
Given the average reception of the series (or just above) in comparison to the original run, and even the other versions, do people think this CAN be improved by adjusting the format to the original half hour? I've seen a few criticism's of the show, including length, and is the consensus that it can be improved, at least partially, by shortening the episodes? Or do you think that the show can be improved by keeping the length and possibly altering the way it tackles the thematic question of each episode? In turn how do you think that will affect it in regards to it being considered truly authentic as a Twilight Zone rendition?


Reducing the length of the eps would help to some degree. It seems that not much really happens in them.

The real problem is that the writers either tend to miss the point entirely or don't provide any twist or spook factor.

The comedian one was sort of close but needed more. The one with the black mother and white cop was just a BLM advert nothing interesting happened at all although it could have but they weren't interested in being interesting.

The alien one sort of had a classic Twilight feel to it but also needed more. And the airplane one was just boring.

I stopped watching after Ep 4.

They need to drop the PC rants, a more off centre narrator the one they have now is boring. And better stories.



I know the original Season 4 featured hour-long episodes and contained classics such as "The Bard" & "Printer's Devil" and had a few flops that felt TOO long.

The ideal length is probably 20-30 min for this show..
