How did the girl (katie) get out of the box when she was buried?
How did the girl (katie) get out of the box when she was buried by the men? Please explain.
shareHow did the girl (katie) get out of the box when she was buried by the men? Please explain.
Good question...From what I guessed, the weight of the dirt and box caved down and she ended up underground - a hidden area which lead her to the church. When they were digging, 1 if the pricks thought he couldn't dig no more because he thought he hit concrete. I really have to say - Jemma Dallenders' performance was tremendous. I hate to think how she prepared for many of the scenes in the film.
Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months.
Thanks. That explains it.
And thank YOU for not marking this as a Spoiler.
Vy delaete vashi sobstvennye vybory..
Just like the materials use to make the concrete to prevent the house from sinking, the box was also a cheep poorly material and it broke when it fell through the hole and hit the ground, thats how she got out, in real life most victims are killed before their buried.
sharePlus the wetness of soil helped also. 7/10
Look at the night sky, where does it end?
The box unlatched, the top fell off, and it split open on the side because it dropped 3 or 4 meters / 12 feet or whatever onto concrete. That doesn't make it poorly made. With just a little reinforcement on the sides, it was still functioning well enough later in the movie when it was holding Ana.
I couldn't hear them perfectly but didn't one of the guys say something when he was digging the hole, something along the lines of if they dug any deeper they'd hit the sewer? something like that, I only question - because even though it seemed like a flimsy excuse to throw the tazer in the box with her, even if it was just to get rid of the evidence - my only question is that when the box fell out, whether it broke/unhinged, whatever, wouldn't the dirt above it (in their basement floor) had fallen through as well? I know near the end there is a hole there that the blonde chick finds when the music is playing, but I figured that was from Katy digging it, because if it had all caved in when the box originally fell, wouldn't they have discovered she'd survived way earlier than they did?
please tell me if I missed something, this was just my understanding of it so far....
I don't remember perfectly, but didn't they toss like A throw rug, or some type of thick pad over the entire dig site? I'm assuming the hole was there but not visible because of that big pad they had there. They probably had no reason to step into that room, so nobody stepped onto it and noticed it.
sharethey're buried, not their.
shareReally, ARE most people killed before they're buried?
Or were you referring to your days of kidnapping and rape when most people are killed before being buried.
Quote of the day to you.
led her to the church
shareThis film, although set and shot in Bulgaria reminded me of just exactly who controls the white sex slave, the "Russian" Red Mafiya. The Russian mob is not a Christian mob, as some films like Eastern Promises portray.The sex slave trade is truly a Judeo Russian Zionist industry as the "Russian" mob or Red Mafiya is also known as the Kosher Nostra. Even the ADL and other Zionist groups have lobbied law enforcement agencies and politicians, some would say 'bribed" and others "blackmailed"to look the other way and keep them a dirty little secret. Well, now's the time to expose these rats to the world. The reason you don't hear about the Jewish mob is because the media is mostly owned, about 95%, by Zionist Jews who deflect attention away from them and focus it on the Italian and Irish mob.... "The Jewish mafia is nothing like their Irish or Italian predecessors in its American or European operations. They are richer, more international in scope and far more vio- lent and ruthless. They kill children. They kill policemen and their families. They kill whomever they like.
There has been nothing like it before in the history of the globe. And they are just getting started.While the FBI and major media obsess about the Sicilian Mafia (the “Cosa Nostra”) a far more powerful and sinister force is in existence that has controlled most of the globe’s organ- ized crime for at least two decades—the Jewish mafia from Russia (a “Kosher Nostra”). Yet there is not even a desk at the FBI for their crimes, which dwarf those of the Italian gangsters in scope, violence and depth".... These were two excerpts by M. Raphael Johnson Ph.d.
Jews like Robert Friedman have led the way in exposing these Zionist criminals..his book Red Mafiya: How the Russian Mob Has Invaded America". Friedman is not afraid to state the obvi- ous, namely, that the entire “Russian” mafia is Jewish, without exception, and that they have used this as a shield to deflect criticism. This shield has permit- ted them to grow and prosper. If we want to change this evil, the same occult of evil as the Political Masons/Illuminati/CFR, many names but all the same. Even our Federal Reserve is run by Zionist banking cartels that have been defrauding America for hundreds of years.Abraham Lincoln fought against the Rothschilds and their banking cartels about who would control the issuance of money in America..he warned the people......"The money power preys upon the nation in time of peace and conspires against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me, and causes me to tremble for the safety of our country. Corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people, until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the republic is destroyed. "......I'm sorry, but this film reminded me of our struggle, all of us, and who the *beep* are that have created this mess.
It fell through one of the numerous plot holes which permeated this film Badum-tish
"Hey, look at that! She's not crazy, she's being chased by a cheetah!"
If you call this a plot hole, you need to rediscover the meaning of a plot hole. Nice try though.
shareAnd if you think this wasn't a big lazy ass plot hole, just like the other big lazy ass plot holes in this film, (such as her being smuggled from New York to Bulgaria no problem) then you need to rediscover the meaning of a plot hole. You're clearly very easily satisfied, have zero problem suspending any disbelief at all whatsoever, and good for you... I'd love to be like that and so easily pleased.
"Hey, look at that! She's not crazy, she's being chased by a cheetah!"
I'm glad I'm not so analyital when watching fictitious movies so that I am able to enjoy them rather than disect them of all their "plot holes" and completely rendering them useless of any possible enjoyment at all.
shareI'm glad for you too, it must be nice to be so easily satisfied and I really wish I could be that way too, instead of having my bothersome brain insisting tome on how stupid the film I'm watching is.
Now that we're done with the snipes, I'll give you my proper thoughts.
Here's the thing- I had no problem with the remake, as despite its full on content, it ultimately didn't take itself very seriously. It was essentially a set piece film- a contemporary exploitation flick that admirably pushed the envelope for a mainstream film, but ultimately it was merely an entertaining exercise in schlock, and it well delivered in what it set out to do. Therefore I had no problem overlooking its particular plot holes or leaps of logic. Basically, I had no problem suspending disbelief. (I'm a big fan of bonkers Italian horror anyway, so have no problem suspending disbelief in general.)
The sequel however was different on two counts. First of all,it took itself seriously and wished to be seen as a bleak, downbeat "serious" revenge horror and it wanted to get people talking about it.
When a film takes itself so seriously, then sorry, but I tend to notice its failings all the more acutely.
And that's what happened here.
Secondly, it was even lazier than the remake- there's cheerful suspension of disbelief and then there's just plain giving the finger to the audience's intelligence. The hole she's dug in is based in actual rock yet then collapses? She gets smuggled to Frickin Bulgaria no problem? She has a handy torture chamber in her underground lair? A human trafficking chick waltzes into a police station no bother and kidnaps her captive who then escapes again?
That's just bloody thick, sorry. And again if the film hadn't have been so earnest I would've overlooked it,but it was, so I didn't, and overall the film simply wasn't very good,apart from reasonably delivering in its set piece revenge kills. The performance by the protagonist was way ott, due to the film wishing to be taken so seriously.
As I said,I tend to feel a film's faults all the more acutely if it's so ambitious, but sniping aside, if it worked for you overall and if you could get better enjoyment out of it and could appreciate it for what it was better than I could,then well and good. Whatever works for individual fans.
"Hey, look at that! She's not crazy, she's being chased by a cheetah!"
This is what bugs me is people make such a big deal about it not making sense or it is not real, so they put the movie down but in real life no movie is really a real story or truth, even if it says based on a true story. It is falsified story to make people think it actually happened. So when people talk about plot holes or that could never happen. Ask yourself if anything you see in a movie could really happen? Most of the time the answer will be no. So why the complaining and wasting time to ruin a movie because it is not perfect or the way it should be in real life? Aren't movie meant to take you away from reality? Moaning and complaining about something all the time is not going to make your life easier.
I watch movie for the entertainment and enjoyment, not to go out and nit pick on every single thing about a movie, like some people that enjoy that instead of watching the movie.
I am a gore watching freak!!!
If it don't have it, it isn't worth the watch.
I've usually no problem with suspension of disbelief (I had zero problem with the protagonist surviving a month in the woods and then becoming a badass killing machine in the 2010 remake, for example- but this was just stupid, sorry. She gets smuggled to Bulgaria no problem, gets buried in a box which just happens to become unearthed. The films itself wasn't even particularly entertaining. There's nit picking and then there's huge big unrealisic plot holes which run screaming at the viewer, pretty much forcing them to notice such things.
If it worked for you then well and good as that's all that ultimately maters in a horror film, but I just thought this film was pretty dull and stupid, and this is from someone who found the remake surprisingly entertaining and enjoyable.
That said, I'll still probably watch part 3.
Hey, look at that! She's not crazy, she's being chased by a cheetah!
Yes, the whole lets smuggle someone from the US to Bulgaria story is silly and far fetched.
An reverse people smuggling storyline, where pretty girls are lured to Eastern Europe for a photoshoot, in stead of the other way around (sadly very common) would be more believable.
This would make the film a little more scary right away because we're with this girl in a strange country and of course we'd be expecting the worse from the very first second.
To make it more original, the dodgy Eastern European guy with the suspicious photoshoot story might actually be genuine and when the girl leaves we'd all be surprised nothing bad happened.
Of course it will, but someone less suspicious would be responsible.
The woman taking a girl from police custody to her home and nobody wondering what happened is also quite silly.
Why bother?
Just make her look for help and be found by the lady who seems nice and then drives back to the home, no need for the police scene.
I'm not sure how she got out of the box, but somehow she ended up in the church.
So I assume that the "rock" floor they found when digging the hole was actually a brick ceiling of a very old sewer.
This sort of would have made sense.
When I went to filmschool one lesson I was taught was; keep it simple.
No need to complicate things unless you have a damn good reason.
So apart from beating and raping her, they also buried her ALIVE?
So this is like I Spit On Your Grave meets Hostel meets Darabont's "Buried Alive" then?
I only caught the last 20 min. or so! Wondered what the significance of putting that woman in the trunk? Just because Katie was in one? Thanks! ;-/
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Yes. It’s AMAZING how many online Poindexters don’t know what “plot hole” means.