Poe is the only decent character left

Luke and Han are dead in universe
Leia will either be dead, or will be "elsewhere" during the events of IX
Snoke is dead
Rey is boring, and the only interesting thing about her (the mystery) was handwaved away
Kyle is just a whinger
Finn is pointless


I thought Finn had a lot of potential but they squandered it.


He should have known that self sacrifice is noble just if a woman does it! Really!



I thought so too. I enjoyed his character in TFA, thought maybe they were even going to give him Force potential, but then he was rendered useless in TLJ.


Poe is at least boring. What a great movie Last Hope would have been if it would have been just boring :( . And dont dare to attack Emo Vader!


BB-8 is a Mary Sue
