MovieChat Forums > Hell or High Water (2016) Discussion > Question from an average-looking guy...

Question from an average-looking guy...

Do waitresses treat guys who look like Chris Pine (i.e., cute guys) differently than they treat guys who look like me?

Are the Chris Pines of the world seated more promptly? Do waitresses serve them faster, give them more eye contact, talk to them more, etc.?

In my more paranoid moments, I imagine they do.

Am I right or wrong?


You are so, so right, and it is so, so wrong. Of course, Guys with money get the same treatment, and good-looking guys with money, well, forget about it.


Confused: How do waitresses know if a guy's got money?


Confused: How do waitresses know if a guy's got money?

They base that on what kind of car he has, clothes he's wearing, jewelery, etc.

Of course just b/c a guy has all the things I listed doesn't always mean he is rich.

Mother is the name for God on the lips & hearts of all children -Eric D. Raven


Thank God men don't act that way to stunning women. It's a two way street.


come on. he's just a guy. I'm sure he's had to wait a few extra seconds for a table. lol


Better looking people, man and women make out better than ordinary people.. And the whole movie I was thinking about how good looking Chris Pine was.

I worked in advertising and in account management, being attractive helped you get hired. When there was Client entertainment, the Client liked being with attractive people.

I started in research where being smart and knowing your stuff counted. Look at my picture and you can see I didn't get by on my looks. Ha ha.


I made this point on an earlier post. Chris Pine's character did not need to rob a bank. He could have gotten hired anywhere -- in advertising, in modeling, in sales, as a bartender. This movie was stupid


Right, all of those jobs could have made him $40,000 in a few weeks. Plus, he felt he was stealing his own money back, which was the entire point of the movie. I will agree about the presence of stupidity, however.

Prepare your minds for a new scale of physical, scientific values, gentlemen.


$40,000 "in a few weeks" bartending?


That last post was sarcasm, dude.

Check out my action-packed short film, Liberation:


So savage!



I didn't find his character physically attractive at all. I kept thinking he needed a shower.


Do you tip Hott waitresses more than not so hott or guy servers?


Can't answer your question about waitresses, but the chef adulterates your food with DNA, though.

Cancel my subscription to the Resurrection. Send my credentials to the House of Detention.


Some do. Some don't. There is no way all waitresses act.


In a small town with limited men with whom to mate, Katy mixon absolutely would have been nicer to a hunk coming in rather than a regular who pinches her can


This isn't about the question posed but is about at best an average looking guy. How the hell did Ben Forster pick up and sleep with hotel clerk? Was the movie set in 1975?


Simple answer, she was slutty and didn't care


This isn't about the question posed but is about at best an average looking guy. How the hell did Ben Forster pick up and sleep with the hotel clerk? Was the movie set in 1975?


It's not just about looks you know personality comes into play too even more so. Tanner may not be the hottest of the two but he is way more charming.
That's why she sleep with him, toby doesn't have charm at all. He wouldn't get a job as a model or in advertising or even bartending his too quiet too depressed. Those jobs require personality, charm and a way with words for which toby doesn't have.

"Some of the worst things imaginable have been done with the best intentions"


It's not just about looks you know personality comes into play too even more so. Tanner may not be the hottest of the two but he is way more charming.

I was just about to reply the same thing. It isn't always about looks. Sweet talk and charm can go a long way too. I've known plenty of average or even below average looking guys who had a lot of luck with women because of their confidence and charm.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


Confidence and charm go a very long way compared to looks.

"Some of the worst things imaginable have been done with the best intentions"


"How the hell did Ben Forster pick up and sleep with the hotel clerk? Was the movie set in 1975?"

How would that make it different? Women in 1975 liked attractive guys just as much as they do today.


It was a reference to the fact that 1975 was probably the real height of the sexual revolution: the chance of anyone having casual sex was at its greatest (I was in 8th grade-it's what I have read :) . About Ben Forster; straight guys assess other guys competitively-apparently I am underrating him. And to second what chillpillory said, waitresses are much less attentive to me at 54 than they were at 24 or 34. Getting old isn't easy-apparently it beats the alternative.


Pro-tip - casual sex still happens. A lot.


Ben getting that hot hotel clerk felt a little unrealistic and it seemed like they wanted to throw in a quick sex scene

The waitress hitting on pine felt real because she probably doesn't have many options in that town. Most of the males in that town are probably married and over 50


I'm 47. When I was 28, waitresses sort of treated me like that. One even drew a panting dog on my check. Now, that doesn't happen anymore. When I was the same age as the waitresses, that happened. Now, I'm twenty years older than the waitress and I get treated like it. If a bartender is 40, she may be sweet to me. But no waitress or bartender under 30.


I can tell you that as a completely self-supported bartender for many years I was an equal-opportunity flirt who put as much style, intelligence and wit into it as possible. Bartenders and waitresses (and I've done both for years) LIVE ON THIER TIPS! You don't clear enough cash, you go hungry. I wouldn't go out of my way to be nice to anyone who treated me like a personal slave (and many do for a variety of reasons) but if someone was nice, friendly and considerate I'd bend over backwards to be just as nice right back at them! I "flirted" with everyone equally. Wives, husbands, girlfriends, it didn't make any difference. I wanted them to have a good time, get the best service possible and have fun doing it. That way, when I put down "a highly detailed and calculated recording of just how much fun you've had tonight!" I could do it with a smile and a laugh that they could share. Because if I'd done my job right, they wouldn't care how much they'd spent, they'd care about how much they'd enjoyed themselves and hopefully remember that I had played a part in all of it.

So in answer to everyone/anyone's questions... NO. Waitresses are not nicer to the "cute guy" and we can't tell who "the rich guy" even is because so many act like they are when they aren't = liar= bad tipper and often a nasty human being. Waitresses are trying to make a living just like bartenders just like just about everyone else out there. I rarely remembered a customer based on looks. But if they were nice, or funny, or tipped well, or any combination thereof... if their drink was a scotch & soda with a twist, I put one in front of them. Because generally speaking, human beings remember people who are NICE TO THEM. Because in the end that's going to be more memorable than what you look like. Especially when it helps keep a roof over your head and food in your belly. 

"You told me I had nothing. But you were wrong. I have love, I have hope and I have faith."


Nice response, and I agree!


Interesting thread... 

Clearly people in general (and probably particularly here in the U.S. where the 'importance' of appearances is highly exaggerated) are usually impressed to some degree by good looking people and they likely almost automatically respond more solicitously (Wow, I wasn't sure that was a word, but it didn't trigger my spellcheck ) BUT... as others here have mentioned, personality mainly and to some degree what people call 'charm' or perceive as 'confidence' can have a much greater effect in the long term. Or even after a few minutes. I think it would depend more so on the TYPE of person the waitress is. For example, my Mom who was a very intelligent woman, was always much more engaged by a man who was charming or funny, etc. 'Confidence' is a lot trickier in my lowly and wretched opinion. I think I am somewhat biased by that because so many of these 'guys' that appear to exhibit 'confidence' usually just come across to me more so as real Dovches who THINK they are something special. Sadly, that seems to be what current 'Pop' culture promotes and I guess really STUPID girls like. Fine by me... let them mate and produce Squid-Babies for all I care. My Mom was always COMPLETELY turned off by any man at all that showed that kind of superficial 'confidence'. But again, I feel that that would depend on the girl. If the girl is a mindless airhead who thinks a guy like that is a 'Real' man and is turned on by him, then good for her. I would think, though, that a moderately intelligent woman / girl would respond more so to a man's personality if there was some time for interaction.

I am a passably decent looking guy, nothing great though, and I am definitely not 20 any more (I could tell you my age, but then I would have to kill you...) And, I would say that if the waitress is really young (say 18-20 or so) out of 10 girls like that, maybe 1-3 of them might respond somewhat to my 'charm' and teasing around with them. But, that would totally depend on whether my particular personality or 'humour' resonates with them or just leaves them flat (metaphorically speaking, of course... ) But, on occasion with young girls like that, I sometimes hit a responsive chord which really I feel in that kind of case has a LOT more to do with whether she likes my humour or not. Not really how good or bad looking I am.

So, FWIW, just some of my scattered, unfocused thoughts about this...

I now have over 7000 films; many of them very rare and OOP. I LOVE to trade. PLEASE ASK! 
