A lot of forgiving going on

People are really forgiving this season as opposed to any other season. Nobody cares if Cameron wrote the code for Rover. Diane doesn't care if Bos lied to her & pissed away hundreds of thousands. This would have been WWIII at any other time.


And Joe is the mature boyfriend! Are they setting us up for drama or are they just landing the plane?


Joe is nesting - he wants to settle down.


Show is almost done Cinles. They have all matured in their relationships. The producers have to wrap it up and having all the characters at odds with each other wouldn't work and it would be a very somber finale. Mad Men had a similar last season. Don matured, everyone found a nice place etc...yet it was still open ended with new Horizons....I hope this show ends the same way...well except poor Gordon ...Mad Men had a significant character death as well and it's what drove Don the rest of the last season ...
