MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > I give Rian Johnson the benefit of the d...

I give Rian Johnson the benefit of the doubt

Now I don't deny that he has said things sometimes that made him sound like a bully, but I do have trust that despite all its perceived faults he had good faith in his vision for The Last Jedi and really set out to honor the Star Wars legacy even though the majority seems not to see it that way. I give him the benefit of the doubt he was only aiming to be jokey but that humor is not one of his strong suits and his attempts at humor can sometimes come across as distasteful and/or be unwittingly mean but that he really didn't say those things with malicious intent.


The problem with the Sequel Trilogy is that unlike Lucas having a set story for each trilogy, Disney were just making it up as they went along and gave free rein over their directors to do things as Disney wanted, and fired them when they didn't. Of course, Johnson was happy to kiss Kathleen Kennedy's ass and to follow her bullshit liberal agenda, so that's why his dumb movie got made.

Look what Last Jedi has done to the fanbase, it has fractured and polarised it, and what's more, many former SW fans have sworn off the franchise for life, or to boycott any future movies. Even JJ Abrams will have to repair the damage Johnson has done to beloved OT characters and even the TFA characters, the latter of which I didn't care for.

It's like Star Wars is an expensive car, and Johnson took the wheel from the Disney driver, pulled it hard to one side and crashed it into a wall at high speed. Try to repair that level of damage and have things the way they were, they'll be lucky if it isn't a write-off. This is Star Wars at the moment: smoking wreckage.


Lucas' overarching concept was extremely basic and the details were changed often.

He indeed made it up as he went along. He also had to compensate for problems that his changes created, or ignore the problems.

Such as:
-In the original Star Wars, Vader is a warlord and specifically not Luke's father, and the plan was to bring his father along later, the triumphant return of the legendary Jedi. Thus, Kenobi's "lie" had to be later explained and compensated for, because he was telling the truth as he understood it (the idea was probably that he saw Luke's father cut down by Vader and believed him to be dead).

-In Empire, Vader has been changed to Luke's father, but Leia was still officially unrelated to Luke. This is why they kiss and there is a hint of a love triangle or competition between Han and Luke, although it's only to motivate Han.

-In Jedi, Leia is now officially Luke's sister and Vader's daughter. Leia, of course, officially knew the mother that Luke never did, and is able to tell him a bit about her. This is much later contradicted in Revenge of the Jedi.

These are just the examples dealing with the main character relationships, but it demonstrates at what a fundamental level the stories were changed as Lucas went along. The most basic concepts were in place from the beginning, mostly with facing Vader, facing the Emperor, and toppling the Empire. Very very basic concepts, essentially "the good guys will eventually win."


This is all true. However, Lucas at least had a vision and direction. The Last Jedi did a complete 180 after TFA which left us with a direction that is near impossible to continue from. How do you wrap this trilogy up in 1 movie after TLJ?... It's not going to be smooth. Bet my bottom dollar JJ leaves it on clif hanger that won't be continue for 15 years.


agreed, Rian Johnson is a moron


What exactly has he actually said that made hims sound like a bully?


Are you aware that on opening day of TLJ, he received no less than 3 million [confirmed] death threats, which have been mounting ever since?

He is a terrible writer and film-maker, and should be horse-whipped for what he did to this movie. The only reason he ever got anywhere was because JJ Abrams was stupid enough to be friends with him and give him free reign over the story. I would cheer if Rian Johnson was publicly executed SW style.


Not even Alex Jones would come up with such a silly statistic. Many casual fans liked the film. It's the hardcore fans who are doing most of the whining.

Kennedy and Disney are obviously happy with Johnson's blockbuster. Nothing was done without their approval.


Pretty much everyone i know that watched it, hardcore , non hardcore, thought it was crap, it is crap


I know a few people at work who liked this movie and even sites like Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB show minor approval. I don't believe they were paying close attention to the story or they would know it made no sense.

Solo was crap. Last Jedi is much worst.


I am lukewarm towards Star Wars in general. I disliked TLJ for being to much of a copy of ANH.
While TLJ was indeed a "beautifully made film" it literally obliterated everything that made Star Wars and I hated it. The only thing, the saving grace of TLJ was the cinematography and special effects.


Still waiting to hear who he has bullied and how he's bullied them.




Ah. So someone tells the world, falsely, that a person's about to be fired. The person says that it stinks and that's called bullying?

"Thoughts and prayers."


Lol toto the shill


You give Rian Johnson the benefit of the doubt?

I give Rian Johnson a kick up the arse.
