We all agree that the Prequel Trilogy is better than the Sequel Trilogy?

I would say by a mile. At least the prequels introduced interesting characters like the Phantom Menace. What did we get here? Rose? ET's sister? What do you guys think?


Nope... would not agree with that.

While the prequels gave us a spoonful of Darth Maul, they also gave us a whole steaming pile of Gungans. As well as Jake Lloyd, Hyden Christenson, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO,"I hate sand", creepy Anakin, and the 3 most worthless Jedi Masters possible ever.

The only things I would give the prequels over the sequels are the music, and that the 3 movies had clear story arch and direction. Granted they had the advantage of everyone knowing how it needed to end, but I digress.




Of course.

To be honest....George should have just retired the franchise in 1983 (from making any new films).
Those 3 came at just the right time, they worked, they took musical scores and special effects to amazing heights at the time, everyone loved the story and characters. To this day the musical score from Star Wars and the Empire Strikes Back are iconic (none since then really have anything memorable).

George seemed to lose his story telling flair by 1999 or just surrounded himself with the wrong people who couldn't help him correct flaws. They guy they picked to play Darth Vader has got to be one of the biggest fails of all time.

Disney's films are just sacrilege and an abomination.

They've ruined the franchise....except for all of these teens and early 20 somethings that keep paying to see this crap.
They totally undid and ruined the original films by bringing back the Empire after they were defeated, bringing back another turned Jedi after Luke saved Anakin, ruined Luke and turned him into a loser and gave him a pathetic death, brought back the Emperor when he was dead, ruined Han by having him leave Leia and go back to being a pathetic smuggler, ruined light speed, the 3 were disjointed and disorganized and didn't flow together in any way

That's why I didn't see this film, I didn't see Solo and won't see the Boba Fett thing (Mande...somthing) on the TV Disney channel. I'll never see another Star Wars film/show again.


Yes. The prequel trilogy was far and away better & true to Star Wars, taking its time to tell a decent & coherent overarching narrative and greatly expanding the lore of the universe.


Absolutely, I'm not arguing that the prequels are great films but they told a coherent narrative and had actual characters that I cared about. The Sequels were a complete mess from start to finish, they didn't do anything new or interesting, the characters were weak and the three films are so obviously trying to undermine the film that came before it.
