Director J.J. News Spawns Bizarre Fan Petition

Almost 1500 signatures!

Star Wars fans abroad were upset with the result of J.J. Abrams’ directing of Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens. Although not reflected in the box office sales, most fans agree that Abrams’ vision for Episode VII resulted in a rehash of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. There was virtually no creativity, and no risks taken. Such complacency cannot be the trajectory of this sequel trilogy. More specifically, the metric for success in a Star Wars movie cannot be box office sales. Lucasfilm and Disney need to listen to fan criticism. Star Wars fans deserve better. They demand better.

At the start of the new sequel trilogy, beginning with The Force Awakens, Lucasfilm and Disney promised a new director for each movie to promote a fresh new vision on every installment. With the hiring of J.J. Abrams to direct the upcoming Episode IX, Lucasfilm and Disney have both reneged on this promise.

Therefore, to prevent Star Wars Episode IX from becoming yet another rip off of the original trilogy (specifically, a rip off of Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi), and for the good of the Star Wars brand, we demand that Kathleen Kennedy replace J.J. Abrams as director of the upcoming Episode IX film.


Most fans do not agree it was a rehash of ANH. It looks that way if you focus on Starkiller base as the only thing happening in the movie.


Please check you eyesight, because it looks like you are going blind.


lol I know, even many people that like it alot admit its a rehash. I think even JJ admits its essentially a rehash, saying to go backwards to go forward.


Rehash and homage are different.

As I said: If one is to focus on "destroy Starkiller base" as if it's the only element of the plot and the only story in the movie, then yes it looks like a direct rehash.

People do tend to focus on the biggest, most obvious things, often in a vacuum. I might as well say that every WWII movie is a rehash of every other WWII movie.


True and if Starkiller base was the only would have a point..since its not and the director essentially admits the films plot is a rehash to remind people of the story of Star Wars I am going to lean towards the opinion of people on both sides of TFA that call it rehash or "homage" in this case meaning essentially the same thing. JJ played it safe and essentially remade the first film with some slight alterations..within the same film series.

If a WW2 movie made essentially the same movie in one of its sequels to same basic story arc, similar settings, to similar climax you would call it a fact people do in fact call extremely similar films about a similar subjects rehashes let alone sequels that do it.

Its really a dead issue, you like TFA...thats great. I like it too but I admit its faults as I see them. The films is not without legit criticism and there is little doubt the story it used is a legit criticism used by people that both like it and hate it.
