Low opening weekend gross predictions

I am the GM of an AMC theaters and we just recieved our CTV predictions for Episode 9’s opening weekend. If I calculated it correctly, AMC corporate appears to think Episode 9 will gross $120-130 million in its opening weekend. While this is still very high, it’s also quite low compared to other recent SW films; 7 had a $247million weekend, 8 had a $200million weekend, and even Rogue One opened with $160million.


SJWs gonna git you!


That's also quite low in consideration of the probable production costs.

The question is, 'Can it beat Solo?'.


I feel bad for Solo, because it was a decent movie.




Nobody know what you mean by CTV. All I found is Connected TV (CTV).

I doubt AMC would make such predictions in the first place. Industry professionals say $200m.


Customer traffic volume. It just means all the people expected to enter your establishment on a given day. They calculate a number based on previous opening releases and and other things and send you the data a few weeks before opening day to allow you to stock up on more supplies. I am the GM of a high CTV theater and based on the numbers they gave me, the CTV is consistent with that of a $120-$140 million opening.

I think the $200million stuff is just propaganda crap set up by Disney to make the film seem more confident. However, AMC has been wrong many times, so who knows.


The Last Jedi killed a lot of enthusiasm for the franchise, I think.


I drowned my kids after release cause I named them Luke and Leia. They fought me pretty hard but it's done. Now i'm taking care of their cats. What a pain in the ass.


Well it’s a good thing you didn’t name your daughter Rey. She would have kicked your ass..


By drowning your kids you mean you jerked off in the sink?


Makes sense. We all know this smelly turd will still make bank but it's obvious the bank will be less than the first two turds.

For any other movie, this would be a great opening number. For "the final installment of the Skywalker saga" this is pathetic.


I'm giving it $800-900 worldwide total prediction. Definitely not breaking the 1B barrier this time :D


I hope so. Money is the only language Disney understands. Let this be a lesson: don't fck with the original fanbase. We're the bread and butter of this franchise and, without us, they won't turn any impressive profit with it.

Respect the ones who made you. It's about time Disney learned that.


The same original fanbase that sat thru all the prequels, no matter how horrible they thought they were? And then sat thru the 4 Disney movies, just so they could scurry home to immediately trash it on a message board? And then signed up for Disney+ on the first day just so they could watch the Mandoloran?

I don't think anyone is worried about the "original fanbase." Their showing up, no matter what they put out. Its just a matter of getting new people to see it, which Solo didn't do.


I doubt you are a GM as AMC. AMC has rules for their management staff that would prevent you from saying things like "I think the $200million stuff is just propaganda crap set up by Disney to make the film seem more confident. However, AMC has been wrong many times, so who knows."
"we just recieved our CTV predictions for Episode 9’s opening weekend. If I calculated it correctly, AMC corporate appears to think Episode 9 will gross $120-130 million in its opening weekend."

Move along liar find a new way to troll movies you do not like.


Why would I lie about being an AMC theater GM? If I’d lie it would be about something far more prestigious and respectful. I make $67k a year for this job. Trust me, it’s not worth lying to be cool. Also, like AMC corporate would read this and figure out who I am. Try to report me.

Edit: Cute. I present logic and you delete yourself. Nice try, MovieNerd75.


Your logic is poor and now you are lying about working for AMC and how much an AMC GM would make next time try and do a search for AMC general manager before you lie about what one would make.


Burning, don't take it personally, he's just a pissed-off fanboi who fancies himself an IT geek running around with his history sanitized.

Why, you ask?

Who knows, he probably gets payment in kind from Disney.


Why is this important? Should this influence why or why not I should see this movie?


If you can't see why it's important then discussions like this really aren't for you. THINK. RESEARCH. You have a world of knowledge right there in the internet. Research why this is important.

This isn't rocket science.


Only if you value your limited time on earth.


you should post your inside sources here - https://www.reddit.com/r/boxoffice/
