I've heard Carrie Fisher is a writer, but I'm not familiar with her work. Why didn't she write the new trilogy? She's probably aware of how arduous a task it would have been. I mean, as you said she is an accomplished writer, but those were probably her own ideas and visions, Star Wars is probably something she is fond of being a part of but being responsible for the creative writing process is a much more mentally draining and demanding responsibility.
To be honest, it's a big ask to ask anyone to take on the writing responsibilities of a new trilogy in a much-beloved franchise. I could understand anyone who would turn down the opportunity. So, honestly, I just think she wouldn't want the responsibility. Plus, with her minimal screentime and depleting health, she probably wasn't all that invested in the new trilogy. Mark Hamill seemed to be the only one anxious to get back, but that's completely faded now.
BTW Kathleen Kennedy is all talk, she's all for saying she wants to hire more women, but in reality, I doubt she cares, it's all for show, as long as she's earning money and on top, the women beneath her will have to find their own way to the top like she did.