This is a Palestinian-Israel Analogy.
English writing apologies in advance.
At fist glance you may think that this is Israel: a people surrounded with walls with feared persons inside, attacked constantly for stupid "Just want to kill you" "arabs".
Actually it is quite the opposite.
The cities represent the Palestinian territories.
The giants in facts represents the Zionist movement, let the military represent the stupid titans and the "smart" titans to be either the ideological branch of the Zionist movement or the infiltrated organization into the Palestinian groups.
The walls as you have seen in the anime, are considered "saints" for lot of people, they forbid titans to advance into the city.
Walls represents Allah, if you ask for a Palestinian, what have forbids their extermination, they will answer: Allah.
The state of their technology (rudimentary) will also support that it is not (at least) Israel.
Again, at first glance you may think they repressent the jewish people, the writer utilizes deliberately Jewish lastnames Yeager (not Jewish, but Ackerman is Ashkenazi jewish name). Take in mind however that "Yager" it is in fact a jewish last name.
They added several Jewish names over most characters (to much I said) just to "bind" the story.
You can not write a history with "Arabs" names all over and giants with curls ;-)
The general overview is a people that suddenly is attacked (his land) by giant (the military and political support analogy of Israel) enemy, that for no reason kill your people: "no -reason", for Muslims, the "holy land" as was "given by Allah to Jewish" it is not considered a correct interpretation and they consider not valid/no reason to take that land today (at least not in that way).
The story advance while the giants take over the lands and reduce the territory that can be habitable by the humans (analogy again to Israel increasing of the territories over the last century)
The "exploration" of the Survey Ops outside the walls, where they kill giants, represent in a popular (not Muslim correct etymology way) the Jihad.
An important linguistic analogy are dates:
They used 850, (you can now just write 1948 write ;-) or 950, is to obvious) 850 represents the "half of century", from wikipedia:
""The Israeli–Palestinian conflict is the ongoing struggle between Israelis and Palestinians that began in the mid 20th century.[1]"
"Eren" is a Turkish common name, that (a little debated, but accepted) to mean: "saint".
The Smart human-converted titans (Armored one, Collosal one and female one), represent strong army , political loby and infiltration respectively of the Zionist movement in this lands.
Take into account that it is not a giant that becomes a human, it is a human that becomes a giant: You can not blend a giant into humans, you can not blend a Jewish among Muslims ;-), however you can be an "arab" and become a Zionist ;-).
It is clear that the similarities are not so evident like in Matrix "0-1" nation that represent Israel, but it is clear the clear evidence of Palestinian-Isrel analogy.
However in the choose of Israel or Palestinian side of analogy it sustained much more on Palestinian case.
I know, you can interpreted the Giants as "the persecution over centuries of the Jewish People and finally they had to protect in the walls: Israel", where "stupid giant people "arabs" try to kill them and molest them in their "small holy land".
If this is the analogy, this only will sustained for the "creation of Israel" but nothing more, the rest of the attributes of the characters of situation do not represent current Israel situation at all. If that were the case, you should see:
1)Humans (Jewish people) all over the world, living in peace, blended with the titans (America and rest of the world where Jewish are not persecuted but the other way around they are respected and admired)
2)Amazing state of art technology
3)Supporting of other states or big support from another land (USA support)
4)The territory, should increase, not decrease
5)Most educated people (in series most people is stupid ;-P).
6)There will be no need to add so many Jewish names!!!, because the analogy would be clear ;-)
7)There are a lot of "muslimss" big economy countries around Israel that support Israel (there should be that analogy too).
Either way, good anime, waiting for season 2 :-).