Critical consensus is this is a crowd-pleaser.
That bodes well for the long-term prospects for this film. Heck...other than The Mummy can anyone recall the last time Universal released a flop?
shareThat bodes well for the long-term prospects for this film. Heck...other than The Mummy can anyone recall the last time Universal released a flop?
shareYou are always right, Queenie. Metacritic agrees, 32 critics give it 46!
Even the poor reviews concede it's a crowd-pleaser.
Even the poor reviews concede it's a crowd-pleaser.
Yep and that Crowd Pleaser just straight DIED in its 2nd weekend with a horrific 70% drop...
lol it seems Word Of Mouth from Audiences is even worse than Critics, because this film literally Collapsed....
call me crazy, But that it no way Suggests "Crown Pleasing"
anyways, nice call queen, remember when you said this would "Leg Out" from being A "Crowd Pleaser" If By "Leg Out" you meant Totally collapse... then you NAILED IT
Isn't the main or one of the main characters black? Of course it'll be a crowd pleaser. It'll be like OMG BLACK PANTHER all over again.
naw this film is a for sure flop
With A 150 M budget and at least 100 M in Marketing
It needs to break at least 400 M(probably 450M) just to Break even
there is Zero Chance of that happening..
Pac Rim 2 will Maybe make 70 M Domestically total...and around 250 to 300 Million Overseas(Maybe Less)
Please think before responding queen, you always respond with "did you just say ......."
and exactly what I said always end up coming true
China Will be PR2s biggest market, unfortunately Universal/Legendary only receives about 25% on that gross...on a positive note...Universal wont be on the hook here, Legendary paid near all of the budget.
Also good thing WB took a pass on PR2, dodged a bullet on this one, can you imagine if WB had both Tomb Raider and Rac Rim 2 Flop in back to back weeks coming off a year of massive flops like Blade Runner, Geostorm, King Arthur and Justice League
WBs got to be thankful right now that they past, now they are just Disappointed and depressed with ONLY 1 Flop in Tomb Raider instead of 2
PS...Nothing about this films Long term prospects look good, I can guarantee you right now, the execs running Legendary are deeply upset and already preparing for a HUGE LOSS
you said the exact same thing when Justice League came out, you made the same exact thread claiming even though reviews are bad the movie was a Universal Crowd Pleaser,you predicted because it was such a crown pleaser JL would exceed expectation and open over 150 Million +, You later changed that to 133 M, then 115 M, then 100 M..then when you finally realized JL was gonna open at a pathetic 94 M, You claimed with JL being such a crown pleaser it would bode Well for Long Term Prospects, predicting Word Of Mouth would be great and JL would have incredible Holds especially over Thanksgiving, of course JL had awful Thanksgiving drops simlar to "Twilight"..the film ultimately was in no way a Crowd Pleaser, no way had great word of mouth and The Long Term Prospects that you predicted would be great were in fact AWFUL at a pathetic 657 M total...
Worth also noting that even though Black Panther got ALL TIME great reviews and received the Rare A+ cinemascore which both strongly suggested Word of mouth and holds were going to be Fantastic and suggests Long term Prospects for BP was going to be great...
You somehow predicted and claimed otherwise, claiming BP was going to be frontloaded, have bad holds, and fail to make more than Wonder Woman's 412 M domestic gross, which you later changed to AOUs 459 M domestic gross, which you then changed again to BP wont make 500 M domestically...
in conclusion...You may be the worst predictor of a films long terms prospects of all time....With BOTH Justice League and Black Panther you failed as badly as you can fail at opposite ends of the spectrum....With JL, everything pointed to JLs long term prospects being DIRE and awful, yet you claimed it was going to do fantastic...With BP, everything pointed to BPs long term prospects being Great, yet you claimed it was going to fall apart...
your Pac Rim 2 long term prospects are just as bad...
Give up, You only are embarrassing yourself
Once again, you prove yourself to be a disingenuous liar. You have been told many times that WB had ZERO skin in the game for Blade Runner and you sheepishly acknowledge that fact when confronted but then go back the next day talking about how much they lost on it. They were the North American DISTRIBUTOR and that's it. The sad fact is that you keep repeating the same lie.
You say you have such a strong case against WB and their lack of profits so why do you feel the need to be willfully deceptive. And yet, you point out how Universal hardly has much invested in Pacific Rim(rumored to be 10%) compared to WB's ZERO% in Blade Runner.
In the same vein, it's been pointed out to you that WB only was a third party in regards to Geostorm's budget.
You are pathetic and always wrong! Read the reviews.
shareTheres not a single thing a lied about...The facts are WB has had 5 Massive Flops now...If you want to come up with ways why WB lost "Less" money in these Flops, thats fine....but the facts are WB was involved With these flops, and All parties involved lost money, some more than others, JL and King Arthur were just Colossal Flops for WB where they Lost HUNDREDS of millions of dollars, Blade Runner WB Lost Money just not to the extent of JL and KA...
But heres the part you dont understand..Blade Runner did Lose WB money, In fact WB got the worst of it!
Sony brokered a deal that aloud them to get recoup their Investment before everyone else...whatever money BR2049 made, Sony got first dibs on it until they broke even, Then everyone else split the profit, Since Blade Runner made no profit, that means whatever WB put in, They 100% LOST...and that could be ALOT considering WB paid for Marketing...
you are right, Sony paid for the 155 Million Budget...But WB likely put in at least 100 Million for Marketing, which WB lost.
again I'm not lying about anything...You are just desperately trying to find way to make it look like WB LOST LESS...JL and King Arthur are colossal BOMBS that you cant spin, Blade Runner you tried to spin but didnt correctly understand the results...
my point still 100% stands and theres truly not one thing you can do about it and its KILLING you!....WB has had all its profits DEVOURED from Wonder Woman and "It" from a string of Massive BOMBS(Blade Runner, Geostorm, JL, King Arthur and now Tomb Raider)...
meanwhile Disney has produced 5 films that grossed over 1 Billion and 3 that grossed over 800 M and didnt even notice the losses from Wrinkle...
again...this is your fault...Your trolling has Doomed you!
your desperate attempts to troll on Disney has backed you into a corner you cant come back from...
I've taken every single thing you said, every desperate trolling Scale and Criteria you've came up with to try and troll on Disney and APPLIED it to WB.....and the results are ....YOUR DOOM!
you literally cant Win....anything you try to say about Disney, any desperate scale you come up with, I'll just Apply it to WB and show WB is LOSING worse than Disney....
LOL...100 million for marketing?!?!?!
Maybe for Worldwide marketing but hardly that much for North America alone. Sony distributed and MARKETED it in all other markets in the world.
lol your still not getting the point, lol
whatever WB put in ...THEY LOST!
you cant Win...GIVE UP
all your doing at this point is trying to come up with way on how WB LOST LESS money...
the facts are WB was involved, they Marketed the film, however much they put in...They 100% LOST...
Sony had a deal in place where, no one get any money back until SONY breaks even...after Sony breaks even, They everyone else splits the profit...
Blade Runner made Zero Profit...therefor WB LOST 100% of whatever they put in...
lol you cant even "Spin" correctly...your trying your hardest to Spin these disastrous FLOPs, but you dont correctly understand the details ...
you truly are the worst I've ever seen at box office...EVER
That bodes well for the long-term prospects for this film. Heck...other than The Mummy can anyone recall the last time Universal released a flop?
hey queen good call on PR2 "Surprising" people....lololololollolololololollol
coming in even lower than expected with a disastrous 23 M dollar Dom. debut
seems once again you are the only one "Surprised"...since you were the only one expecting Great box office results...
everyone else just sees these results and thinks "Yep about right"
You see these results and think "wait, I thought this was a crowd pleaser, I thought this was gonna Surprise, why isnt it making more, I dont understand"
arent you tried of letting your emotions and biased feeling get in the way?
for some reason when you like or dislike a film, you will through out all common sense, all logic and Predict that film to either do great or do bad no matter what the tracking and data says....isnt this getting old? dont you at some point think to yourself "Ok I like this film, I want it to do good, but should I be delusional about this"?
Critics were calling it a crowd-pleaser...even the ones that gave it a poor review.
shareCritics were calling it a crowd-pleaser...even the ones that gave it a poor review.
ya but YOU were the ONLY that made the jump from Crowd Pleaser to......Crowd Pleaser = Great Long Term Prospects!
I have read reviews, I dont think the critics were calling it a crowd pleaser, thats you lying or exaggerating again...The consensus seems to be , its not very good, The story is bad, They tried to make it the next Transformers and watered down everything Del Torro did in the first one, But The Fight scenes are pretty good...I hardly call that a crowd pleaser, again you clearly let your biased for the movie cloud your judgement again, there may have been "a reviewer" call it a crowd pleaser*which you then tried to make The Consensus), but to universally state its a crowd pleaser like its the consensus is just you lying...
PS please find me a review where Anyone but YOU claimed The film is a crowd pleaser which bodes well for its long term prospects!
Also do you find it funny that now 2 weeks in a row FILMS you like and have defended opened lower than Wrinkle?
I do...I find it quite funny that you desperately tried to make fun of Wrinkle for opening at 33 M...
yet its the next 2 weeks that followed 2 Films with extremely similar Budgets, Tomb Raider With a Budget between 94 to 106 M and Now PR2 With a budget of 155 M opened LESS than Wrinkle...
once again you just did not think before you trolled, you were so desperate to troll on Disney, that you did not even look at the upcoming schedule...
You literally Spent Weeks trolling on Wrinkle talking about how disappointing a 33 million dollar OW will be....and in just an Epic Fail, the next 2 weeks BOTH TR and PR2 open lower, yet you defend them
Once again your trolling backfired, you tried to troll on Disneys Wrinkle, yet your trolling on DOOMS films you like and defend even more!