MovieChat Forums > The Twilight Zone (2019) Discussion > SJW Identity Politics Zone

SJW Identity Politics Zone

I mean WTF, this stuff is lame.


That's what it looked like from the commercial. I guess I will pass.
SJWs ruin everything.



The first one is nothing compared to the following episodes where they have given up on slipping their propaganda "under the radar". It is laid on sooo heavy that I literally groaned and rolled my eyes and only continued to watch just to see how blatant they could get.


I had high hopes when i heard Peele was behind it because of Get out and Us but the reviews have been bad.Seems this is just another podium for Social justice warriors to be heard.I miss the old days when people just told stories without all the preachy messaging.


This latest episode about 'toxic masculinity' sure went full SJW. I wish it would be more Sci-fi and less BS or at least be a little more subtle but alas.


Yeah - hmm - it's a really weird episode, because it talked more about the woman's stupidity. I mean, the dudes' eyes got red, they got weird veins on their faces pop-up, they got psychotic, one dude's voice changed to a demonic pitch - and this woman's conclusion - meteors are a placebo and these dudes were always this way, just hiding it.

I mean, OK - twilight zone is not outer limits - it doesn't have to provide any sort of legit scientific explanation to shit that goes on in each episode, but still - this is sjw fairy tale, where all men are rapists and murderers cause they are men ;)

Having said that - this episode really reminds me of 'get out' - where Peele explored how black people truly see white people. Whereas in this case he analyzed how women see men in general - though in this instance, the sci-fi aspect was even weaker than it was in get out.


The problem with rebooting the Twilight Zone at this point in time is that this was always going to be the inevitable result

All other current anthology scifi/horror shows that I've watched, including Black Mirror and Dimension 404, include lots of SJW content. And the old school TZ was, in some ways, SJW for its time. The problem is that now it's a hip and trendy thing to do, so they will have no reason to hold back on this shit at all

I was like 80% sure that this would be the result when this was announced, but a small part of held out hope that either it would not happen, or the show would be so entertaining that the SJWness could be overlooked. But the quality is actually not good, so it's not worth watching


Thing is the original run was actually quite daring for its time. Subjects like post-apocalypse / cold war, racism, war is bad in general, society conventions + McCarthyism, and etc. are thought provoking even today.

I don't think you can show yankees and confederates lined up as ghosts heading to the "same" heaven/hell on TV today. TV today will show you yankees going to heaven and confederates to hell. That's just one example of Serling's depiction that war IS all hell not divided into good and bad guys.

BUT that's precisely what lacks today. If the last episode (07) portrayed both men and women being capable of evil shit, then it'd be daring TV. showing ONLY men are bad/rapey/psycho isn't new and that's why the reboot sucks donkey ass.


Honestly, I don't know. I haven't seen the latest episode, and I have no intention of seeing it

"Not all men" is a common phrase among SJWs. It's supposed to be a mockery of men claiming that "not all men are rapists/chauvinists/etc."

I'm not even against feminism, but an episode with this title will definitely have no subtlety to it. I'm not interested in hearing the same tired argument that I've heard on Facebook groups and Youtube videos, except in fictional TZ form. I know exactly what its point will be and it's not a particularly interesting one


"And the old school TZ was, in some ways, SJW for its time. The problem is that now it's a hip and trendy thing to do, so they will have no reason to hold back on this shit at all"

I don't think Serling's cynicism about humankind and its barbarism, the seeming inevitability of nuclear war, people turning on one another in stressful situations, and so forth really qualify as SJW issues. Serling most certainly tackled the human condition, but he was very general about it. The SJW issues of today are far more specific and center on particular groups (blacks, women, etc). Occasionally, Serling would tackle an issue like ethnic bigotry (e.g. The Encounter from season 5, starring George Takei), but even there you don't get the feeling of being lectured, as if he's telling his audience that they need to evolve to the superior world view and ethics that he has. Could you argue that Serling was after "social justice" for Jews in an episode like Deaths-Head Revisited (Season 3)? I suppose so, but I'd argue that even with that episode, where a sadistic ex-concentration camp Nazi guard revisits Auschwitz and gets terrorized by the ghosts of the Jews he victimized, Serling wasn't really after "social justice" in any sense we mean it today. I saw that episode as an exploration of instant karma more than anything, which was a common twist that Serling used.

I'd be curious to hear credible arguments that *any* of the original run episodes were SJW in any way.



It's actually so on-the-nose, so shamelessly politically biased, and so devoid of anything remotely resembling respect for its viewers' intelligence that I'm almost ready to consider the idea that the show is in fact reverse-propaganda: a show really written by old conservatives intend on so grossly caricaturing liberal SJW agenda so as to expose its trappings and fallacies.

If that were the case, at least someone, somewhere would be able to say with a straight face that the writers have done a damn good job (the direction of most episodes would still be low tier though... nothing much can be done to save that.)
