Is a Star Wars - Star Trek crossover movie possible ??
What do you think ??
shareKirk: there's something odd about moon.
Spock: that "moon" is an artificial satellite and there's a huge energy build up.
Kirk: could it be weapon, mr spock?
Spock: affirmative captain.
Kirk: red alert! fire photon torpedoes.
Spock: direct hit. the threat has been destroyed.
that would be a no ??
shareNo. One is set in our own galaxy in the future, the other is set in as different galaxy a long time ago.
It'd take a TARDIS to bring the two cultures together!
pointed taken
shareThey have time traveled in Star Trek so it can happen.
shareBut they haven't traveled to other galaxies! In fact, they've established that the trip to the nearest galaxy would take centuries of our time.
Unless there's a wormhole episode I've missed, of course.
Ah but what if Star Wars takes place in the Milky Way!
shareBut it DEFINITELY says "In a galaxy far far away"!
If you can't trust the Star Wars backstory crawl, what can you trust?
Lol true. I guess it depends how you read it. I always understood it as being far far away in time but I guess it could be space too.
shareI've always blindly assumed the crawl meant what it said, that the action was supposed to take place in another galaxy, where no facts could be checked.
sharehere you go
shareAs much as I would like this I don't see it happening simply because the cinematic Star Wars universe hasn't established itself in a way where something like that can happen. The main trilogies are too personal and localised. There's no conflict in the galaxy except the Rebels vs First Order which will probably be wrapped up in Episode IX. So you would have to create a conflict big enough to require a crossover but small enough that it has minimal consequences for the universe. Also it would really mess with the idea of Star Wars being in a galaxy far far away which is what I always liked about it. While the characters are obviously human and look like us they still feel alien in a way, at least in the OT and the prequels. Star Trek gives me more of a "this could realistically be our future" vibe and I don't think the two franchises would gel together. They operate on different philosophies.
I know I'm probably overthinking it but that's my take.
A Star Wars - Star Trek crossover movie?? that is a awesome idea.
the movie should be directed by JJ Abrams and the script should Written by JJ Abrams & Rian Johnson.
Star Trek is like 300 years in Earth's future and it happens in OUR galaxy.
Star Wars was A LONG TIME AGO in a galaxy FAR FAR AWAY.