Frenetic and frantic editing

This looked like it was edited by someone who had extreme ADD or ADHD. It seemed that most scenes were slathered together by cuts that lasted fractions of a second or less.

It was not enjoyable.


Many people are use to slow motion scenes..., many movies had fast cutting scenes and i didn't saw any complaints about them😉


Would be nice if someone set up a peition for the movie recut, but I bet Anderson would not settle for this as it would undermine and tarnish his artistic vision of the movie.


Too true.

The editing was bad enough to give someone a seizure. I'm honestly surprised they didn't have a seizure warning at the beginning because that fight in the meat locker(?) against that budget Regenerator was filled with so many cuts and edits and flashing lights that I thought I was going to contract epilepsy.

I think the fight scene on top of that armored vehicle near the beginning was the worst, though. There were so many jump cuts for the simplest of actions that it was literally impossible to keep up with what was going on.


I watched the movie in 3D and it was hmm... idk a mess.


I agree. I saw this in theater when it first came out, and didn't think too much of it. Just tried to watch it again and nearly quit due to the editing style. But before I could I fell asleep and woke up when it was over. Not going to bother trying again.
