Humankind can travel through space, kill people with a droplet on a doorknob, create watches to call your house, follow you with a satellite, but cannot cure the common cold or cancer. If we could travel through time to find an alien race that COULD cure cancer, aids and such, wouldn't you do everything you could to make sure you could communicate with them?? To save people?
One thing that is a constant about earth is that it has many resources not available on other planets that we know of currently. What if this alien race needed one of earth's resources that hasn't been found by man yet but will be in 3000 years? This is what theoretical concepts are about. Not all people will accept this concept, but that's the fun bout having theoretical concepts and being a writer--you can create anything you want. I do recommend people read the short story--it's quite good.
I also think writers and film have made the assumption, causing viewers to perceive that alien races are far more intelligent than humans. Sure, they have obvious technology that mankind doesn't, but that doesn't mean they wouldn't need help from us: If anything, I think an alien race would NOT come to man because of our history of violence. An intelligent alien race would see that we kill each other/segregate each other based on differences and not accepting each other, so humans being open to an alien race? Highly doubtful--in fact that was one of the biggest plot holes I saw: the reality is, all those nations would, in part, would be afraid and attack, much like what happened later in the film.
(note that in the short story, there were many more spaceships--they condensed it to 12 to make it easier for viewers and likely production's budget ;) )