MovieChat Forums > Arrival (2016) Discussion > Why didnt she have an abortion?

Why didnt she have an abortion?

The woman was a liberal. Liberals regularly abort their firstborn children. She could have aborted the first child and then gone on to get pregnant with a second one who was healthy. Problem solved.


you don't deserve a reply.


I can't think why imdb is bleaching the message boards off the internet.


This is hardly the first thread on that reminded me why IMDB choose to nuke their message boards :D


You do understand that there's a difference between being pro-choice and being someone who'd get an abortion themselves, right?




Oh, conservatives get abortions too!

They just don't tell anyone, or want anyone else to be able to get the same service when they need it.


Why is she a liberal? Because she is educated?


Amy Adams would never play anyone who isn't liberal.


Opaz says Louise was liberal, but gives no reason that she might be. Was there anything in the film that indicated she was liberal? Was she liberal because she did not abort her baby? Probably not a good reason to think so.

Adams was raised as a Mormon, probably not a liberal upbringing.


The character is thoughtful, intelligent, peaceful and cares deeply about life, which is how liberals sell their image to the world. It's the opposite of who they are since they put very little thought into anything they do, they are smart but reckless and anchored by identity politics, and by and far the most violent people in America.
I doubt liberals have the awareness to realize how at odds their perceptions of who they are contrast so sharply with who they believe themselves to be. They get away with it because they own the media and can control the message.


So Louise is a liberal because she mistakenly thinks she is "thoughtful, intelligent, peaceful and cares deeply about life"?

Were the soldiers who planted the bomb in the alien spacecraft also liberals? Or were they deranged individuals who were influenced by a wackjob Alex Jones type talk show host?


Is that not how liberals want us all to see them? Smart and educated, caring and tolerant, peaceful. Complete liberal propaganda.

And the portrayal of the military, too. Almost complete idiots, fear driven by ignorance compelling them to violence. More liberal propaganda.


Let go of your fear and join a world where you are not alone.


I think most people would be satisfied to be thought of as smart, educated, caring, tolerant and peaceful. Do you think this is liberal propaganda because you are anything but smart, tolerant and educated?

It was made quite clear that it was only a few soldiers who were nuts.


Because throughout entire movie she is advocating globalism? How about that?


How else do you deal with a potential threat from non-human aliens? Is the "every person for themselves" a better strategy?


she wouldn't b an actress if she wasn't a lib.


Because there are no conservative actors?


1ce they find out yo standing they tend 2 kick u outta the club like maybe rob schneider and whoever that hasn't reached kelsey grammer status.


Because, with her new non-linear way of experiencing time, all those powerful memories of life with & love for her daughter were already part of her. None of it was detached or theoretical, it was visceral for her. And of course the underlying message is that we all "know" that those we love will die one day, and that we'll be painfully bereft beyond imagining. Does that then mean we should never love anyone in the first place? For Louise, Hannah already existed before she was born. Even knowing that Hannah would die, she would not, could not, erase what they had together.


Owlwise is wiser than Renner's character was in this film

He couldn't forgive her for ... what, I guess having their daughter knowing she'd die? That it was inevitable, as all death is inevitable?

(note: I'm not condemning Renner's character for his very human feelings, BTW)


Thank you! I agree, Renner's feelings are quite understandable & not to be condemned. A strongly humane & heartfelt story overall, beautifully done.
