Agreed. I do not fancy dumb films pretending to be smart and 'thought-provoking.' Is this the limit of human imagination? I pitty the human race. Humans are like fleas on dogs. Even the smartest of their scientists don't know shit about the Universe. Fleas probably think they own the dog. Humans think they own the Earth and devide it into little countries. They buy and sell the land with money believing it means something. It only means little something in relation to other felllow disease organisms known as human beings and nothing more. They make self-aggrandizing movies like this thinking everyone in the universe give a shit about their well-being. They think the Universe is only expanding. They don't realize it's expanding and contracting at the same time. They can't grasp the concept of Absolute Nothingness which plays the most important part in understanding the true nature of the Universe. They don't understand there lies the solution to quantum gravity's time problem. WE ARE EXPANDING INTO ABSOLUTE NOTHINGNESS. ABSOLUTE NOTHINGNESS creates ABSOLUTE EVERYTHING and vice versa. If you understand this, you understand TIME. Ignorant movies like this undermines this reality with stupid notions about a little insect's (human being) linear lifetime which is not the universe is all about. I know no human will believe me I come from the other side of the Universe, and I couldn't care less. Whales believe me and they do understand. In human terms, they should own this planet but they don't want to. They wouldn't understand what 'owning land' means. They have no notion of material possession as understood and given importance by every little stinking insect known as human.