WHEN are the f-ing audience scores coming out on RT?
I've been watching the site ALL EVENING, but there's no sign of them yet! Then again, I think they'll be higher than the critic score, so I wouldn't hold out much hope.
I've been watching the site ALL EVENING, but there's no sign of them yet! Then again, I think they'll be higher than the critic score, so I wouldn't hold out much hope.
They're waiting until they have at least 100 good reviews so they can drop those first . . . which means you may be waiting a while.
Just looked and it's 88%, that can't be real lol
Why are the audience reviews so high on RT, when the audience reviews on Metacritic are the lowest around?
Disney finally understood that critics score means nothing so they have gone after the one that mattered.
Of course imdb reviews and metacritic user reviews are at least 50% 50% so that's where this should be.
Rotten tomatoes has lost all its credibility.
RT has no credibility now.
shareYeah it only has credibility when it coincides with what you want to hear.
shareIt used to have. The difference between rotten tomatoes and matacritic was usually under 1. If rotten had 7 audience score metacritic had 6.4 ora 7.4 or something like that, usually within a point of one another.
Since terminator dark fate things have become very fishy.
Terminator dark fate
Metacritic 41 audience score
Rotten 82
Rise of Skywalker
Metacritic 50
Rotten 86
Considering imdb's user reviews panned dark fate hard and in case of rise of Skywalker are about 50 50, I wonder what happened with rotten tomatoes.
They either deleted the bad reviews.
They bought a bunch a bots who rated it 10/10
They frozen the score at 86%.
Ok. Thanks for the heads-up. No more RT for me.
shareOk. Thanks for the heads-up. No more RT for me.