Abrams or Johnson - who is the worst ST director?

JJ Abrams' speciality is fast action that doesn't give you time to think about the many plotholes and coincidences and gimmicks like lens flares and mystery boxes, and being highly unoriginal by repackaging old material and making it look new. Thus, he rehashes A New Hope with The Force Awakens, and with The Rise of Skywalker, brings back the villain from Return of the Jedi certified dead by Lucas, simply because he had no imagination and no intention of actually creating a new villain.

Rian Johnson's speciality is to subvert expectations and make movies that divide the fanbase, presumably because it invites open debate and discussion, but he seems like a highly competent director willing to take risks.

So I would say that ABRAMS is the worst director. Unlike Johnson who at least tried to take the story in a new direction although he didn't quite "get" Star Wars and who got most fans quite upset, Abrams is happy to play it safe and just repeat what came before, which is typical of the Hollywood money machine these days, but then goes and totally ruins the Original Trilogy, rather than just copying part of it, by undoing the old movies he's copying, or "homaging".

I would say, personally, that Abrams offended ME the most.


I would say Johnson. Princess Leia surviving the vacuum of space and then flying back to the ship was the single most embarrassing moment in the history of cinema. I mean, the guy have no sense in science. Yeah yeah, I know you or some guy will show up and say that the movie is science-fiction and one need to suspend disbelief. No..no…no....; its not an outright fairy tale fantasy like Cinderella. Even Lucas tried to science-tify the Force aspect by getting Midochlorian thing.

Johnsons kept weaving his own magical rules and brought up Telekinetic chatting & Telekinetic Projection with people doing it lightyears apart. He got Rose, the WTF kiss at the end, the purpose-less adventure to the casino planet, absolutely empty drama between Luke & Rey etc.

Ruin Johnson all the way!


Well, I did say that Johnson didn't quite "get" Star Wars, but I now realise he doesn't quite get Science Fiction in general.

Then again, neither does Abrams.


BRAVO! BRAVO! You are SPOT ON!!!! To add to your point, is when Luke throws away the lightsaber, like a used slimy condom! That moment should've been a VERY SERIOUS sequence between Luke and Rey! It was VERY INSULTING to Star Wars fans, to simply throw away a lightsaber w/so much history and sentimental value, but yet Rian Johnson takes a page out of "SPACEBALLS" for shits 'n' giggles! That was also sacrilege! Yes, even Lucas knew it was NOT real science but yet someday, in a more advanced human race, we could be living in a "Star Wars" universe! Just 2000 years ago, if they could see into our modern day and see jet planes, smartphones, Ferrari sports cars, Mars Rover (NASA), they would think that we live in a "Star Wars" fantasy world! I live in Boston and the famous Museum of Science even had a long running showcase of the "science of Star Wars" just before the start of the prequels trilogy!


leia survives vaccum of space in ESB too. telekenit chatting is in ESB too.


Johnson , and its not even up for debate , TFA was received very well by critics and audiences, TLJ was the movie that brought Star Wars to its knees.

TFA was a fun popcorn flick , fast paced , great visuals , TLJ was boring and had cheesy jokes and no stakes , it was some guys artistic vision for what a star wars movie should be in his eyes, this movie is one of the main reasons star wars is a mess.


TFA was received very well by critics and audiences, TLJ was the movie that brought Star Wars to its knees.

Because Nostalgia is your king, Styles. Not even Lucas' Prequels (which tried stuff like Johnson did) met with the original approval of you lot.


Yes i know , because the prequels were poorly executed , great stories , poor movies, except ROTS.

I like stuff that connects to the OT, i like the mandalorian , i loved rogue one and i liked Solo , not sure how Johnson tried to make it like the prequels , and if he did well he failed , actually he succeeded cause TLJ sucked too


I would say I feel a bit like you stepped all over my discussion post here:


But for the sake of keeping the conversation going I'll look at this as which was the worse director, compared to mine which was more about the writing:

IMO JJ was the worse writer (for breaking the lore, establishing garbage characters and nonsensical plot), but for actual directing I would say they were close to equal but I give the edge to JJ. His framing of sequences and actually some individual scenes were well done. Such as Rey's introduction and the lighsaber fight (despite the outcome) were really well done scenes. I don't think Johnson even had a single well framed sequence. So JJ was more offensive and basically set up a disastrous story but was not the worse of the 2 directors (but only by a little bit because both sucked)


Sorry, I didn't see your thread.


no problem. I actually like the shift from discussion of writing to discussion of directing. I think the writing was with bigger flaw but I think so many aspects went wrong the conversation can be broken apart by departments. lol


Abrams is awful. His direction was poor and the story was trash. At least Johnson tried something different.


Too bad his attempt at something different was crap.

I could make a 2 hour movie about a constipated stormtrooper's quest to drop a McKlunky in the toilet. That would be different too. It doesn't mean it would be a good movie....


I don't think it was crap. Just because it didn't go along with what you and other Star Wars fans expected, doesn't mean it was crap. Listen, why don't you write a SW screenplay and see how you do with it. I bet it will be pretty much like playing connect the dots. Kind of boring.


TLJ was pretty much a paint by numbers movie. Johnson just purposely used the wrong paints with the wrong numbers to "subvert expectations" and give an impression of being deep and philosophical.

To each their own, but Johnson didn't really do anything that different.


It was truly awful, what was different? Extra comic value? Boring story arcs? Canto bight ? It was shite


Abrams movies were much worse. TFA was total crap. None of the old characters seemed to be in character. There wasn't any playfulness between characters that the original had. The only good thing about TFA was Chewbacca. The rest was really boring. TLJ was a big improvement and while not perfect, it seemed more like a SW movie than the Abrams crap did.


I agree with you that TFA was the worse and more offensive movie, IMO too. But I think that was a failing of the writing. TFA did have some interesting looking visuals and sequences; and IMO did a better job of hiding the fact that Daisey Ridley is both unable to deliver a good performance for such a character (I would say she is a bad actress but I have not seen her in anything else so i can't confirm that) and is physically awkward when doing stunts and fight choreography. In TFA you can't actually tell how bad she is, especially at fight choregraphy. TLJ you see it plainly that she is awful.


“TLJ was a big improvement”

Seriously WTF dude

I’m not looking at SW posts anymore as it’s full of morons like Modica that constantly enjoy trolling the now defunct SW fanbase. You too Foebane go FY


Here here


I am not trolling. I have been a fan of the original trilogy for years and TFA was a sub par SW movie. Just because not everyone agrees with you, doesn't make me wrong when it comes to how I feel. Not everyone thinks like you do.


I hate the ST. How is that trolling?


Thankfully you are in a small minority with that view, TFA was fun, TLJ wasnt , and luke was in character wasnt he ???? Haha


It isn't a small minority. I would say it is around 50/50. People who didn't like TFA are out there, but they don't whine about it constantly. You haters are so fixated on TLJ and your hate for it that there could be a support group for you people. It would be packed and full of whiners.


Likewise with peolle like yourself with JJ and TFA, significantly higher audience scores so where you get 50 50 from is very inaccurate


There again is the rub. The nutty lovers of TFA and haters of TLJ vote multiple times to cheat the scores. They have all the time in the world to do it, while the people who hated TFA and liked TLJ just don't care that much to sit there and cheat the scores. I generally listen to critics anyhow, because they watch all kinds of movies and have a more well-rounded opinion of movies. The mass audience is not a good barometer of how good or bad a movie is, just because their not very diverse in what they have watched in the past.


"The mass audience is not a good barometer of how good or bad a movie is, just because their not very diverse in what they have watched in the past."

Neither are critics , trouble for you is that critics and audiences loved TFA , TLJ divided the fandom and brought star wars to its knees.


This conversation is getting ridiculous. You like what you like and I like what I like. Enough.


Dont forget the critics and audiences :)


Don't forget that The Rise of Skywalker has made 100 million less than TLJ domestically. People are voting with their pocketbooks.


Which in turn still made profit. Personally I am glad Disney destroyed the OT Star Wars. It is a trash franchise that is overrated anyways. The OT Star Wars is a gigantic joke and in my book a disgrace to cinema. The fact that you fans hate these Disney films make me love them even more. Personally Last Jedi is one of my top 10 favorite films of all time.




Disney owns the rights and you fans aren't getting it back and I find that to be poetic justice. Star Wars is trash!


How on earth was the OT a disgrace to cinema? the greatest trilogy ever made , ANH and Empire considered one of the best films ever made , its in most peoples top 10, surly this is a troll post ?


Lord of the rings is the best trilogy ever made. LOTR trilogy won more Oscars, and is higher received as a whole on Rottentomatoes, Metacritic, and imdb. A new hope and Empire are considered great, return of the Jedi isn't. All three LOTR films are considered great. I know star wars is highly regarded but I personally find it to be overrated overhyped trash. It's fine it ain't the cure for cancer people make it out to be. So no it isn't the best trilogy ever, nice try though. When crunching the reception numbers LOTR destroyed Star wars.


Im afraid you are wrong , the highest rated movie between them is Empire strikes back at 97%, Star Wars wins, this is fact. Game , Set, Match , this is also the case on most movie review sites, boom and there goes the dynamite.


Lol nice try. Didn't you say it was the best trilogy ever? If so that means we measure all installments not just one. Second Empire sits at 94% not 97. LOTR the two towers sits at 95%. Lmao! Epic fail!!!!


Audience score is my rule of thumb , after all alot more votes than critics, star wars is still talked about after 42 years, lord.of the rings , not much, there great movies, but star wars is better, i have spoken


Then that would mean imdb is the best gauge for the audience since it has more user votes than any website. Thanks for clarifying your criteria, except I am afraid you dug yourself an even deeper hole. On the top 250 Return of the king is number 7, fellowship is number 10, two towers is number 15.

Empire strikes back is number 14. Which means two of the three films beat the best rated star wars film. A new hope and return of the Jedi got slaughtered. The LOTR films have not been out 42 years now have they? Second absolute B.S they are still talked about you must be living under a rock. Direct your eyes to the audience score you just barely mentioned. You made this victory too easy man. Game set and match.


Yeh , thanks to the last jedi , people despised it that much its been going down hill ever since , do you think if it was well received by the audience solo would of bombed? No , its by far the worse movie made in the franchise by a mile


Great, information here

Best Regard


Funny then why is it highly rated on Rotten tomatoes, and metacritic? Oh let me guess Disney paid off the critics. Which is why the live action remakes of lion king, Aladdin, and Dumbo got glowing reception from critics. Oh wait...


I have no idea , it was simply awful and thankfully most fans think as i do


No response to my other post huh? LOTR is better than Star wars even when factoring in a bigger number of votes. Look at the imdb ratings and cry.

LOTR trilogy>>>Original Star Wars trilogy.


Nope , sorry Star Wars is superior, most polls of the best movies ever more than likely feature a new hope or empire, Lotr is not considered, this is fact


Funny so you lost the mass majority point,which is why I see you do not mention it anymore. What polls you referring to? Second ever heard of afi? It is a poll of more than 1500 artists and leaders in the film industry. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/AFI's_100_Years...100_Movies

Oh gee look at that lord of the rings is on there. I provided my proof now let's see yours. Or you can quit now before embarrassing yourself further. That is a poll and LOTR is on there, that is a fact and I proved it. Side note you are an ignorant lad. Keep going though this is fun.


Star wars ot is better that lotr, ti think you know tgis hence why u seem upset


No proof as expected. I win lol.


This is Empire film, prestigious magazine, as you can see , 2nd in the list is Empire, a new hope 9th just after TLOR, this list is proof, therefore im right , you are wrong , now take your tears and go, victory is mine



What makes empire stand over afi? Second you said LOTR is not considered you just contradicted yourself. LOTR is on the list. Which means it is considered. This is fact. Overall LOTR beat Star Wars in many ways. I proved my point by user ratings. Imdb showcases that LOTR is more beloved among the general public. The other thing is the LOTR trilogy won 17 Oscars in total. Return of the King winning best director, picture and writing. None of which are technical. All three of those are big awards.

Star Wars trilogy won 6 total and it did not win any of the big awards only technical stuff. I hate to break it to you bud LOTR is considered better there is no getting around it.


Only in you’re small mind my young padawan, the original trilogy is better than TLOTR and it’s a lot more popular, that proves it’s a lot better , this is something you are going to have to deal with or do I need to send you another list ?


Star wars 15 on this, wheres lord of the rings?




star wars wins again , boom


oooooo another list another win for star wars



You'll have to excuse moviefanatic, he has some real issues and an unnatural obsession with me, the only reason he's even on here is because he follows me to threads and then says the opposite of whatever I'm saying, it's really immature and pathetic. If I didn't say that I didn't like LOTR then he'd probably be trashing it.


Lol so we are going to ignore the data and point the original argument was about? Address the point you made about Star Wars being seen as better by the mass majority of audiences when LOTR places higher on imdb. If you side step my question like you have done before you will be placed on ignore.


I've just sent you a ton of links that rate star wars higher than LOTR, this is fact, you lost kid , that doesn't mean you dont have to like it

Hereth the end of the lesson, you have just been schooled


Rottentomatoes LOTR trilogy won
Imdb LOTR trilogy won
Metacritic Lotr trilogy won
Themoviedatabase LOTR trilogy won
Oscars LOTR trilogy won

Lol tell me how did I lose again? LOTR owns Star Wars and you need to face the facts.


You lost because Star Wars is better than the LOTR trilogy , i thought i pretty much spelt it out above , accept this as it will never change.


According to imdb, Rottentomatoes, Metacritic, themoviedatabase and the Oscars LOTR is better.

So how did I lose again lol?


Crickets... Thought so.


I think he just gave up arguing with a brick wall. I'm a big LOTR fan but you have to admit that Star Wars is on most of the top 100 lists whereas LOTR isn't. furiousstyles posted several links to top 100 lists that Star wars is on but LOTR isn't. You ignored his lists completely. I don't understand why you continue to say that Star Wars is a trash franchise, but movies are one of the things in life that most people will never completely agree on. By the way here's more:



I never denied the lists. However as I said before if you measure it by IMDb, rottentomatoes, metacritic, and Oscars won lotr wins. Overall all three are ranked close together as well. Return of the Jedi is a huge drop from the other two. I won it's time to face facts lotr has better data. IMDb is the biggest user based website in the world. Quit while you are ahead. I know man it hurts don't worry life goes on.


While I understand what you are saying; the special circumstances of TFA lead to it being hailed by both audience and critics, in spite of it actually being an objectively bad movie across almost all categories. It is a very poorly written film that relies on neck break pacing to hide its weak and plot hole filled story, relies way too much on nostalgia, "mystery boxes", and being a 'comfortable' rehash, has weak written characters that had interesting but unfullfilled potential, no chemistry between the lead actors (except maybe Finn and Poe but it was very little time together), bland uninspired score (William's worst to date), mediocre CGI and visuals (that somehow look worse than ROTS that came out 10 years prior), poorly edited action sequences (with a few exception such as the kylo vs Rey battle which was a stupid outcome story wise but was a well shot scene), terrible pacing, and little regard for the universe's state of things prior to the opening frame. Like it wanted to ignore the OT but instead recreate it.

I think the special circumstances that lead to this film being well received caused it to be 'baked in'. No matter what it did in the actual film it was going to be loved and make a lot of money. The special circumstances I am talking about is this:

-response to the 'bad taste' of the prequels which were fairly universaly disliked.
-excitement at the OT caste returning
-over 30 year build up of what comes after ROTJ
-Intrigue at Lucas being out and Disney being in
-Film itself was 'safe', comfortable, non risky, nostalgia milking (manipulative)
-JJ was coming off recent success with Star Trek and marketing the film as his 'love letter' to ANH. This seemed to be an indication of a return to 'normal' star wars. People were unable to take off the rose colored glasses.

Though it was a terrible movie it was framed and marketed brilliantly and succeeded in its goal. It didn't aim to be a great film or even a good star wars film.


Yeah, well, I saw through JJ's deception.


I did as well. many only saw through it after TLJ but had the strength of character to admit they were wrong. but a select few still cling to the delusion and refuse to accept reality, but instead rely on fallacies such as: 'it was universally praised by both critics and audiences' or 'the score is higher than the prequels'. Very few of these deluded TFA fans talk about the actual quality of the film based on filmmaking merit.

Which is frustrating because it causes a break down in conversation all to often.

For example; I say TFA is bad becaseu of X,Y, Z ect. the TFA fans responds with 'well I and most loved it'. To which I reply "so what? that has nothing to do with actual quality" That is because the majority can be wrong about things sometimes. especially about things that are designed to be manipulative.



J.J. Abrams can’t tell a story to save his life. He has a few tricks that get your attention, but everything he does (up to and possibly including breathing) is obviously stolen from other people. This man is the Weeping Angel of Cinema, parasitizing off of the past talent, visuals, tropes, and storytelling models of Steven Spielberg and, well, George Lucas. His narratives are trite and mostly ripped off from other works (but with a twist! And some unnecessary lens flare). I mean, it would be a sign of the Apocalypse if he and Michael Bay ever worked together…

He attempts to make up for his deficiencies of cinematic storytelling with genuinely interesting visuals (because they mostly belong to other, better Directors) and idiotic narrative framing devices (such as his stupid “mystery box” idea).

What’s a mystery box? Well, based on Mr. Abram’s previous work, I believe this clip explains it best. [If you don’t care or don’t want to watch, it’s the end of the Wheel of Fish scene from UHF].

Why, might you ask? Well, it’s simple. J.J. has some talent with setting up stories. But he has no idea how to end them with any amount of satisfaction. He’s a magician that never learned how to actually finish a trick.

Now, I don’t hate J.J. Abrams. I just severely dislike the vast majority of his life’s work. Normally, I’d take on a more “live and let live” approach, but I also happen to be a Sci-Fi geek and J.J. Abrams was put in charge of two of my favorite properties (Star Wars and Star Trek). This puts me in the unenviable position of either getting angry that the things I like are being mishandled by a cinematic conman or deciding that there is nothing in this world worth enjoying because, inevitably, I’ll always be “not the target audience.”


Great summary of his shortcomings as a director and writer. But I think his talent lies with recreating (parasiting) other's interesting frames and visuals. He is actually fairly good at that. But he has no capacity for telling an interesting and complete story. He tries to bury his lack of talent under his mystery box gimmick and nostalgia; which is why he almost always is doing franchise films and not anything new.

The mystery box gimmick that he is dedicated to ussing is the real indication of his lack of ability in story telling. He purposefully creates empty open ended stories and intentionally has no plan for resolving the mystery creating constant plot holes that eventually rely on Deux ex Machina to get out of it.

JJ is worse than a magician that never learned to finish a trick; he is a con man, a snake oil sales man. He know he is selling a empty product that does not work. of course he is a 'good' sales man his product sells well and only after he has moved on to a different town (franchise) do the buyers start to see it.


Rise Of Skywalker Being Bad Isn’t Last Jedi’s Fault (It’s Abrams & Disney)



But last Jedi is bad at least in part can also be attributed to Abrams setting up a story on very flimsy premises with no real plan for an arch or outcome.

TFA and TROS are both terrible films because of JJ's incompetence as a writer and Lucasfilm's (Kathleen Kennedy) inability to manage the franchise.


Tfa isn't terrible. TROS is bad though.


TFA has neck break pacing and over relies on nostalgia to hide the weaknesses of the plot; filled with empty open ended mystery boxes, logic breaking plot conveniences and contrivances, use of mcguffin's and deux ex machina devices, poorly executed characters that did not have personalities that matches there given backgrounds, was clearly trying to be a near identical rehash of the original film, and treated the franchise lore, mythos, and historical characters disrespectfully in order to accomplish the goal of rehashing the story for a 'more modern audience.

Yes, TFA is terrible. And TLJ and TROS are as well.


Wow so is this a fact? Sounds to me like no one is allowed to think these films are good. Which honestly makes you sound like a closed minded individual.


You can like the film; but yes it is a fact, they are objectively bad films. I like some objectively bad films, sometimes so do critics and audiences alike; I do not try to get people to accept that I think they are good. I just say, 'yes, it was dumb fun but I liked it'.

For example Bad Boys 2 is a terrible film, but it is dumb fun and I enjoyed it for that. If you enjoyed TFA that is fine; but it is a bad film for all the objective reasons I stated above. If you want I can break down each criteria I provided above and go into details and explanation for each one. But I am only wiling to do that if you are willing to discuss this topic reasonably. I have wasted too much time with too many people who turned out to be a waste of effort on.


Yeah sorry bud that's not correct. The overall majority is what determines if a film is well received or not. Your reasons do not speak for what the majority thinks is good.


"The overall majority is what determines if a film is well received or not. "

"Well received" is not the same as something be objectively good or bad. These things are not equatable. This is a moving of the goal post. I call out specific reasons why it is bad and you counter with 'it was well received' . yes it was, but that is in spite of if being a poorly written film.

"Your reasons do not speak for what the majority thinks is good."

Ever hear the concept of "the tyranny of the majority". Just because a majority says something is moral or good does not make it so. There was a time when the majority thought slavery was good, did that make it so?


Okay say I give a detailed reason and explanation on why I don't think gone with the wind is a good movie. Does that mean because I provide logical reasons why I consider it bad mean it is not considered a cinematic classic?

Movies and morality are a vastly different topic. However time determines where a movie places in history. How much longer do i have to wait to say that tfa beat the prequels in reception? Anytime you say that everyone says just give it time. It's been almost 5 years. By collecting objective data everything points to tfa being considered better. You are saying the majority can get it wrong, I don't deny that but what if we as people disagree with your reasons? Do we need to get your approval in order to have a view?

Tell me if something is cliche or derivative that must mean it's bad correct? I ask because I think people pick and choose on this label. It only applies when someone dislikes it.


"Okay say I give a detailed reason and explanation on why I don't think gone with the wind is a good movie. Does that mean because I provide logical reasons why I consider it bad mean it is not considered a cinematic classic? "

it would depend if you reasoning holds up to scrutiny. I doubt you would be able to provide substantial reasoning that Gone With the wind is not good. Where as with TFA it is fairly easy; and no one even bothers to refute it.

For example; i made 8 points on why it is a bad film. you didn't even attempt to refute them ,but instead tried deflecting to appeals to popularity and shifted the goal post ideological discussion on what constitutes 'good' objectivity or popular opinion. This is why I say those that like TFA have poor reasoning. You just perfectly demonstrated what I am talking about.

"Movies and morality are a vastly different topic."

Ah, but they are not; are morals and art quality objective or subjective?

" By collecting objective data everything points to tfa being considered better"

Again popularity does not determine quality. You can say often quality will determine popularity but that is not always the case.

"I don't deny that but what if we as people disagree with your reasons? Do we need to get your approval in order to have a view?"

No, but if you want my respect for your opinion you have to provide a good argument. Which you are deflecting away from attempting to do. You will not get my respect by default; why should respect anyone's opinion without them providing reason for that opinion? I have to tolerate your opinion but you have to earn my respect.

"Tell me if something is cliche or derivative that must mean it's bad correct?"

Not necessarily, it is about execution. If you can create a cliche without it coming across as cliche then it was not bad; if it is clearly cliche and disrupts the willing suspension of belief then it is bad. Execution is the key.


Holds up to who's scrutiny? Yours? Or the majority?

I gave my review on tfa. I agreed with some points you made but disagreed with others, so no I did not deflect.

No they are not the same. A sport stat is objective. Tom Brady has records which can't be disputed no matter the opinion. Cultural impact, reception by critics and people, are what determine a film being considered great or not.

Transformers is more popular than blade runner. What has better reception? I didn't say tfa is better because it's more popular, I said it's better received than the prequels. Stark difference.

I don't care to get your respect quite Frankly. I am just making sure you understand you are not some sole determination of what constitutes a valid point. This is where you and I completely disagree. You make it sound as if there is one true formula to determine if a film is good or not. If there was there would be a critic out there who wrote reviews that were logical and everyone agreed with that critic or person/reviewer every single time. There is no such thing.

Disagree. A cliche is a cliche regardless if it's well done or not. See if it's bad boom the cliche label gets thrown at you. If it's good it is exempt from being called cliche. Avatar is a technically well made film but it is a gigantic derivative cliche film. The film did pioneer some technical film making with effects, the rest of it is very unoriginal. See something being original has to be quantified. Most stuff isn't as original as people tend to think. It's why I don't call something original without quantifying it. Execution also boils down to opinion though now doesn't it?


"Holds up to who's scrutiny? Yours? Or the majority?"

Film making and writing quality is not determined by a majority opinion. There are criteria that have to be meet. For example, TFA relies heavily on Plot conveniences and contrivances to push the story forward. No one even argues this point about TFA, Do you deny this criticism?

"I agreed with some points you made but disagreed with others, so no I did not deflect."

No you did not, this is a lie. What you literally said to my criticism was: "Wow so is this a fact? Sounds to me like no one is allowed to think these films are good. Which honestly makes you sound like a closed minded individual." And since then you have never actually addressed a single actual criticism.

" I didn't say tfa is better because it's more popular, I said it's better received than the prequels. Stark difference."

saying it is better received is a argument based on popularity, and you have relied on its "better reception" as a deflection from the criticisms. So no, for your argument there is not a difference

"I am just making sure you understand you are not some sole determination of what constitutes a valid point"

Then counter one of my points based on an actual argument and not an appeal to popularity. Otherwise I am forced to constantly view the TFA defenses as invalid based on reliance of sophistry.

" A cliche is a cliche regardless if it's well done or not."

The point is, if it is a cliche that is well done, it does not seem to be a cliche. For example the heroes journey of an every man becoming a hero is a cliche; however if it is executed well, it does not get pointed out as obvious. It is all about execution.

"Execution also boils down to opinion though now doesn't it?"

No, it does not all boil down to opinion; some of the reception will be based on the subjective reaction to the film, but reception is only incidentally related to quality and not always a reflection of the quality.


Yes it is determined by the majority opinion. Provide me a film that was panned by audiences and critics that made a list of best films ever made. Im not talking about mixed and then changed over time. I am saying completely panned and then considered one of cinemas best films. Plot conveniences exist in other films which people give a pass to. What conveniences specifically? Avengers has deus ex machina do you deny it?

Blatant lie. I disagreed with your assessment of the visuals.

No it is not based on popularity, it's based on reception. Nice way to side step my blade runner transformers comparison. So yep there is a difference.

So unless someone counters you are the sole authority is what you are saying?

So then it's about if it's done well or not gotcha. Well in my book tfa and last Jedi were done well. They had flaws I will acknowledge but were well done.

Then provide me the list of objective rules a film must follow. Not your view a specific guideline which can't be disputed.


"Yes it is determined by the majority opinion."

You have cause and effect totally backward, a film is not good because the audience likes it. The audience usually will end up liking a film that is good. But that is not always the case.

"Provide me a film that was panned by audiences and critics that made a list of best films ever made"

Again this is totally backwards from what we are talking about; this is a film that was highly received at the time but that opinions of it decreased over time. There are dozens of films that this has happened to, the one that comes to mind first is Crash, which was a film with very high reception and won awards only later to be universally disliked and viewed as one of the most over rated films ever.

" Plot conveniences exist in other films which people give a pass to. What conveniences specifically?"

Because in other films it is not so poorly done it completely destroys any willing suspension of belief. For example Han Solo finding the Falcon about 20 seconds after it takes off; how about Finn crash landing within walking distance of where BB-8 ended up? How about Rey being the one to randomly find BB-8? How about Maz conveniently having Anakin's old lightsaber, which is not even possible based on it last known location? A good story for another time I suppose.

" Avengers has deus ex machina do you deny it"

we are not talking about the Avengers, this is a non-argument and an attempt at a deflection.

"I disagreed with your assessment of the visuals."

Just to double check if I was wrong; I re-read through our conversation and no we did not specifically discuss the visuals. You know how I know you are lying? Because the visuals are one of the only things about TFA that I say were well done.

"No it is not based on popularity, it's based on reception"

Reception is the combination of popularity and audience/critical rating. It is only incidentally related to quality, not directly.


You are not answering the question. Notice I did not just say audience, I included critics in this list as well. Under the Skin is considered a critical darling, users really do not care for it. So I think you missed the point.

Crash first of all is not universally disliked. If that were the case the scores would reflect that. As it stands it still has a decent score on imdb. Do I think the quality dipped most definitely. Universally disliked is a strong word. Titanic's reception has gone down since it was released also but I would not say it is universally disliked. The big reason why Crash dipped was because people did not feel it deserved the best picture award. Honestly had it not gotten that I do not feel the reception would dip so much.

Yeah no sorry bud, the exact things you criticize these new Star Wars films MCU movies have in them quite a bit. Such as major continuity issues. Han Solo finding the Falcon 20 seconds after it lands? I have a feeling it made a loud sound when it landed. I assume both Chewie and Han Solo would have heard that. Finn it appeared to me walked a long way, after all he was quite thirsty when he found the town. I gess I do not get this would it have made the movie that much better if he landed way away from where bb-8 was? Rey finding bb-8? She is a scavenger, why is that so much of a stretch? Where was Anakin's lightsaber's last known location? I can possibly grant you this if you provide me a concrete location of where it was located. What about in a new hope when the empire is looking for plans and they see a ship but do not fire on it because there is no life? It did not occur to them those plans could not have been hidden in a droid? Why not destroy the pod? Better safe than sorry right?

I am not deflecting I am seeing if you are willing to call it out on other films. Does Avengers have Deus ex machina yes or no?

Lol no I am not lying. I said I liked how they were able to get the visual aesthetic consistency of the old films, rather than the polished look of the prequels. You said I too prefer the asethetic but the visuals were uninspired. So no I did not lie comprehend what you read. You are implying they are not well done because of being too similar. I disagree.


"You are not answering the question"

Because bringing in the Avengers is a deflection. I did not miss the point, you are arguing that quality can be determined by the combination of popularity combined with Critical and audience reception. I am saying that is not a true reflection of quality and the reception is only incidentally related.

Internet scores are not good indicators because the initial response primarily will set the score and because people do not often go back to amend their score; it causes an inflated score. If you actually talk to people or go over to youtube to see some reviews and then read through comments, people do not think back fondly on a film like Crash

"Han Solo finding the Falcon 20 seconds after it lands"

Reading comprehension skills low a bit? go back and re-read my criticism; Han finding the Falcon was after it "took off". Finn crash landing was the other plot convenience I was pointing out. please pay attention. hard to take you seriously when you can't

" Finn it appeared to me walked a long way, after all he was quite thirsty when he found the town"

ARe you serious? He has a whole planet to crash land on and it just so happens to be within walking distance of Rey and BB-8. Are you low intelligence, because I can't turn my brain off enough to accept this.

"Rey finding bb-8? She is a scavenger, why is that so much of a stretch?"

What are you fucking kidding me with this? She was not looking for him or anything, the other scavenger just happened to find BB-8 and then be within hearing distance of Rey. Pretty fucking convenient. One would even say contrived bull shit.

"Where was Anakin's lightsaber's last known location?"

Bespin Cloud City, fell somewhere down the air shafts that lead to the gaseous planet below after Luke's arm was cut off.

"Does Avengers have Deus ex machina yes or no? "

Yes. doesn't matter though, not talking about avengers. and it is still a deflection to try to bring other films in.


No I am addressing your points, thing is you seems to me like you are one of those people who only wants to call out the Disney Star Wars films for this. I said audience reception and critical reception can determine where a film places in history. Popularity has nothing to do with it. So yes you missed the point.

Titanic used to be on the top 250 of imdb, now it is nowhere to be found. A film such as Metropolis sits firmly in the top 250. Obviously Metropolis came out long before imdb or the internet was even thought of. Lord of the Rings films came out when the internet was in full swing, and all sit firmly on the top 250 of imdb. Mad Max Fury Road a film released the same year as TFA sits firmly on the top 250. So sorry no the reception can dip over time.

Han finding the Falcon after it took off? Why is this a bad thing explain if you would. Finn obviously walked a while. You act as if he walked two steps and was there. It is implied he walked a while by how thirsty he was. If you can turn your brain off to accept the empire not shooting down the pod in a new hope, you should be able to do the same thing here. Why chance not shooting it down? There are no drawbacks to shooting it down. Oh there is no life ell they should know droids could be on there as well. They end up looking for it anyways when they could have just blown up the pod and save the trouble.

Works just fine for me. I can think of many plot conveniences in other Star Wars films that you seem to accept. I notice you have no retort to my criticism of the pod scene in a new hope. Therefore since you have no retort it means it is a plothole according to you.

If we are going to hold the continuity thing against these films that means the other Star Wars films are not exempt then correct? Why can't we assume Luke found it? Do we need the film to fill in all of the blanks with tons of exposition dumps?

It does matter. Why does no one ever crucify Avengers for Deus ex Machina?


Because I am not talking about Avengers. If I want to complain about the quality of Avengers I would be on the Avengers discussion board, you jack ass. And you seem to not get the difference between quality and reception. You are seemingly unable or unwilling to differentiate them, hence why I keep trying to discuss quality and you keep going back to reception.

You do not understand how the internet works. Films that came out after the internet was already popular did not get rated the same as films that came out before it was. For example, LOTR came out before the internet was popular so there was not as many as 'initial' reactions to inflate the score the same way Mad Max Fury road did. TFA was actually such a bad film that it like Titanic could not even survive the inflated initial ratings of its 'hot' release time bubble. So this argument you make almost works in my favor, because TFA's rating did dip over time. But it still has the artificially inflated score from the popular opinion.

"Han finding the Falcon after it took off? Why is this a bad thing explain if you would. "

Is this a joke, he was searching for it for like 20 years and just happens to find it 20 seconds after take off when he could have been anywhere in the galaxy at that time. It is contrived as hell.

" It is implied he walked a while by how thirsty he was..."

He could have landed anywhere on the entire planet. There was not direction. He was just Lucky to land where he did, so lucky that it was contrived B.S. Ah, and now here comes the 'but the OT wasn't that good either' non-arguments, I was waiting to see when you went there, TFA defenders always do. It was explained in the film, There was no life forms, no reason to destroy it, especially if they wanted to confirm the plans were retained. Hence Darth Vader saying 'bring me the passengers I want them alive'. Specific orders to not kill unless they had to.



"I notice you have no retort to my criticism of the pod scene in a new hope. Therefore since you have no retort it means it is a plothole according to you. "

What the hell is this bull shit; i have not even got a chance to reply yet. You disingenuous fuck. I see you have not retort to any of my arguments, it means I win. See I can be a prick to. You see this is why I think by default all TFA defenders are shit, because you prove it every fucking time.

"If we are going to hold the continuity thing against these films that means the other Star Wars films are not exempt then correct?"

Yup more bashing on the originals because you can't defend the sequels. The continuity issues of the OT are not nearly as bad or obvious as in TFA.

"Why can't we assume Luke found it?"

So he went back to Bespin and looked for it? come on, give me a freaking break. It is implausible that that lightsaber would ever be found again. It is not demanding 'tons of expostion dumps', it is asking for sufficient reasoning to accept the implausible.

"Why does no one ever crucify Avengers for Deus ex Machina? "

Because we are not talking about Avengers right now dumb fuck. This is a discussion of TFA, can you defend this film at all without dumping on other non-related films?


"I said I liked how they were able to get the visual aesthetic consistency of the old films, rather than the polished look of the prequels. You said I too prefer the asethetic but the visuals were uninspired. So no I did not lie comprehend what you read. You are implying they are not well done because of being too similar. I disagree. "

That was a different conversation on a different board. I did not know that was you, it was not discussed in this email chain; so either way you are pointing out to something that is not here. I said they were uninspired because they were too derivative of the previous films and you never disagreed with that, so you are lying; one way or another. Pay attention to email chains and actually read what is in the chain and don't try to bring up other conversation from elsewhere.

"You are implying they are not well done because of being too similar. I disagree. "

Uninspired does not mean "not well done". It just means they did nothing to make it different or unique. JJ can copy a visual very well. Again you seem to have low reading comprehension.


I remember our interactions and was referring to those. Just because it is a different board does not change the fact that I did disagree with you.I did not dispute your view, that does not mean I agreed. I let you think that I personally love the visual aesthetic

Uninspired is a pejorative term. So I am afraid it is you that can't comprehend.


"I remember our interactions and was referring to those"

I did not, you can't assume I did otherwise you talk right past me. Which you did. It doesn't remember if I disagreed with you and I have no point of reference for it in this discussion.

"Uninspired is a pejorative term. So I am afraid it is you that can't comprehend. "

the definition of uninspired is: lacking in imagination or originality. That fits TFA perfectly. So I am afraid it is you that doesn't know what words mean apparently. Also uninspired is not necessarily pejorative; in this case it was but uninspired can also just be a recognition of something being a copy of something else. It is just the inverse of inspired.


"So unless someone counters you are the sole authority is what you are saying? "

I am not the sole authority. But I am most TFA critics have pointed out the same criticisms since the film came out; and none of you have actually provided any valid rebuttle that did not contain sophistry, deflections, what about-isms, ad hominems, appeals to popularity, or a dozen other forms of fallacious argumentation.

" Well in my book tfa and last Jedi were done well. They had flaws I will acknowledge but were well done. "

By what quality are they well done? Are the characters well written? Does the plot maintain lore continuity? IS the pacing acceptable? IF this film was not Star Wars would it be well recieved and would you still think it is good?

"Then provide me the list of objective rules a film must follow. Not your view a specific guideline which can't be disputed."

This is just hyperbole, you know there is no such list in existence and there is not a set rule book; but there are certain standards and guidelines a film should follow; and the rules start to become a little more rigid for a series. For example, continuity and consistency have to be considered from one film to the next in a series, do you deny this? An example of this in Star Wars is the need for a force user to be trained by a senior force expert before they can use their powers for anything more than reflexes and intuition. Rey breaks this continuity. Do you deny this?


Reception does not determine popularity. What is more popular Transformers or Blade Runner? You literally refuse to answer that question because you realize it debunks your point.

See now you are appealing to authority. Oh other people point to this same thing therefore it makes it true. You realize that sometimes points people cling to even the majority can be wrong right?

I think visually the films were well done. In particular I did feel the Last Jedi had some solid cinematography, as well as nice sound. Last Jedi actually did take risks which I appreciated. I liked that it implied Rey was not related to some big character. Now unfortunately this was undone in TROS but still. Pacing was just fine in my book. I could have shaved off about 15 minutes but hell even in great films I love length can be an issue. Finn as I said I do feel is the series strongest character. Rian Johnson I do feel is a much more creative writer and better director than JJ Abrams. After all I love Brick, Looper, and Knives Out. Where as with JJ I can enjoy some of his films but I do not love them.

Not it is not. You claimed there was objective things which determine a movie's quality. If someone asks for what makes Tom Brady a great quarter back all I have to do is point them to his stats. Show them that boom they have to shut their mouth. You can't do this with a film. You basically did imply there was a rule book, now when I ask you will not provide it. Rey I can agree breaks continuity.


"Reception does not determine popularity"

Quality and reception are not the same thing you realize right? Reception does not determine popularity or quality, Popularity does not determine reception or quality, and Quality does not determine popularity or reception. They are incidentally related and can sometimes correlate. For example a high quality film can have both reception and popularity (a la Lord of the rings). But it is not always the case.

"You literally refuse to answer that question because you realize it debunks your point. "

No it does not; Blade runner and transformers have nothing to do with Star Wars. and the popularity of Transformers has nothing to do with the Quality of Blade Runner. Blade Runner was film that took a while for people to appreciate, Transformers are purposely dumb fun action movies and they are popular for being that. You deflections here have nothing to do with Star WArs and the argument of if TFA is a low quality film that got high reception despite it being low quality.

"See now you are appealing to authority. Oh other people point to this same thing therefore it makes it true."

lol, are you fucking kidding me? this is not an appeal to authority, you tried claiming that I was arrogant and the only one voicing these criticisms; I point out I am not the only one and now you try claiming it is an appeal to authority? You don't understand what an appeal to authority is. Who is the authority that I appealed to, you fucking retard?

" You realize that sometimes points people cling to even the majority can be wrong right?"

that is true, but if a large number of people make the same point, for example Rey is a shit character; and no one is able to counter it with any valid counter points then the original point is the superior one. that is how reasoning and argumentation works.


Point to poorly received films that are considered some of the best films ever. You never provided examples. Therefore I am asking again.

No I said you seemed arrogant, I never said you were the only one with those criticisms. That is a bold faced lie and you know it. You appealed to other critics. You said other critics have had this same view, that is an appeal to authority smart one.

If it is true then just because the majority makes the same point does not make it true. It can be disputed, see how that works?


"Point to poorly received films that are considered some of the best films ever. "

That is because your request is the opposite of what I am talking about. Blade Runner is an example, Children of Men is another that comes to mind. The most famous example if Citizen Kane, which is now considered the greatest film ever made. But as I said, this is not the order I was talking in.

", I never said you were the only one with those criticisms"

Your opening statement in this discussion chain was " Sounds to me like no one is allowed to think these films are good. Which honestly makes you sound like a closed minded individual." This suggest that I was the only one. I only stated that other critics state the same thing. That is not an appeal to authority, dumb ass because they are not authorities and I was not appealing to them. If anything it is a appeal to snobbery, but not actually because I was responding to your non argument in the first place. Do 2 non-arguments make an argument? I don't know. trying to respond to constant fallacies is a difficult indevure. Bringing logic and reason to the unreasonable and poorly logical thinkers is almost impossible.

"If it is true then just because the majority makes the same point does not make it true. It can be disputed, see how that works?"

Any point can be disputed. But who has logic on there side, who provides actual reasons and doesn't deflect and present nothing but sophistry. This has gotten to be a messy conversation because of you, trying desperate to defend this film without actually providing any arguments in favor of its quality.


"In particular I did feel the Last Jedi had some solid cinematography, as well as nice sound."

Cinematography is actually one of the only things I say was better in TFA. At least in TFA you cannot see just how incompetent and awkward Daisy Ridley is in action scenes.

"I liked that it implied Rey was not related to some big character."

I didn't mind this either way; in my book Star Wars had it established that a force user needed training to be able to use their power no matter who they were related to. So the fact that Rey broke this established rule in TFA, it did not matter one way or the other who she was related to.

"Pacing was just fine in my book. "

There are almost no character building moments; no chances for characters to interact. and when they are talking there is other action going on at the same time. There is no world building either and as soon as Finn meets Rey it is completely non-stop action scene to action scene for the rest of the film. The few times there is any 'in between' moments they are extremely short and almost silly in execution for example the Starkiller base "attack plan" scene, is almost satirical it is so poorly done.

"Finn as I said I do feel is the series strongest character"

Finn had the most potential, sure. But he is constantly belittled and made the butt of every joke, his character's potential was sacrificed at the alter of Rey.

"You claimed there was objective things which determine a movie's quality"

and I stand by that. There is objective criteria to writing and film making; deviating from it can happen but it is high risk and requires competence.

"You basically did imply there was a rule book, now when I ask you will not provide it."

I never suggested a rule book, but there are qualities that are somewhat agreed upon. this is why you have awards for those different categories because they are somewhat agreed upon.

"Rey I can agree breaks continuity."

At least we agree on one thing.


Nah sorry I gotta disagree on that. Lad Jedi to me is a better looking film. I loved the establishing shots and the angles were far more creative.

There was training in the last Jedi. Finn learning about the corruption of that planet they were on was a character building moment. As was Poe leading a rebellion.

You did suggest there was a rule book. Now you are backpedaling. Qualities somewhat agreed on? Oh okay now it is somewhat agreed on. You claimed sports and movies were the same. I just disproved that. The stats of a football game are universally agreed on.



Did you egg me on just so you could report me to the moderators; You freaking coward. Welcome to my ignore list, loser


No response I guess? It appears my initial impression of you was not far off.


Or maybe I just didn’t see your response. You make an awful lot of assumptions. I’ll respond to your garbage when I have more time and am not on a phone. I don’t live on these boards and I don’t see every response right away.


They're both somewhat competent directors (in sharp contrast to writing, which they're both horrendous at), at least as far as technicality goes. Overall, I'm inclined to hand this to RJ, simply because the pacing and overall plot structure in TLJ is incredibly messy, and all over the place tonally. JJ isn't far behind though, with his frenetic pacing whose sole purpose consists in covering up the gaping plot holes and nonsensical plot devices. They're both awful in their own way, and terrible choices to helm a Star Wars movie.


I think the one thing JJ gets an edge on is at least he has a few fairly interesting looking sequences. The lightsaber battles (despite the outcomes) are well shot sequences. It even covers very well the fact the Daisy Ridley is awful with her fight choreography (See throne room battle in TLJ). In TFA you can't actually tell how terrible she is, that is a credit to the director. Also the intro scene to Rey was also fairly well shot. There is not much good in terms of directing from JJ but Rian's TLJ was all bad. Not one interesting looking scene in the entire film


the point of the throne room is to show kylo is much better fighter than rey. also see how rey is grunting and reckless all the time and kylo is calm and calculated. after the battle is over, they switch that with kylo being emotional and rey being calm. rey lost everything in that moment but now she is settled which shows she chooses light. before that she was on both dark and light.


That is not what I am talking about; I don't mean Rey was bad thematically speaking; I mean the actress did a terrible job with the choreography. You can see this if you watch closely, she is constantly off queue causing the 'opponent' stunt performers to have to move and go out of their way to avoid hitting her. If you see it, it is actually quite comical how bad it is.


she responds slow in couple of shots when you focus on fighting. this problem exists because of slow motion and wide continuous shot when the fight starts. wide shots meant to be watched as a whole. and that sequence gave me a feel like i was watching a ballet and it is beautiful. RJ ignored perfection for aesthetic which i don't mind at all. another beautiful wide shot was when luke was walking to face first order in crait. if you focus only on luke at this moment, you will miss the grandness of rebel base and first order machines.

also pulling off multiple people fighting at the same time is challenging even for the movies solely focused on action with actors whose carrier is based on action movies. hollywood often relies on shaky cams, close up shots and multiple cuts so that they don't have to redo the scenes too much. i'm glad this scene wasn't like that.


Look, the shot might have been framed fine enough; but the failure of her to be on queue was so blatantly glaring I burst out laughing watching it. There is no way those shots should have been the final cut. It is not just a few slow responses, she is totally off queue almost the entire scene.

The shot on Crait was fine enough; I don't take to much issue with it from a cinematography point of view. I was not happy with the Story content that it was force projected Luke instead of the real deal. The framing of the sequence would have landed better (IMO) had the content been better.

multiple people fighting at once is pulled off great even in shows; for example the Tower of Joy battle in Game of Thrones. this had just as many people and was nearly perfect. But even when Rey was one on one in those shots she was still clearly off queue and it looked terrible. Daisy Ridley just cannot do stunt and fight choreography. She doesn't have the right facial expressions or body language to pull it off convincingly so every time she is in an action scene her actions seemed forced and unnatural. Even if she is not a straight up bad actress, she was definitely a miscast at the very least.


Tower of joy has lots of cuts and shaky cam. compare it's start with that of throne room fight. in GOT, there are more than ten cuts within first 20 seconds and most of them when action is taking place. TLJ has less than five and here the cuts are made to show character expressions and not to hide the action. also later on notice how camera pans and follows kylo to rey. this happens on two sequence and it means rey is fighting even if she isn't on screen and camera movement is also part of the choreography. this is quite a ambitious for a blockbuster movie, they could have taken the easy route with the cuts. i hope more movie makers do this. flow of the action is as important as the action itself if not more.

take example of the fight you mentioned, the one vs four fight sequence is done quite well. it is shot really well as we can see all the action and characters without any camera tricks. but when it's one vs three, they resort back to cuts again. mistakes are easy to hide with cuts but it takes away that smooth flow and ruins the experience. so if i had to choose i will take few mistakes over close up shaky shots with unlimited cuts.


I can see what you are saying and I think I mostly agree on it (when talking about the cinematography and the framing of the sequence) I agree less cuts and no shaky cam are a great way to film compared to the alternative.

But there is one flaw with it's use in this case; Daisy Ridley did such a poor job with the choreography it ruined any potential in the sequence itself. Compare her to Adam Driver and the stunt performers; there are very few glaring issues in their movements and queues (in short far less mistakes). Had Daisy performed the sequence as well as them, i would be praising it. But she didn't

The camera tricks are often used to hide a fact that an actor can't perform the stunts. For example of Game of Thrones the actor playing Jaime Lannister admittedly was not comfortable or familiar with sword fight scenes. So to show a scene with him fighting (which the character is supposed to be hyper competent at) the director has to frame the scene around that need.

If they wanted to film the scene like they did something should have been done about the fact that Daisy cannot do action scenes convincingly. They either should have shot it different or cast an Actress that can do fight scenes in the first place. I'll never understand why they cast Daisy Ridley for a role that would require so much action when she is at her worst doing action scenes.


You sure about that? The point of the throne room scene is to prove Ruin can't choreograph a clockwork monkey.
It's Mary Force-user Sue and Darth Emo, both Force users v a bunch of nobodies. It should have been over in seconds.
There's even a 50 minute youtube rant that totally dismantles it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyzwBWsqqw8


I watched that video too; Shad saw even more than I did when I watched it. He does a better breakdown then I could have done.


I'd say Johnson.
You'd have to know the stories from the previous movies to understand the damage JJ did to the Star Wars universe. However I would say that TFA is better made. TLJ is a stupid clusterf-k of slapstick comedy that I can't imagine will make even newcomers to the franchise entertained. Even trashing what story arcs that TFA set up (killing Phasma and Snoke for example. Reducing Hux to a gibbering idiot).



couldnt agree more , pointless plots, canto bight, and can someone explain to me how the hell BB8 managed to climb all the way up a AT ST , break into it, and then continue to steer it after its canopy was destroyed , something id see in road runner.

and lets not forget our beloved Luke dying of fatigue just so he could bide the Resistance time to escape !!!!!

Luke "im not coming back to fight with my sister for the good of the galaxy along with the resistance even though i was willing to die for my father, im not coming back to help you guys because im miserable and want to die here for whatever reason , but what i will do is sacrifice myself just to give you that 10 more mins to escape" absolute garbage


Damn, I forgot about all that. Thanks for dredging it up(!)


Space Leia! Broomstick, black parasol or magic wand with a star on the end?
It's the first time that the concept of the vacuum of deep space is used in the SW universe, only the story totally forgets this when Leia comes back via the bridge without decompressing the rest of the ship.


What about in ROTS when Grievous blew out the bridge's window and was himself in a vacuum until he grappled back onto the ship near the escape pods?


Ugh. Forgot about that.Wish I could forget the whole movie as well.


Lucas. As he made three terrible movies as opposed to one.



Yes Abrams is the worse of the two directors & the most responsible for why the DT was one big, incoherent clusterf*ck. Was TLJ bad? Absolutely but almost everything nonsensical & terrible about it was set in motion by TFA either directly or indirectly due to its disjointed clusterf*ck maze of plot holes, plot holes disguised as mysteries & other contrivances.

As someone who wasn't caught up in the hysteria of hype & denial about TFA, able to see it for the narrative disaster that it was, I knew there was little to no hope for the DT.


I second this totally; JJ was definitely the worse of the 2 writers and the one that did far more damage to Star Wars than Rian.

However in terms of directing; excluding the atrocious joke of writing, I think JJ was the better director (but not by much). Despite the break neck pacing of the film, there are a few good shots and JJ was better with the fight and action sequence shooting. You can tell this because you can't see just how awkward and incompetent some of the actors are at doing their action scenes in TFA (specifically Daisey). JJ did a better job of 'hiding' the fact that she can't act (at least not for this role) and cannot be convincing in fight scenes.

So for me, the worse film was TFA followed by TROS, but TFA was the 'best' directed in comparison to the other 2. Because TROS took the break neck pacing and turned it up to 11 and TLJ was just atrociously directed; there is something wrong with almost every aspect of filmmaking in TLJ.


I let the numbers speak for themselves. Overall the Disney series is a success.
