Interesting thread...
Clearly people in general (and probably particularly here in the U.S. where the 'importance' of appearances is highly exaggerated) are usually impressed to some degree by good looking people and they likely almost automatically respond more solicitously (Wow, I wasn't sure that was a word, but it didn't trigger my spellcheck ) BUT... as others here have mentioned, personality mainly and to some degree what people call 'charm' or perceive as 'confidence' can have a much greater effect in the long term. Or even after a few minutes. I think it would depend more so on the TYPE of person the waitress is. For example, my Mom who was a very intelligent woman, was always much more engaged by a man who was charming or funny, etc. 'Confidence' is a lot trickier in my lowly and wretched opinion. I think I am somewhat biased by that because so many of these 'guys' that appear to exhibit 'confidence' usually just come across to me more so as real Dovches who THINK they are something special. Sadly, that seems to be what current 'Pop' culture promotes and I guess really STUPID girls like. Fine by me... let them mate and produce Squid-Babies for all I care. My Mom was always COMPLETELY turned off by any man at all that showed that kind of superficial 'confidence'. But again, I feel that that would depend on the girl. If the girl is a mindless airhead who thinks a guy like that is a 'Real' man and is turned on by him, then good for her. I would think, though, that a moderately intelligent woman / girl would respond more so to a man's personality if there was some time for interaction.
I am a passably decent looking guy, nothing great though, and I am definitely not 20 any more (I could tell you my age, but then I would have to kill you...) And, I would say that if the waitress is really young (say 18-20 or so) out of 10 girls like that, maybe 1-3 of them might respond somewhat to my 'charm' and teasing around with them. But, that would totally depend on whether my particular personality or 'humour' resonates with them or just leaves them flat (metaphorically speaking, of course... ) But, on occasion with young girls like that, I sometimes hit a responsive chord which really I feel in that kind of case has a LOT more to do with whether she likes my humour or not. Not really how good or bad looking I am.
So, FWIW, just some of my scattered, unfocused thoughts about this...
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