Is anyone surprised Disney ruined Star Wars?

The moment it was announced Disney owned Star Wars, was there any doubt they'd mess it up? None of the garbage they've produced should be surprising. It's Disney. They care about money and nothing else.


Not surprised they ruined it ... Am a little surprised that they are literally kicking it's dead corpse in the face now however...


I think the new one are much better than the pre trilogy so I dont think they ruined them and based on the amount of money they make a lot of people tend to agree.


I was very surprised. I expected them to soften it a little but not ruin it. The care Disney takes with its cartoons was an indicator of their commitment to excellence. I too thought that TFA was better than the prequels. Not perfect but still pretty good with all its flaws. Then R1 came out and it was decent action but just mad smashing of the fan-service button (the beginning of the fall IMO). TLJ and Solo were so bad and even purposely insulting that I felt like Disney as a company had changed. Never would have guessed that they would ruin such a long standing pillar of pop culture.

SW has its die hard fans that will love anything with the name attached so they can visit whatever indignities upon it they like and still depend on that dollar for another 40 years.


Disney makes great movies but they are unable to make great Star Wars movies, only Lucas can do that.


Clearly lots of people, especially the toxic fanfom i.e. over the top Lucas ruined my childhood, prequel haters were excited that George Lucas sold his franchise.

Me personally though upon hearing the announcement my first thought was very appropriately"I have a bad feeling about this" with a sick feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach. I tried to stay cautiously optimistic but the atrociousness that was TFA realized all my worst fears and the rest was history.


Trump ruined Star Wars


KK saved it


Are you a moron? Please tell me you're joking. Kuntleen Kennedy betrayed George Lucas and shat on his entire legacy.


Well in 2015 I don't think I had as much reason to suspect they'd mess it up, as they didn't seem as bad/greedy as they are now. But based on the trailer and how fanfictiony it looked, I should have known it would not be good. But alas I was fooled along with everyone else into seeing that piece of shit Force Awakens. That (as well as their decision to rereboot Spider-Man) really woke me up as to how shit Disney is and have been boycotting them ever since. It's just a shame so many other people did not get the lesson, and are still being fooled to this day. I won't even pay to see Toy Story 4, as Disney own Pixar.
