Remember folks if you enjoy these Disney Star Wars films there is some sort of conspiracy behind it. It's impossible to just like them you have to be a paid Disney shill, or an sjw. Disney paid the critics I guess they forgot to mail off the check to critics for the live action Dumbo, Aladdin and Lion King. Since you know critical reception always reflects on box office. Fun world we live in huh?
If i wish to like these films i am not a shill or an sjw Ok? Also if Disney pays the crirics why did they forget to mail off the check for the live action Dumbo, Aladdin, and Lion King? I love how there is no answer for that.
Would critics be expected to like three lame remakes?
I read that critics who don't like certain movies can end up losing the privilege to attend premieres and see movies before the general audiences. Disney controls Marvel, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, traditional Disney, Amblin and Pixar. That's a lot of movies.
There is black-listing re: media outlets and celebrities. Criticize a celebrity and these studios control not only movies, but magazines and TV networks since they're owned by the same corporation.
That means Disney
dCritics who like movies get free perks like viewings
Difference being that the ones who dislike the new Disney Star Wars films give reasons why, the bland characters, the Mary Sueness of Rey, poor plot lines, disjointed story and so on.
The people who like the new Disney Star Wars films will scream from the rafters how much they like them and anyone who dsagrees will be called names, a popular "ism", deemed them trolls, incels and so on.
Difference between the two camps is one brings debate the other brings a popular leftist mentality which is "you don't agree with me i will call you names and block/delete you". You do this because you do not want debate you just want everyone to agree with you.
Sokar, in your first sentence, I agree about your description of Rey, except for the term "Mary Sue", which the fans deny and yet the critics keep pushing. I think it's time to end the use of that term and instead just refer to Rey being "flawless and perfect", and I think people will get the message more that Rey is ultimately boring. Unless, of course, they like those character attributes.
Absolute bull and you know it! You agree with the people who dislike the film therefore you paint them as the mature ones. I do not deny there are lame sjw people. The thing I find funny is you think the people who like the film owe you an explanation. They don't. Why bother anyway? You are married to your idea that the film is bad and no amount of reasons even if logical is going to make you change your stance. It wouldn't matter if the review was by Shakespeare you are going to go nuh uh with your fingers in your ears.
I can openly acknowledge flaws in the films I like. Thing is the people who hate these movies are the classic closed minded person that are not that open minded. Even some classic films have flaws. Just because something is flawed doesn't mean it is a bad film. Even the prequels which I hate with a passion i can openly acknowledge good things in them even though I think they are bad films overall.
I see the exact opposite. I've read and heard many deep, insightful posts, articles, statements, and so forth about how great the new characters and films are, especially in regards to The Force Awakens.
The majority of what I hear against it is "SJWs like it" or "Rey is a Mary Sue," without any attempt to back up that provably false statement. I hear a lot of complaining about female, black, and Asian actors. I hear complaints that the female actors aren't pretty enough. I don't hear any well-reasoned statements regarding the content of the films.
Could it be we're looking in different places, or talking to different people? It could be, but let's look at this board. How many detractors simply shout "you're an SJW" at anyone who expresses admiration for the films? Meanwhile, do you see any examples of people shouting... whatever the opposite of that would be? In fact, that's telling in itself. As I tried to complete that sentence I realized that there is no equivalent from the pro-Star Wars side. Those of us who like the movie like it because of what it is. It's the detractors who dislike it for political reasons, regardless of merit, so it makes sense that only the detractors would have some group-chant shout to use to drown out those who like the film.
Ignore this clown, he is on a mission to troll this board with threads that are just the exact opposite of things I would have said. He doesn't even believe the things he's saying, he just takes whatever I think and automatically posts whatever he thinks will piss me off. He's trying to bait me and it's very immature and childish. This guy has a very unnatural obsession with me and it's really weirding me out.
I promise if I was on here saying how much I loved The Last Jedi and The Force Awakens he’d be on here spouting out how much the data for those films suck and that they are horrible movies.
I wonder where one can get a job as a shill? Does it pay well? I can imagine the Disney execs saying, "Look, we gotta get people posting anonymously on That's where we will make or break these movies. There are some guys on that forum that are onto us! They know that despite these movies making a ton of money and inspiring new theme park attractions and TV shows, it's a disaster! But if we get a few anonymous people to say they like it in this little movie forum... we just might pull this off!"
"Yes! Do it! Pay them whatever they want! Our evil plan is coming to fruition! Bwahahahaha!"
It must be true. QAnon wrote it.
Remember folks if you enjoy these Disney Star Wars films there is some sort of conspiracy behind it. It's impossible to just like them you have to be a paid Disney shill, or an sjw.
Remember folks if you don't enjoy these Disney Star Wars films o their Agenda there is some sort of far-right conspiracy behind it. It's impossible just not to like them you have to be a nazi, a member of KKK, a white supremacist that believes that any other race should be genocided.
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Does anybody talk about those movies you mentioned? Is there a following for them like Star Wars or the MCU? Those movies are one and done unlike Star Wars and the MCU. Look at Disney Ep. VIII. Almost 40% disparity? Why such a disparity from audience to aggregate critic score? That's not questionable? That doesn't raise an eyebrow?
Look at Capt Marvel. That movie broke rotten tomatoes. Again, why the disparity in audience to aggregate? Nothing fishy?
The real tell is Dave Chapelle. Look at all his specials before the last one compared to the new one. Why were they inline before and not now? I saw Sticks and Stones. Funny as hell! Juicy Smooyay! What do all of these 3 things have in common? The narrative of SJW. If the movie props the narrative, the ratings are high. If not, the ratings are low. Tell me you see that trend.
I agree with Trey Parker. The writers and critics have to denounce anti SJW stuff or else they'll lose their job.
Exactly and since these movies with SJW agendas are getting good reviews due to extortion they will continue being made. It looks like next year James Bond is being turned into a black woman