Joanie and JAPAN....


It kinda just dawned on me that Joanie's fascination with Japan is due to CAMERON having left!

And... After she essentially chases Michelle out the door, in that moment where Joanie is talking back a little bit scornfully to Gordon she tells Pop.... "You can do better"... "You did before"... or something like that.

I just assumed that she was referring to her Mom, Donna.

BUT, there was never any great attachment that was demonstrated between the girls and Donna in all of the prior Seasons.

When Joanie said that to Gordon, could she be referring to CAMERON??


I'm changing your name to Conspiracy Phil. I don't remember Joanie having that fascination. I like to watch the show again after people have been posting awhile so I can look for things, so now I will look for that. But Cameron and Gordon?! Anything is possible but I don't know when that could have happened and why would they let Joanie know? Also remember Gordon has been dating, so it could have just been one of his girlfriends.


Season 4 will open with Joanie getting some meaningless Japanese symbol tattooed to her neck.

My Chimp DNA seems to have lost its password temporarily. Sluggr-2


Season 4 will open up with Joanie in college, totally changed and dressing and acting just like her mother.


Season 4 will open with Joanie getting some meaningless Japanese symbol tattooed to her neck.


Joanie was wearing the Japanese shirt and I believe listening to Japanese music when Gordon goes into her room after Michelle leaves.

And I didn't necessarily mean actual CAMERON, but someone "like" Cameron. In other words, another version of her Mom is something that Joanie definitely does NOT want for her Dad.


She had a Shonen Knife t-shirt and was listening to their song "Twist Barbie". That's not what I'd call a "fascination to Japan".

I have that album and don't have a fascination with Japan.


Thats fine. The topic wasn't about you.


Joanie is well on her way to becoming a pornstar.


I bet they will make season 4 so far in the future Haley & Joannie will be grown & they won't even be shown. However, I would like to see mama Susan one more time, but I don't think that's going to happen.


I'll give you the fascination with Japan being due to Cameron moving but I don't think she meant Cameron when Joanie said "yo'uve done better". I still really like the idea that she misses cameron and gets into japan because of her.
