The Rise shall be a fitting conclusion to an excellent sequel trilogy!

So, I'm having high hopes for this one. Sequels are competent movies. After the trainwreck that were the prequels, SW needed redemption, and with sequels it got one. TFA went safely, but skilfully, and it brought back to people what had been missing for 30 years: a frontier story of pirates and samurai warriors set in space. TLJ went more boldly and delved into poignant moral dilemmas and Force metaphysics reminiscent of ESB, the franchise's best. With 2019 installment placed under JJ's supervision, there's no reason one should doubt we won't have a fitting conclusion to a trilogy that so far has yielded stellar commercial success and critical praise. The detractors were but a loud tiny minority, because numbers speak for themselves: The hitherto released sequels are great, lauded and respected by a vast majority of the audience.


You must tone down a bit. The way you're writing it, it seems like a parody. You know, something like 'The Rise shall be a fitting conclusion to an excellent sequel trilogy!', you need to be either trolling, or nuts, or on payroll to write that. I think you're trolling, but... it's a bit too much. Tone down, otherwise it feels too parodic.


Obvious troll is obvious


He's entitled to his opinion, although I disagree , it would appear many have enjoyed what's come before.


Thank you for your thoughtfulness. But let's face it. TLJ was a good movie, with a lot of heart put in it. A lot of the internet hate has been artificially inflated by sinister propaganda by the likes of Russian trolls (it has been proven). The relevant opinion polls of theater audiences before the negative campaign have shown a generally favorable attitude. And, it garnered 91% at Rotten Tomatoes, which says something. Some movie franchises are too big and do get extra credit (Remember Ebert awarding 3 stars to the ridiculous TPM), but 91% aggregated across all the crits anywhere does say something.
Sure, movie had it's weaknesses, most notably the Finn/Rose subplot, but in general the film was bold, had an idea what it wants to do and subjects it wanted to tackle, and at least in my case, it made me feel about the characters. Whatever they say on the internet, I stick to what I felt when leaving the theater the first time I saw it: I was blown away.



Oh, fuck off, shill.



Not a shill. For one thing, I hate the prequels.


"fitting conclusion to an excellent sequel trilogy"

I am speechless.


Why? It's objectively better than the laughably overrated original trilogy which was a 7/10 at best (sorry fanboys, Empire Strikes Back alone doesn't equal a "masterpiece" trilogy)


I know you are just trolling.


Yes i'm "trolling". Just like I know you're reeking of clueless, biased, childhood nostalgia for a series of incredibly flawed films that are just so "perfect" that their own creator has gone back to DRASTICALLY improve them over and over again, LOL! And even with all those changes and upgrades lets be's still not great.

Meanwhile we haven't even got the third movie in the sequel trilogy yet and it's already stronger than all THREE movies in the original trilogy, now that's saying something!


Those are lots if words.

None refute good stories are loved...bad stories are not.

This much criticism and dropping interest levels are just evidence the stories are not good.



You are weird.


I'm sorry but even though I liked TFA and despised TLJ, to say they are better than the originals is utter nonsense. A new hope and empire are considered the greatest most influential movies ever made , especially a new hope , they are masterpieces , no doubt about that , TFA was modelled from a new hope , TLJ was some dicks artistic version of what star wars could be that failed miserably.




perfect trilogy


Hmm, give it five years. They'll move onto something else to bitch about.
