There's no two ways about it, this was a premeditated hate crime.
This was a hate crime, through and through. Larry wears girl's clothes and likes to be referred to by girl's names. He is sweet on Brandon and asks him to be his Valentine. This gives Brandon the right to kill Larry in cold blood? There are many people in this story that ought to be completely ashamed of themselves, including the jurors. So many people made it sound as if Larry deserved what he got. What the hell is wrong with our society that so many people think what Brandon did was justified, or at least provoked by Larry?
Brandon gets to leave prison in 21 years. Does Larry get to come back to life in 21 years? Swastikas and SS runes? Kids don't just go around drawing Swastikas and SS runes like they made it sound. Racist little bigots like Brandon and his brother do. This was a hate crime if I ever saw one.
Brandon's lawyers were a real treat, weren't they? I was shocked at the male lawyer as he seemed like he was a few lawn implements shy of a full shed. They must have really lowered the bar for his exam (no pun intended).
Then we get to the teacher. The teacher who was kind to Larry. The teacher who was very good to all the kids and was the kind of teacher I would have liked to have had when I was in school. She gets fired for caring and sticking up for Larry while he is a student and after he is killed. I certainly do hope that she files or has already filed a lawsuit for wrongful termination.
This whole thing just made me very angry at how people could think that something like this was if not justified, at least provoked. What a bunch of disgusting people. It reminds me so much of Harvey Milk and the Twinkie Defense.
Well, maybe Brandon and his low rent girlfriend can get married and by the time he gets out maybe that beach will be "white" again. These two are made for each other.
Anyway, that's my two cents. Bigoted people that live in a bigot filled town where the innocent are picked off and the scumbags don't get the punishment they certainly deserve. Next thing we know they will erect a bronze statue in honor of Brandon. He struck a blow for the straight, white man. Scum...absolute scum.
If your nose runs and your feet smell, you were built upside down.