One thing you can say about the First Order is, they aren't racist.

Or sexist. They won't discriminate against women or black people which is quite a noble quality considering who they are. They would probably be just as comfortable having gay or lesbian commanders on their ships too.

Are we sure they are the real villains?


How many women and black people did you see among their high command?

I dont remember any.


There was a woman giving the order to fire at the planet, and a black officer reporting to Pride. There was another woman in the meeting room when Ren suffocated the guy on the ceiling, unless that was the same woman? Then you've got Finn and the other black people who were ex-stormtroopers. Phasma from the first 2 films also. They're pretty liberal really.


So... plenty of people who arent white and male among the enslaved stormtroopers, a couple of officers the same, and the generals are all posh white men.

The First Order fails at divesity! This calls for a REBELLION!!


The NBA also fails at diversity

but noone talks about that fact


That's not true. I've hear about the racist hierarchy in sports, including basketball all the time. Managers, coaches, owners, etc. are almost exclusively white.


yes, it really is terrible..... LOL


I feel more like the creators of the story are the racists due to pushing agendas like this into entertainment.


The first order meeting scene is a good example of that.


In a meritocratic (not cartoonish) army, high command should be reserved for people with higher intelligence and skill. It's logical that there's a lower percentage of women and black people in the high command.


the harsh truth


Honestly I don't understand why Hollywood is making a big fuss about social acceptance, it was never a case for very long time until the last 10 years where they went overboard with it.


And the funny thing is no matter how much you give, it will never be enough. Look at what happened in South Africa: black people were given the keys of the country out of good will, and since then whites have been treated like garbage.


Actually you'll note that in every country in Africa where the control was turned over to a black leader the country has gone down the toilet... And if you look at cities in the US when they get a black mayor they go down the shitter... or if a state gets a black governor it goes down... Hell even the USA went down when Obama was the leader and he was only half black god forbid he had been 100% black we would all be using the horse and buggy again.


Nope, the future of US is not like Africa. Think that blacks are still a minority and there's is heavy immigration from Latin-America.

So, rest assured, US won't become something like Africa. It'll become something like Haiti or Dominican Republic, which is not that bad in comparison. I mean, it could be worse.


The funny part of blacks in America is that as a percent they have been slipping for years, I think right now they are less than 13% while they were over 20% in the late 1700's... Of course if you watch any TV show or movie today you would swear they must be 20 or 30 percent of the population.

I think if Hollywood wants to make shows that have the real amount of diversity in the cast that we have in the country then in a typical sitcom with 4 main characters we shouldn't have any full black actors... A Megan Markle would fill the requirement.


I still don't understand why they think forcing fake diversity on us is gonna make us accept the BS any faster. All it does is turn off people, particularly those who can see through the propaganda.


I have to say Hollywood was doing better with the social diversity back in the 80's/90's at least it made sense and was very acceptable to audience because it didn't feel so forced.

Today they want to show us the entire spectrum of diversity in one film even if it's not real or even logical to the structure of story.


And that's not all. Today portraying a feminine female lead is considered sexist, so most female end up being tomboys. Portraying a member of some special group in a negative way is racist/sexist/nazi/whatever too, so at the end of the day, most negative characters end up played by white males, And the unintended consequence is that modern cinema and literature is actually far more racist than literature was last centuries. Figures.

The path to Hell is paved with good intentions.


I would have to agree. I didn't mind minorities here and there in 80s/90s shows, because that's actually a lot like real life in America, depending on the state you're in. Plus, nobody made a big deal about it. It wasn't a substitute for character development. The characters just were, and they focused on personalities and who they were as people, rather than focusing on gender or skin color.

These days it's really in-your-face, obnoxious, poorly written, and as annoying as it is unrealistic.

The finest example I saw of this ridiculous virtue signalling was in an NCIS: New Orleans episode, where they had a gay couple, where one guy was Asian, the other was Black, and their adoptive daughter was white. There are so many things wrong with that setup, I'd have to draw a map and set up diagrams for the idiots who make these shows.


Yeah it's annoying and seemingly never ending. We must be at a point now where you probably couldn't get away with an all white lead cast anymore, even if adapted from a book that specifically has white main characters in it. Those days are gone and I think that's a shame. Only a matter of time before virtue signalling will see black men cast as Nazis in WWII movies or as members of the KKK.


It looks especially bad in stories about what supposedly happened in Northern Europe in real life, and you have a random black person playing the role of a prominent historical figure that everyone KNOWS was white! Just watch The Hollow Crown, and you'll see what I mean. They call it "color-blind" casting, but that only works when everyone in the cast is of various ethnic groups, and not the token minority stuck in a very prominent role, while everyone else is white.


I'm looking forward to them eventually making James Bond black, or a woman, or even both, and seeing the backlash they get from it. Will be interesting to see the fallout.


It would be even funnier if they made Princess Tiana in "Princess and the Frog" white. Then we'd see what hypocrites the "diversity" junkies truly are.


Well it somewhat happened with this trilogy considering the First Order were Nazi's in space and by today's Hollywood standards "Nazi's with Diversity".


Considering they were 100% white male at all levels in the OT, this is big step in the right direction. They might not be quite there yet, but they are moving in the right direction, and had they been given another 5-10 years, they might have become one of those companies that gets praised for their diversity.


I guess we finally know why they can't shoot or fly now.


The Empire wasn't racist either.


No one ever mentions how good their 401k plan is.


Should we be taking Disney Wars seriously at all? It's irrelevant if anything makes sense anymore.
