at the end. This is one of those movies that leaves a lot of things unexplained intentionally. You realize that explaining everything in great detail for a movie like this would likely strip it of its mystery and magic, right?
If you reply to my comment sincerely and openly, I'd be happy to discuss this further, but if you're going to accuse me of being some hyper-abrasive stimulant junkie, then I'll be moving on. Have a good one.
If you see the Buddha on the road...kill the Buddha.
I left the theatre disappointed *** SPOILERS AHEAD!***. OK Loved Michael Shannon's performance, some cool effects but that's it. Something that bugged me in the beginning of the movie, if they're hiding and running way why would you park your car right in the front of the motel in plain view for people to see? Couldn't just one of them go pick up the car? Why was the broken car in the middle of the road? That made no sense. How did they escape from the interrogation room? What was the purpose of showing the whole city?
Alton adjusted the monitor to make it seem like he was still sitting down in the chair in the interrogation room but in reality he wasn't. My guess is he did something to the security cameras so he and Sevier could escape.
You're a creature of the night, Michael reply share
My guess is he did something to the security cameras
Plus, given his ability to control electronics, and we saw him open an electronic door lock, and they actually mentioned they could not secure the outer doors without power, it seemed likely that Alton wouldn't have had a very hard time getting out... once he wasn't being directly observed by other people.
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I totally agree with @chris-vialls, this film is a total mess. I watched it at the cinema with my son and as we left the screen the general hub-bub of our fellow viewers was all about the gaping holes in the plot.
To my mind this movie is the cinematic equivalent of somebody trying to recount a crazy dream, thinking that it has some great meaning, but basically babbling complete gibberish.
I'm genuinely curious about the holes some people saw in the film. I thought it was a pretty tight script. I really am curious and would like to know what people thought. Not trying to be confrontational at all.
I'm genuinely curious about the holes some people saw in the film. I thought it was a pretty tight script. I really am curious and would like to know what people thought. Not trying to be confrontational at all.
The parents gave birth to the "alien" child because the father is himself one of "them." Okay, so why didn't the father have any of those demigod-like powers? Why didn't he then go with the kid? Why was he in the dark and didn't know what was going on half the time? How are these incredible and wide ranging array of powers possible? Who are these ethereal beings and why are they watching us? How did the "alien" father get here and why is he fathering hybrid children? Why did he give the "alien" kid up for adoption? What was the ultimate point as to why the kid had to leave (while his father doesn't)? Why was the kid getting deathly ill but was suddenly cured? Why was the father so afraid of the kid looking into people's eyes when the results were fairly innocuous? Why was the kid wearing blue swimming goggles, when it's shown that they don't hinder his eye powers? If they're for sunlight, then why not UV blocking sunglasses? Why couldn't the authorities figure out where the kid's mom lives, while a couple of cult members made it look easy? What was the point of the meteor shower?
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so why didn't the father have any of those demigod-like powers?
Who's to say he didn't?
Why didn't he then go with the kid?
Possibly because the kid didn't fit in in this world (couldn't control his powers) and he knew from first hand experience that the place he was going to was safe and somewhere he'd 'fit'/benefit from the experience of being with his 'own kind'.
Why was he in the dark and didn't know what was going on half the time?
Between dad and kid I think they knew what was going on most of the time.
How are these incredible and wide ranging array of powers possible?
If the film maker went with Midichlorians would it sit more comfortably with you?
Who are these ethereal beings and why are they watching us?
Are they watching us?
How did the "alien" father get here and why is he fathering hybrid children?
Transport between dimensions(?) is evidenced in the film, procreation is intrinsic to lifeforms.
Why did he give the "alien" kid up for adoption?
There's very little background on the 'Ranch' who's to say they all went there at the same time? Roy is clearly demonstrated as a 'passive' character, (Jesus-like?) until it comes to getting Alton where he needs to be on time.
What was the ultimate point as to why the kid had to leave (while his father doesn't)?
Don't all kids fly the nest?
Why was the kid getting deathly ill but was suddenly cured?
I looked on this akin to puberty/metamorphosis and him acquiring control of his abilities.
Why was the father so afraid of the kid looking into people's eyes when the results were fairly innocuous?
You saw what happened with a 'trusted' friend, and the kid being the basis of a cult right?
Why was the kid wearing blue swimming goggles, when it's shown that they don't hinder his eye powers?If they're for sunlight, then why not UV blocking sunglasses?
Red would have made him look too much like Cyclops and goggles encompass the whole eye, it was to keep light out!
Why couldn't the authorities figure out where the kid's mom lives, while a couple of cult members made it look easy?
Law Enforcement/State Officials aren't generally allowed to employ physical torture on suburban housewives!
What was the point of the meteor shower?
It's fairly well documented in the film.
It's not a massive stretch to suggest this just wasn't your type of film. reply share
Almost every point you made was obvious if you had paid attention to the film and listened to the boy. The film doesnt give you every answer wrapped in bright neon lights with directions, it gives you subtlety and a need to think about what the point is. Why were his goggles blue? Seriously you needed that answered lol.
Well done, jackalallstar. You have an excellent grasp of the film, and I think you have explained it quite well. The fact that the film does not explain itself adequately to the OP and others is not a fault or failure of the film.
I'm curious what *beep* you're watching movies at where people are openly talking during the movie and it's not loud enough in there that you can understand that they are discussing plot holes. Your story sounds pretty made up
I have to agree that I thought the film a little weak.
Not enough exposition or dialogue. Too many long lingering shots looking off into distance and an ending that didn't seem to have much resonance.
Yes, the idea was pretty cool but the way the authorities were interviewing the guys about what they saw seemed to completely ignore what about 3 million people must have seen.
Potentially an interesting concept but one that was wasted in being too slow and not explaining it enough. It's not that I didn't understand the final reveal, just that the story could have done with a little more telling.
I'm sorry but I couldn't disagree more. I admit this isn't your typical hollywood movie with bite size info spoon fed to the viewers but you can piece together everything in the end.
think of a cartoon character. Their entire universe is in 2d and if you take time into account you get a total of 3 dimensions. Only a few Jimmy Neutrons will be able to think of a universe in 4d like our universe (X,Y,Z and time)
This "other world" is likely a world with "people" who live in 5d or even 9 to 11 ( depends on what string theory you fancy )
The dad is a genetic fluke who is close to being "enlightened", they hint to that in the final scene with the light in his eyes. He never felt at home in our universe and never believed in anything his entire life except for his son. Then his son won the DNA lottery and was more an other worlder than a homo sapiens sapiens so it becomes obvious he would have to go to that other dimension to grow into adulthood. The movie is full with little hints. Even the boys name means "town at the river source" or simply the beginning. The next Adam. Even the mother is called Sarah like Abraham's wife in the bible ( mom of Isaac patriarch of the Israelites )
The cult is somewhat negative about religion as it shows the worst from religion but this isn't an anti religion movie. That other dimension could be an explanation for dark energy/mass for the atheist but could just as well be heaven/walhalla or whatever you want to call it for a religious person.
The electrician and his cult friend have been stopped by the FBI and they or their corpses have been dragged away on the chopper. You can see blood in the pickup when the parents drive by. They don't waste any more screen time on them because they aren't important for the story any longer. Did you notice how the boy is reading superman comics? Clark is super because he gets his powers from the sun. As soon as the boy gets into sunlight he gets more powers.
The entire cult can be ignored from now on since he has his powers and the focus is now on the feds/army.
As soon as the boy is alone with the NSA guy he shuts of the power and rigs the camera so they think he is still being questioned while they escape. It could very well be that he stopped time since he is being filmed as still sitting on the chair on the right screen while the left screen only shows an empty room with an empty chair ( still thinking about that one tbh)
The kid now knows it will all be alright and he tries to tell his dad but since he can't stop worrying he puts the vest on to humor him. When the kid leaves with his mom they have an entire conversation without saying a word. Now men can do that (great freaking acting btw) but with a little stretch they could have a mental link since the joined sunrise too.
If it was all explained in obvious hints then this would be "unnecessarily dragged out" but this "mess" was a story distilled to the minimum leaving just enough room for the viewer to reach their own conclusions as they see fit like a fine Texan Whiskey.
This brings me to "De gustibus non est disputandum" or "In matters of taste, there can be no disputes". There's nothing wrong with liking beer more than whiskey.
It started beautifully. Suspenseful, engaging, and very well directed. Then there was a tortuously boring drag in the middle with a few high cool moments. And then the last third of the movie lost its way and turned into near pure garbage. Much like a different crew finished the film or like they lost the script and didn't feel like tying up anything.