CBS has just rebooted Magnum PI, with an unmoustached Hispanic replacing a moustached caucasian. This is their 4th reboot of 1980's TV shows. The purpose is always the same, to subvert rather than pay tribute to. We are not allowed to have culture because culture is what holds us together as a people, so the wealthy must destroy it. Why wouldn't they? Liberal politics and diversity replace escapist fantasy. Government attempts to do the same thing with holidays. Look at religious holidays like a Christmas or Ramadan or especially Jewish holidays, all based on violent military conflicts. Then look at government holidays like World AIDS Day, or, I'm not making this up, "International Day Of Zero Tolerance For Female Genital Mutilation". How do you celebrate that? By not mutilating your daughter!? It's a farce. We are not intended to be able to celebrate or come together. We are intended to become agitated isolated and confused.
It is hard to grow out of liberalism. You want to be fair and tolerant. But that is weakness. That is the establishment's weapon against you, symbolized in Colin Kaepernick's unholy alliance with slave labor Nike.
Do not let them tarnish your memories. Star Wars is too big for Disney.
Religion, sex, race, politics, gender. Keep the population bickering amongst themselves over inconsequential garbage and they're too busy to see what the power elite are really up to.
The only people bickering are those that would rather they didn't have to see, hear or know about other religions, genders, races etc, except in the narrow context they are already familiar with.
That's your idea of bickering? What weird response.
A feminist is someone who is NOT satisfied with the familiarly narrow ways in which men and women are treated or expected to behave.
There's only bickering comes from some people who are happy in their comfort zone so therefore get upset when their little world seems threatened by people around them being less than comfortable for perfectly valid reasons.
If you want to escape back to ignorance, go ahead. It might shock you to learn that Lucas based his GFFA and the Empire, the Emperor etc on Nixon and the Vietnam war.
You don't celebrate those days. They are there to raise awareness so that people can make their minds up on the issue, or think nothing more if they choose.
I think that being aware of other people's comparative lack of rights and liberties which you take for granted is a thing that we can all come together round. If not you can let other people do so without you. Rather than complain about their sense of empathy.
But if you'd rather the world came together to pretend it's Magnum just like it was 30 years ago, you're going to find that you won't be the majority and that doing so inherently pushes people out.
Oh and there's nothing stopping you from saying Merry Christmas. Ever.
And another thing. Last time I checked. Iconic Magnum PI is still repeated/rerun here and there and is preserved on home video. So hardly destroyed, is it?
One more: "Our" cultural icons were created by ...... (tada!) the media.
As someone who was a kid in the 70's and a teen in the 80's it is mind blowing how many reboots and remakes of movies and shows they've done over the last 25 years or so. It is as if every show and movie I grew up with is now being remade or some decades old sequel is coming out.
It is as if we reached 2000 or so and people lost the ability to come up with something new and fresh so they now rehash every old show.
I'm waiting for the Punky Brewster and Short Circuit remakes. Taxi was a hit, let's redo that.
1.) New (and definitely not better) management taking over in various media areas, like new CEO's taking over tv networks and making terrible decisions.
2.) New generations of writers and producers coming in, though the problem is, they're not necessarily better.
3.) The writer's strike of 2008 has had a long-term bad impact on show biz and tv in general. A lot of veteran writers were angry that they were not getting royalties for shows that THEY helped write when said shows came out on DVD, as well as other abuses that you can look up. A lot of tv shows suffered as a result, both during, and after the strike was over. It was actually worse after the strike was over, because while the writers got what they wanted, many were just fed up with the entire situation and quit, leaving a gigantic hole in the pool of creativity for Hollywood and tv. It's only become more obvious in the 2010s when tv and theaters started cranking out lousy, poorly-written stories. It seems things have only gone downhill since then.
However, I noticed a decline in tv quality slightly earlier than that, around 2004/5 onward, and there's data you can look up for movie revenue that backs this up.
I have friends who work in China. The people in that country who work for Nike are as close to slave labor as you can get. Time for you to get your head out of the sand, and open your eyes to what is going on in the world around you.
Lately I too have come to believe that disney destroyed Star Wars on purpose. It makes sense that a part of the evil empire disney would want to divide us any and every way that they can. It really is sad. As soon as I heard about disney buying Star Wars, and their jettisoning of the EU, I knew that I would pass on whatever they came up with. Getting the band back together and having them have three more adventures should have been easy, but for the turds at disney it wasn't. There is no way that anyone can be as dumb as to do what disney has done. This was their plan from the get go.
The Walt Disney company has been rotting ever since Walt himself died in '66. It just didn't become obvious until 30 years later, during the middle part of the Disney Renaissance in the 1990s, when they started making PC-heavily-themed musicals like Pocahontas, Hunchback of Notre Dame, and Hercules. It seems the company has been taken over by greedy [fake] Jewish businessmen, (I call them fake, because while many powerful people in Hollywood claim Jewish ancestry, they do not by any stretch of the imagination follow the tenets of Judaism. They chose money over Yaweh. Real Jews are nothing like these money-worshiping creeps). Not to mention the people in charge of Disney started giving gays preferential treatment, and covering up bad treatment of employees once Michael Eisner got control of the company. We all cheered when the company threw him out, but by then it was too late.
Now we've got all this gross, SJW, left-leaning, PC propaganda coming out of their movies, including introducing princesses who have no male counterpart (because women don't need significant others in today's society, right?) I can't even bear to watch ABC anymore because their tv shows are just one big gay propaganda fest after another, with bad writing and the overdone cliche of family sitcoms that don't appeal to anyone with an IQ higher than 60.
Face it, Disney's going downhill, and this Star Wars fiasco is just icing on the cake.
I hated 90s disney. I had to sit through most of that rubbish with my (then) girlfriend. I use to either fall asleep or do what teenagers do in their parents basement while "watching" bad movies. Late 70s and 80s Disney was so dark and creepy and Disney prior to that was really great and innovative. Then the 90s hit and disney was simply dreadful. The stuff that you mentioned is (to me) unwatchable. I don't think that I have seen a disney movie since Toy Story... and is that really considered to be a disney movie? Or is it Pixar? Or are they one and the same? I don't know. I stopped paying attention to Disney a long time ago.
The Jewish people in hollywood are not Jews. They are evil perverts and pedophiles. That (like you said) push an evil SJW agenda.
I'm not sure what broadcast TV is like these days as I pretty much stopped watching broadcast TV after Married With Children and Cheers when off the air - a very long time ago. After that I switched to watching cable TV shows, but eventually the SJW propaganda ventured into that too. So, I just gave up on TV altogether. Now I go to yard sales, tag sales and estate sales in order to hunt down old VHS tapes so that I can watch and preserve movies, and shows that were broadcast 20 to 40 years ago. The shows, the stations, hell even the commercials were a heck of a lot more enjoyable back then. Some people may find that weird, but it works for me.
As for Star Wars, I have damn near all of the books from before the prequels came out and that is my extended universe Star Wars. Not that money grabbing fan fiction that disney put out.