MovieChat Forums > Halt and Catch Fire (2014) Discussion > Bye, bye. These boards are to be wiped o...

Bye, bye. These boards are to be wiped out. Sign the petition.

The idiots at IMDB are shutting down the boards. They CLAIM the same kind of discussion and more will be available on social media. Well I'm a little bit behind the times on Facebook, I admit it, somebody please link me to the dedicated IMDB H&CF section on Facebook, thank you.


I already signed this petition. There's a small article in Variety that says IMDb will have another way for people to communicate sometime this year. I don't know if they're shutting the boards down because of the trolls or for business reasons. But it sucks. bigly. 


I just came by to find you, Cin. Do you have my email?

I'll be heading to the Previously TV message boards. Never registered there before, but I've read several show boards there and found the people to be intelligent and insightful.

No way am I going to discuss shows and films on FB or Twitter!


Someone was talking about that board - I thought they had shut down too? If not I don't care where I go to talk about entertainment. Do you have their web address? I don't think I have your e-mail address, but you have mine. Send me an e-mail with the web address of Previously TV and I'll head on over there. This really really sucks.

Edit: I created an account on there. It's a little different in its presentation.


I can't find your email. I searched. I'm going to PM you with mine.

Glad you found the URL to Previously TV.

Yeah, this REALLY sucks. I no longer have any good will towards IMDb, and this is very unlikely to change unless they reverse this asinine decision. No doubt it's about $$, and feeling they're not able to monetize these forums enough. I have no respect for IMDb anymore, and will not use this site after the forums are gone.

This is SO disrespectful of IMDb's membership, and the amazing amount of content -- much of it irreplaceable, by people who may not even be alive anymore -- freely and generously given by their membership.

I'm very angry about it, as are many others.


Well said catbooks. Discussion is an important aspect of anything claiming to be a 'database' - a complete source of information - that they don't realize how integral it is disturbs me greatly. I have learned so much from this place! Most of what I have learned has been from the message boards. If ever there was a topic where you could get some really lively and informative discussion and debate then it must be the movies and TV. Killing the boards is very dumb and short-sighted.

How can Twitter or FB supply this level of granularity? You have to have a way to compartmentalize each and every TV show and film, no matter how old or obscure. If in my social media ignorance I have missed how to do this about shows or films which are not currently 'hot topics' then somebody enlighten me please because frankly I don't buy it.

All the politicizing of every damn thing, and the personal hating, and trolling . . .sucks, for sure, but that's the nature of this beast and always has been, sadly, but that's the bad that came with this good and we just have to move on in spite of it. At least on an anonymous board you don't have to actually fear a personal attack on your reputation or your life!


Well, I think this was inevitable.

Society as a whole has devolved to the point that the spoon fed generation can only function in 140 characters at a time and needs to be told what they are supposed to "Like".


Do you think it's IMDb inability to manage the boards without either a better system or more employees? Variety said they were going to replace it with something - just not what that will be.


I think this is really all about monetizing the site to now earn more $$ from eyeballs clicking on ads from startegic partners.

Originally, waaaaaaaay back in the day, IMDB I believe began and grew out of the old USENET groups and was more like a non-profit linking a likeminded community together for the maim purpose of discussion.

Those days of the "community" idea are long gone. I am actually amazed these boards lasted this long! It has been like 20 plus years I think?

And didn't Amazon BUY IMdb? That is pretty much the answer right there!


Yes, Amazon owns them. I have no problem with ads. In my dreams, they are creating technology which will allow us to still communicate, but with restrictions. They could be Twitter-like with a larger character field and control over content which they don't have now. I've created an account with 3 boards since yesterday and I know I'll probably never use them.


Which sites?

I am not really sure what is out there?

I think that TVSeriesFinale place that showed season ratings has some very limited commenting available.


I just created an account - if you check them out, let us know if they're worth a look.


We can talk about HACF there?


I don't have a clue. I just signed up. The format is like other forums, like Reddit. I don't understand how to get around, so I don't know??


cinies -- thanks for those links. I checked them out and seems to be the best of them (despite the name).

The list of TV shows covered is absolutely stunning -- every show past and present is included. I'm very impressed.

The thread format is a little clunky, compared to IMDB, but I guess one can used to anything. Maybe I'll see you there?

You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, and YOU ... WILL ... ATONE!



Stupid trolls. Always ruining things for others.

IMDb boards were really useful a lot of times. You can discuss big blockbuster movies anywhere, but what about the lesser known films and tv shows? Especially old ones. You could always count that you'll find something on IMDb boards (even though they were deleting threads left and right). Where are people suppose to go now if they want to discuss some little known movie/tv show? Grrr.

Well, thanks for a good company, guys. It's been fun!


we can gather at some other place?


Well, shoot. I was waiting to come here until I could watch S3 but events have forced my hand. Really gonna miss you people.



I choose to take the positive high road and think IMDb is creating an advanced communication system which they will charge for which will keep out the riff raff. They lied so much in that statement - they know these boards are quite successful, but they didn't have the technology to control it and they probably want to monetize it by charging or placing ads. I would pay to post on here, especially if I knew the trolls were gone. That's my fantasy dream. 😇


Hi cin! Sadly, I take it as a sign imdb is owned by a bunch of cheap bastards who are willing to destroy a lively forum for speech just to save a few bucks on server and bandwidth costs.

Anyone know if there's a HACF reddit?



I think they are going to create a more sophisticated & discriminating system for communication, (just my theory) however, there are clones being created. This is the one that seems to be the best. The key is just getting the word out to everyone. I haven't had time to look around any of them. This is the 4th one I've joined, but someone on another board said it's pretty good. Plus there is another board that's been around awhile that some people like.


Here is an idea.....

We can meet in the GENERAL/OFF TOPIC section of the

Vintage Computer Forum!
It is a very large meeting place that contains active discussions on pretty much every vintage computer system imaginable!

I sometimes post there in the COMMODORE forum.

People can pretty much post anything they want in the General/Off Topic section.


I will create a empty placeholder in the General Section and come back and edit a link to it... You simply need to register to be able to post... its a traditional style forum.

EDIT.. Here you go. Want not come on over?... or at least save this link for later!

**** FURTHER Edit... Now Do NOT start multiple topics on HACF there!! The general forum is NOT meant to be hijacked. Just post within the 1 topic I opened there!! Thanks ****


Thanks for this Phil, it's a noble effort. It is almost worth the effort just to be able to continue the conversation with such a kind and thoughtful commentator like yourself! But this points up the problem which is that going here, there, and everywhere to discuss individual movies and shows is just too hard - too hard to realistically get posters to support and too hard for someone like me to manage. I need a central location to talk about all of my favorites. This is why it is next to impossible to replace IMDB.


Oooooooooh.... a response from an actual Vintage Forum user showed up... Its alive over there!!


EDIT.... Well, I now know where at least two or three of that mysterious HACF TV audience of 250,000 is.... They are hiding over at the Vintage Computer Federation forum!
