Cinematography was beautiful!

Anyone think it may have a shot at the Oscars?? The long quirky angles gave some of the best cinematic shots whilst watching the film. It was just so suitable, so flawless for a stylistic film like this. Best cinematography I've seen all year. Anyone agree?


Agree. It was beautiful.


Stunning!!!! I hope it gets an Oscar nom


Yes, the cinematography and Earl's character were my favorite parts of the movie.


Yes, it's such a shame that of the awards it's getting so far, it hasn't been recognized for cinematography yet. I hope some of the awards shows or festivals recognize it soon.

My review for Star Wars Episode VII:


I agree. I would love to see this get oscar nominated


Angles and lenses are chosen by the director usually. Lighting is done by the DP


It's generally a very collaborative process.


KNIGHT OF CUPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edit: Realized that comment made no sense. I think knight of cups should have been got the best cinematography award.


I haven't seen seen Knight of Cups and likely won't, since I'm not a fan of Terrence Malick. However, being shot by Emmanuel Lubezki, I can imagine that it would have had amazing cinematography!

"All I'm asking for is total perfection." - Lord Business


The photography was outstanding. Unique camera angles, smooth-flowing images, and soundtrack merged perfectly with images makes this a wonder of a movie.

This is what Hollywood could do so well so many years ago, but this is Pittsburgh. The director and cinematographer deserve much credit for this
very sad, funny, and beautiful film.

E pluribus unum


I couldn't agree more!

"All I'm asking for is total perfection." - Lord Business
